WG ILC 7-8.11.2018 Nucleus variables.


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Presentation transcript:

WG ILC 7-8.11.2018 Nucleus variables

Outline Comparison of current nucleus with the revised nucleus - changes Nucleus variables - issues still to discuss List of topics and detailed topics – changes Questions for WG members

Comparison of current nucleus with revised Eurostat prepared a comparison of the current EU-SILC (based on year 2019) and the revised EU-SILC. The full comparison is available in the Annex (LC—ILC/228A/18/EN).

Comparison of current nucleus with revised - Variables moved to modules Imputed rent Actively looking for a job Available for work Worked at least one hour during the previous week Reason for working less than 30h Number of persons working at the local unit Change of job since last year Reason to change When began first regular job

Comparison of current nucleus with revised - Variables moved to modules Bath or shower in dwelling Lowest monthly income to make ends meet Financial burden of the total housing cost Problems with the dwelling: Too dark, not enough light Noise from neighbours or from the street Pollution, grime or other environment problems Crime, violence or vandalism in the area

Comparison of current nucleus with revised - Variables about non-current household members deleted Month moved out or died Year moved out or died Number of months in household during the income reference period Main activity status during the income reference period Month moved in Year moved in

Comparison of current nucleus with revised - other variables agreed to be deleted Optional employer's social insurance contributions Person 1 responsible for the accommodation Person 2 responsible for the accommodation Year of contract or purchasing or installation Year of immigration Type of interview

Comparison of current nucleus with revised - Variables introduced because of standardised Country of birth of mother Country of birth of father Duration of stay in the country of residence in completed years Passing of birthday at the time of the interview Full or part time main job Grid Current income (?)

Comparison of current nucleus with revised - other variables agreed to be added to nucleus Trust in others Overall life satisfaction Taxes paid on ownership of household main dwelling

Variables still to be discussed Labour variables for persons currently not working (needed by Euromod) Duration of the most recent spell of unemployment Status in employment (last job) Occupation (ISCO-08 (COM)) Last job NACE Rev.2 - Last job Managerial position

Labour information about last job Information about last job is crucial: for additional tools such as the Labour Market Adjustment add-on used for Eurostat’s Flash Estimates on poverty and income inequality for the calculation of Net-replacement rates where the currently unemployed are transitioned to employment. improves the precision of estimating the earnings of the newly employed and the corresponding social insurance contributions which are sector-dependent in many countries.

Labour information about last job Information would be collected on who are not working are at the time of interview Currently information on last job is collected as part of variables: PL051 and PL040 Collecting information about last job would be new for NACE. Burden could be reduced by collecting only for persons in working age.

Harmonisation LFS and SILC Harmonising reference periods when possible Harmonising concepts when possible Harmonising answer modalities when possible There will be some variables where full harmonisation will not be possible e.g. PL100 'Total number of hours usually worked in 2nd, 3rd,…jobs' could not be limited to 2 jobs as in LFS. This variable is used for LWI.

Other variables still to be discussed Change in income compared to previous year Reason for decrease in income Reason for increase in income Future income Tested in 2019 Eurostat proposes to collect in annually in the revised EU-SILC

Other variables still to be discussed Current household income PY200 Gross monthly earnings for employees Current income is a standardised variable but there is no proposal for EU-SILC yet. Information obtained could be used for flash estimates.

List of topics and detailed topics - changes Detailed topics showed during WG Detailed topics as introduced by parliament and agreed by Bulgarian Presidency Household composition-details Household composition – additional specific details Minimum European Health Module Disability and Minimum European Health Module Health status and disability Details on health status and disability Child deprivation Children-specific deprivation Use of services, including care services Use of services, including care services and services for independent living Affordability Affordability of services Income from allowances Income from social transfers Other incomes Other incomes, including income from property and capital and inter-household transfers Taxes and contributions Taxes and contributions actually paid after reductions Total income Total annual income at household and respondent level Over-indebtedness Over-indebtedness including reasons Wealth Elements of wealth, including dwelling ownership Main consumption components Elements of consumption Intergenerational transmission of disadvantages Intergenerational transmission of advantages and disadvantages

List of topics and detailed topics - changes Detailed topics showed during WG Detailed topics as introduced by parliament and agreed by Bulgarian Presidency Housing cost Housing costs including reduced utility costs Educational attainment- details Educational attainment- details, including education interrupted or abandoned   Assessment of own needs Housing difficulties (including renting difficulties) and reasons

Consequences of changes in topics and detailed topics Need for additional variables: Education interrupted or abandoned Reduced utility bills Renting difficulties As 'Assessment of own needs' would be proposed variable HS130 Lowest monthly income to make ends meet

Education interrupted or abandoned Before detailed topic: 'Educational attainment-details' had only 1 variable - 'PE030 Year when highest level of education was attained' It was planned to be collected annually Now detailed topic: 'Educational attainment - details, including education interrupted or abandoned' with 2 variables- 'PE030 Year when highest level of education was attained' and 'Education interrupted or abandoned' Need to decide on frequency of collecting this information

Education interrupted or abandoned In excel, it is proposed by Eurostat to be collected every 3-years OR Collected annually but only from respondents within certain age range

Education interrupted or abandoned Information collected in LFS ad-hoc module 2016 on young people on the labour market Use of several variables: Level of additional formal education (that person started after reaching highest level of education) Reason for dropping out Date of living formal education Reason for not continuing education

Reduced utility bills Would be collected under detailed topic 'Housing cost including reduced utility costs', this topic is annual Collected together with variables: Current rent related to occupied dwelling Total housing cost Mortgage principal repayment

Renting difficulties Eurostat asked to create new detailed topic to accommodate 5 variables on Housing difficulties A topic 'Housing difficulties (including renting difficulties) and reasons' was proposed by the parliament and agreed by the Bulgarian Presidency Consequently, there is a need to collect information on renting difficulties The information would be collected every 6 years Eurostat would propose one simple variable e.g. 'Burden of paying rent'?

Comparison of current nucleus with revised - number of variables SILC 2019 Revised SILC Variables collected from respondent 142 125 Comparison available in Annex LC228A List of variables

Comparison of current nucleus with revised- number of variables Variables collected from a responding unit – 125 This includes variables still being discussed: - Change in income compared to previous year - Reason for decrease in income Reason for increase in income Future income Gross monthly earnings for employees Current income - Status in employment (last job) - Occupation (ISCO-08 (COM)) - NACE Rev.2 - Last job - Reduced utility bill

WG Members are asked to: share any experience of collecting: 'Reduced utility bills', 'Education interrupted or abandoned' and 'Renting difficulties'; decide on the frequency of collecting variables in detailed topic 'Educational attainment- details, including education interrupted or abandoned'; confirm that 'HS130 Lowest monthly income to make ends meet' could be collected in detailed topic 'Assessment of own needs'; provide their opinion on each of the above listed variables which are under discussion. provide their opinion on harmonising SILC and LFS variables