Attendance Class starts at the first bell, after that bell, you will receive a tardy, after the second class bell, students not in their classroom seat will be marked absent. Students caught out of class may receive an attendance ticket.
Attendance tickets If you receive an attendance ticket with a fine, there are options to pay the fine. We will not send reminders, this is your responsibility. There are three alternatives to paying the fine. It is your responsibility to pursue any of the alternatives:
Within 3 weeks of the date you received the ticket, complete one of the following: 1. Bring a copy of your attendance record that shows zero tardies for a one week period (after you received the attendance ticket).
2. Attend one (1) lunch detention if assigned a $3 fine, or two (2) lunch detentions if assigned a $5 fine. Lunch detention is in room 19. You will be required to sign in and remain in the session until the bell rings. You may eat lunch during this time. No cell phones allowed. Once the detention room door is closed you may not be allowed to enter. Check in with Mrs. Kelley to schedule a session.
If you complete either of the above options within three (3) weeks, your fine will be removed. If you do not, the fine will remain. Fines are to be paid in the front office to the financial secretary.
Admit Slips Admit slips will be issued to students checking into school after returning from doctor or dentist appointments, a funeral, court, and counseling. Students must check in with the attendance office to receive an admit slip to class. If you are caught in the hall without an admit slip you may be issued an attendance ticket.