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Welcome to 8 th Grade Science. School Rules  Robinson’s Rules –Be Prepared –Be Respectful –Be Responsible –Be Safe.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 8 th Grade Science. School Rules  Robinson’s Rules –Be Prepared –Be Respectful –Be Responsible –Be Safe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 8 th Grade Science

2 School Rules  Robinson’s Rules –Be Prepared –Be Respectful –Be Responsible –Be Safe

3 Come to class on time. Standing outside the door and rushing in after the bell has begun to ring will constitute a tardy. You must be INSIDE the door when it begins ringing to be counted on time.

4 Homework  Begin writing the daily homework in your agenda and notebook within one minute of the tardy bell.

5 Begin the WARM UP activity within 2 minutes after the tardy bell. Directions will be on the projection screen or the board. Please do not wait for me to remind you to begin since I need to take roll and attend to other duties for the first few minutes of the period. When I begin class, directions for the start up may be taken down, so don't delay.

6 Hall Passes Your agenda’s pass page is divided into 4 columns. You are allowed one column of passes per quarter. Once the column is full, you are not allowed any bathroom, library, etc. passes until the new quarter begins.

7 Remain in your assigned seat unless you have permission to get up. Throw scraps away at the end of the period on your way out.

8 Come to class prepared. Bring required materials every day unless you are otherwise directed. Use your agenda to record all assignments You are responsible for writing assignments in your agenda from the board each class day.

9 Everyone deserves respect. Talk only when permitted. Be aware of the situation…quiet talking is allowed in some situations, otherwise raise your hand and wait to be called upon. I will remind you once and expect compliance. Use polite speech and body language. Unkind teasing and impolite behavior is unacceptable.

10 Students are honest in this class. Students caught cheating will receive a zero and a phone call home. Both the student who shares his work for an independent assignment AND the person who copies it will suffer the same consequences. Students caught cheating will receive a zero and a phone call home. Both the student who shares his work for an independent assignment AND the person who copies it will suffer the same consequences. I expect you to do your own work and to be sure no one can copy it.

11 Behavior Consequences  Warning  Lunch detention/parent contact  Office referral

12 Your input….  What rules would you like to see on our class procedures?  Do you have any questions?

13 Course Prospectus  Contains information about the course.  Sign your prospectus.  Get parent signature on the prospectus and keep in your notebook.

14 Follow the teacher's directions immediately. Keep me happy and I'll do a better job for you!

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