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Login Screen: Login Screen is the first screen. We need to enter valid user name and password to login into colleges main dashboard. Enter valid user name.

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Presentation on theme: "Login Screen: Login Screen is the first screen. We need to enter valid user name and password to login into colleges main dashboard. Enter valid user name."— Presentation transcript:

1 Login Screen: Login Screen is the first screen. We need to enter valid user name and password to login into colleges main dashboard. Enter valid user name and password to login

2 1. Dash board: Dash board contains a main menu which contains submenus and the links for the web pages.

3 Setup Menu – Basic Info: Setup menu contains an important menu item ‘Basic Info’ which will have the default basic information of the college. Click on the “Basic info “to edit and update the college information as you require.

4 Setup Menu – Basic Info: Click on edit button to update the basic info

5 Setup Menu – Marking Period: Setup menu contains a menu item ‘Marking Period’ which will have the year breakups of the course. Click on save button to update the information Select Course to update the Semesters for the selected year.

6 Setup Menu – Calendar: Setup menu contains a menu item ‘Calendar’ which will have the information of schedules, events etc. Click on save button to update the information if you don’t find any calendar you need to create a default calendar select ‘Is default’ checkbox to create a default calendar

7 Setup Menu – Periods: Setup menu contains a menu item ‘Periods’ which will have the information of teaching class periods. Click on add(+) button to add period info Click on edit button to update period info Click on delete button to delete period info

8 Setup Menu – Courses: Setup menu contains a menu item ‘Courses’ which will have the information of course info. Click on edit button to update course info Click on delete button to delete course info Click on save button to add course info

9 Setup Menu – Subjects: Setup menu contains a menu item ‘Subjects’ which will have the information of subjects info. Click on edit button to update subject info Click on delete button to delete subject info Click on add(+) button to add subject info

10 Setup Menu – Department : Setup menu contains a menu item ‘Department ’ which will have the information of Department info. Click on add department link to add new department Click on save button to update the information

11 Setup Menu – Department : Setup menu contains a menu item ‘Department ’ which will have the information of Department info. Click on change HOD info link to change HOD info Click on save button to update the information Click on go button to search HODs in a department

12 Setup Menu – Department : Setup menu contains a menu item ‘Department ’ which will have the information of Department info. Click on HOD list link To see the list of HODS

13 Setup Menu – Department : Setup menu contains a menu item ‘Department ’ which will have the information of Department info. Click on Department List To see the list of Departments

14 Setup Menu – Designation: Setup menu contains a menu item ‘Designation’ which will have the information of Designations info. Select Technical / Non Technical to view /add/delete Designations

15 Setup Menu – Fees Master : Setup menu contains a menu item ‘Fees Master ’ which will have the information of Fee info. Select “Create Fee Type” to create fee

16 Setup Menu – Fees Master : Setup menu contains a menu item ‘Fees Master ’ which will have the information of Fee info. Select “Assign Fee” to assign fee to the course for a particular year

17 Setup Menu – Fees Master : Setup menu contains a menu item ‘Fees Master ’ which will have the information of Fee info. Select “View Fee Details” to see fee details

18 Setup Menu – Sections : Setup menu contains a menu item ‘Sections ’ which will have the information of Sections info. We can add / edit / delete sections.

19 Human Resources – Employee: Human Resources contains a menu item ‘Employee-->Add Employee ’ which redirects to add employee page. Continue…

20 Human Resources – Employee: Human Resources contains a menu item ‘Employee-->Add Employee ’ which redirects to add employee page. Click on save button to add staff info

21 Human Resources – Employee: Human Resources contains a menu item ‘Employee-->View Employee ’ which redirects to View employee page. We can search staff by name /staff code / mobile number by selecting ‘Department” Click on staff name link to view complete details

22 Human Resources – Leave Management: Human Resources contains a menu item ‘Leave Management’ which redirects to leave settings page that contains information of leaves added for a particular year.. Click on Add new link to add leave period for a particular year.

23 Human Resources – Leave Management: Human Resources contains a menu item ‘Leave Management’ which redirects to leave settings page that contains information of leaves added for a particular year.. Click on Add new link to add leave period for a particular year. Select effective year to add leave types for that year.

24 Human Resources – Staff Attendance: Human Resources contains a menu item ‘Staff Attendance’ which contains information of staff attendance. Select Department, date and click on go button to see the staff attendance. Click on submit button to add attendance If anyone absent write reason in comments

25 Human Resources – Pay Grade : Human Resources contains a menu item ‘Pay Grade ’ which contains information of Pay Grade. Click on Add Grade link to add Grade and Basic Salary

26 Human Resources – Pay Grade : Human Resources contains a menu item ‘Pay Grade ’ which contains information of Pay Grade. Click on Edit Grade link to Edit Grade and Basic Salary

27 Human Resources – Pay Grade : Human Resources contains a menu item ‘Pay Grade ’ which contains information of Pay Grade. Select Grade to add allowances and deductions for that grade.

28 Human Resources – Pay Slips : Human Resources contains a menu item ‘Pay Slips’ which contains information of Pay Slips. Select a month and click on go button. Select month and click on go button to see number of working days in selected month

29 Human Resources – Pay Slips : Human Resources contains a menu item ‘Pay Slips’ which contains information of Pay Slips. Click on calculate leaves to view salary details

30 Human Resources – Pay Slips : Human Resources contains a menu item ‘Pay Slips’ which contains information of Pay Slips. Click on save button to generate pay slip

31 Human Resources – Pay Slips : Human Resources contains a menu item ‘Pay Slips’ which contains information of Pay Slips. Select month and select staff to see the pay slip generated Click on pdf button to download pay slip

32 Human Resources –Staff Documents: Human Resources contains a menu item ‘Staff Documents’ which contains information of staff records. Upload staff records by selecting department and Staff name. Click on download button to download atached documents Click on delete button to delete attached documents

33 Student – Add Student: Student contains a menu item ‘Add Student’ which redirects to add student page. Continue…

34 Student – Add Student: Student contains a menu item ‘Add Student’ which redirects to add student page. Continue…

35 Student – Add Student: Student contains a menu item ‘Add Student’ which redirects to add student page. Continue…

36 Student – Add Student: Student contains a menu item ‘Add Student’ which redirects to add student page.

37 Student – Student List: Student contains a menu item ‘Student List’ which shows the list of students and their information by search option. We can search a student by name/roll no./ Hallticket no. We can edit student info by clicking on edit button.

38 Student – Assign Fee: Student contains a menu item ‘Assign Fee’ which redirects to assign fee to student page in which we can assign fee to a single student of multiple students Select course, stream, year and select students to assign fee. Click on save button to add fee to students

39 Student – Marks Entry: Student contains a menu item ‘Marks Entry’ which redirects to marks entry page in which we can enter examination marks of students. Click on search button to view /enter marks of students

40 Student – Marks Entry: Student contains a menu item ‘Marks Entry’ which redirects to marks entry page in which we can enter examination marks of students. Click on save button to add / update student’s marks

41 Human Resources – Student Attendance: Human Resources contains a menu item ‘Student Attendance’ which contains information of Student attendance. Select course, stream, section, date and click on go button to see student attendance. Click on submit button to add attendance If anyone absent write reason in comments

42 Student – Fee Payment: Student contains a menu item ‘Fee Payment’ which redirects to Fee Payment page. This page contains information to pay the fee of a particular student. Select course, year and enter student name /roll no and then press go button to pay the fee of a particular student

43 Activities – Library: Activities contains a menu item ‘Library ->Book Info’ which contains the information of books added in library, books added in stock, books available in stock, books issued, books returned, books pending etc. We can search books by using keywords of book name/ author/ publisher.

44 Activities – Library: Activities contains a menu item ‘Library ->Book Info’ which contains the information of books added in library, books added in stock, books available in stock, books issued, books returned, books pending etc. Select member and add issue date and due date and click on save to issue the selected book Click on issue book icon to show issue panel

45 Activities – Library: Activities contains a menu item ‘Library ->Book Info’ which contains the information of books added in library, books added in stock, books available in stock, books issued, books returned, books pending etc. Click on view/edit icon to show edit panel to edit and update book info

46 Activities – Library: Activities contains a menu item ‘Library ->Book Info’ which contains the information of books added in library, books added in stock, books available in stock, books issued, books returned, books pending etc. Enter all the book details and click save button to save book info If category not present in category list select “Add New” in dropdown list and add category. Select book name, enter quantity and price to update in stock.

47 Activities – Library: Activities contains a menu item ‘Library ->Book Info’ which contains the information of books added in library, books added in stock, books available in stock, books issued, books returned, books pending etc. Select member to see the issued books Select receive if we need to receive the book/ select pending if due date is over and wasn’t returned the book. Click on receive book link to show receive panel

48 Activities – Library: Activities contains a menu item ‘Library ->Book Info’ which contains the information of books added in library, books added in stock, books available in stock, books issued, books returned, books pending etc. Click on edit button to edit category

49 Activities – Library: Activities contains a menu item ‘Library ->Book Info’ which contains the information of books added in library, books added in stock, books available in stock, books issued, books returned, books pending etc. Click on search button to see stock info Click this to see the stock of a selected book Click this to add extra stock of a selected book

50 Activities – Library: Activities contains a menu item ‘Library ->Book Info’ which contains the information of books added in library, books added in stock, books available in stock, books issued, books returned, books pending etc. Click on search button to see movement log

51 Activities – Library: Activities contains a menu item ‘Library ->Add / Edit member Info’ which gives the information of member and membership. A member who has taken membership is only allowed to take books from library. Click on edit button to edit member info Click on add button to add member info

52 Activities – Hostel: Activities contains a menu item ‘Hostel’ which gives the information of Hostel rooms creation, room allocation, allocated students, edit beds.

53 Activities – Hostel: Activities contains a menu item ‘Hostel’ which gives the information of Hostel rooms creation, room allocation, allocated students, edit beds.

54 Activities – Hostel: Activities contains a menu item ‘Hostel’ which gives the information of Hostel rooms creation, room allocation, allocated students, edit beds. Click this to allocate room

55 Activities – Hostel: Activities contains a menu item ‘Hostel’ which gives the information of Hostel rooms creation, room allocation, allocated students, edit beds.

56 Activities – Events - Alumni: Activities contains a menu item ‘Events’ and sub menu “Alumni’ which gives the information of present and past events. Click on submit button to add new event Click view all to see all events

57 Activities – Events - Alumni: Activities contains a menu item ‘Events’ and sub menu “Alumni’ which gives the information of present and past events. Click on edit button to edit alumni info We can search events using search option

58 Settings – User Settings: Settings contains a menu item ‘User Settings’ which will allow administrator to add user, block user, reset password, assign permission. In this section we can add new user by selecting user type. In this section we can block user In this section we can reset password of any user.

59 Settings – User Settings: Settings contains a menu item ‘User Settings’ which will allow administrator to add user, block user, reset password, assign permission. Click on save button to update permissions Select the user to see the permissions already given or we can add permissions. Click on check boxes to give permissions to any menu item.

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