National e Vidhan Application Digital Legislatures


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Presentation transcript:

National e Vidhan Application Digital Legislatures One Nation One Application Technical Session Presented By CPMU, Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs

First Level Training :What are the Menus & Master data need to update in Neva Public Site Historical Background House Secretariat Rules of House Committee System House Committee Committee Meetings Media Right To Information Member Amenities Contacts * Denotes Data is Pre Loaded in Tables. Denotes Master Data. Member Member Profile Women Members House Details Session Type * Events* Sub Events* House Session Session Date It reflects automatically while updating Member Mapping with house.

Constituency Category* Member Details Member Designation* Location Directory State* District Constituency Constituency Category* Member Details Member Designation* Member Qualifications* Party* Members Member House * Denotes Data is Pre Loaded in Tables. Denotes Master Data. Minister Details Ministry Ministry Ministers Ministry Departments Department Department Details Site Settings House Session

Regularly Updating contents on Neva public site Notice Board News Images of House Events Session Document like: List of Business Starred Questions Unstarred Questions Brief of Proceedings House Proceedings Provisional Calendar Rotation of Ministries Bulletin Part I Bulletin Part II

How to Update Neva Public Site Menu Contents: Historical Background:

House Secretariat

Committee System

Members Amenities

Committee Meetings

Right to Information

Rules of House

Contacts >> Create Contact Group for creating contacts

Contact >> Create Contact Under Created Groups:


How to Update Master Data: House Details House:


Session Date

Location Directory District


Member Details Members

Member House

Department Department Details

Minister Details Ministry

Ministry Ministers

Ministry Departments

Regularly Updating contents on Neva public site Notice Board


Images of House Events

How to upload Session Related Documents: List of Business:

Starred Questions Unstarred Questions Brief of Proceedings House Proceedings Provisional Calendar Rotation of Ministries Bulletin Part 1 Bulletin Part 2

Second Level Training : Till now we have updated all master data now our secure site is ready for work flow based modules like Questions/Notice processing Now we will know about Complete Work flow of Question Processing system.

How to Send Question to Legislative Assembly by Hon'ble Member ?

How to Diary a Question given by Hon'ble Member to Notice Section?

After Diary of Question Legislation Department will assign question to typist for typing content.

Typist will type the content of a question.

Proof Reader will recheck the content of a question typed by typist.

How to Bracket Question for clubbing ? Legislation-(Bracketing)

After bracketing Question is to be Clubbed. Legislation-(Clubbing)

Process questions by Legislation Department:

Initial Approval of Secretary for intimating department about question.

Fixing of Question by Legislation Department (Question Fixing)

Translator will recheck the content of questions and create question book by clicking Generate & Preview Pdf button.

Secretary will final approved all question fixed for a date in one click & published question book on public site.

Third Level Training : For Government Ministries/Departments How to attach reply of questions/Notices? How to send government bills to Legislature? How to send other papers to legislature?

Ministry/Department send reply of questions send to legislature.

Ministry/Department (Notices)

Ministry/Department (Bills) Send Govt. Bills To Legislature.

Ministry/Department Sent Other Papers To Legislature.

Fourth Level Training: How to create List of Business for a session date. LOB is a Agenda for a day of Session Date . LOB Consist of Events like: OATH OR AFFIRMATION OBITUARY REFERENCES PAPERS TO BE LAID ON THE TABLE STATEMENT BY MINISTER * QUESTIONS LEGISLATIVE BUSINESS

How to create List of Business :

Pending LOB List :

LOB Submitted List to Secretary for approval :

Approval of LOB from Secretary :

Thank You