Grade 6 Instructional Support in Mathematics


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Presentation transcript:

Grade 6 Instructional Support in Mathematics In response to EEMLA, In accordance with the Assessment, Evaluation and Communication of Student Learning Policy (revised September 2008)

Review the Assessment Data Review the assessment data for all students. Review the Mathematics Development Record (MDR) for identified students “not yet meeting expectations”.

Developing a Tracking System for Supporting Students — For each student on MDR in 2009 Record classroom observations. Identify the current support being provided. Identify classroom supports currently being used and plans for additional support. Review the completed data with your school administrator.

Meeting with Parents/Guardians if requested Parents and guardians receive information about the results of the Early Elementary Mathematics Literacy Assessment (EEMLA). They may request a meeting. If no request is made, the teacher will follow the protocol for communication with the home.

Implement Classroom Support Plan instructional supports for each student requiring support. Track the supports that are provided for each student whose score fell below 400 Gather evidence of student learning and progress through ongoing classroom assessments. At the end of the term, summarize the supports provided and the student progress made, as evidenced through classroom assessments. Revise areas of need and/or instructional strategies for focus for the coming term as needed.

End of Term 3: EMLA In May 2010, students will be reassessed (EMLA). Teachers and parents will receive results of the assessment. This feedback will enable the teacher, the school and the province to measure the effectiveness of teacher monitoring and differentiation of instruction tracked by the MDRs. Record notes for transitioning the student to the next grade. Meeting with grade 7 teacher if possible. Include progress made as evidenced by classroom assessment data. Record recommendations and/or suggestions for the next year.