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Presentation transcript:

Objective: To examine the similarities and differences between the three colonial regions. New Hampshire New York Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia

13 Colonies KEY New England Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut Middle Colonies New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware Southern Colonies Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia

New England Colonies Farming was difficult in New England because of: • long winters • thick forests • rocky soil * Fishing and trade became major industries in New England.

In order to learn these skills, people became apprentices. …lumbering. …barrel making. …sailmaking. A growing fishing industry in New England caused an increase in… …shipbuilding. …metal working. (blacksmith) In order to learn these skills, people became apprentices. Apprentice - a person who learns a trade or craft from a master craftsworker.

Middle Colonies New York was first settled by the Dutch, then the English. Pennsylvania was originally a Quaker settlement. In time, Pennsylvania was settled by German-speaking Protestants known as the Pennsylvania Dutch. Farmers exported grain such as wheat, barley, and rye. Therefore, the Middle Colonies became known as the Breadbasket Colonies.

Southern Colonies • The South has rich soil and a warm climate. • Tobacco, rice, and indigo were grown on plantations. Planters, or plantation owners, relied on slave labor to accumulate massive wealth. Plantation - large estate farmed by many workers