The Han Dynasty.


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Presentation transcript:

The Han Dynasty

Founding* Shi Huangdi conquered rival kings to expand territory under what was then the Qin dynasty. In 210 B.C.E, his son took over rule but was weak and began to lose control over the dynasty. Peasants were overtaxed, overworked, and over disciplined Rival kings were happy to revolt and regain their lost territory.

Civil War Begins* Xiang Yu was a general who allowed warlords to keep their territories if they acknowledge his feudal lordship. Liu Bang was a general of Yu. Bang and Yu turn on one another and fight their final battle in 202BC. Bang wins and declares himself the first emperor of the Han Dynasty.

The Han Dynasty The Dynasty is divided into two periods; 202 BCE- 9 CE is the Former Han; 9 CE- 220 CE Later Han.* Bang turns on all rival kings and destroys their power; this is called a centralized power, where a central authority controls the running of the state.* Bang lowers taxes, softened punishments, and departs from legalism. Why was Bang successful? He respected the people and they respected him due in part to his reforms.*

Empress Lu Bang dies in 195 BCE; his son becomes emperor but only in name.* Bang’s widow, Lu, became the most powerful person in the kingdom because of her connections in court- she knew many of the members and was able to maintain power.* She outlived her son and kept control by naming infants as successors to the throne. None grew old enough to take over the role as emperor before she named a new infant. In 180 BCE she dies and those loyal to Bang return and murder all those associated with Lu-huge upheaval in kingdom.*

The following is a story from a tribe within China that dealt with the Mongols and needed help from Wudi...notice the ruthlessness of the Mongol ruler. “The Xiongnu had defeated the king of the Yuezhi people and had made his skull into a drinking vessel. As a result the Yuezhi…bore a constant grudge against the Xiongnu, though as yet they have been unable to find anyone to join them in an attack on their enemy. When Wudi heard this, he decided to try to send an envoy to establish relations with the Yuezhi.” Why make a drinking vessel out of the Yuezhi king’s skull? The Martial Emperor Bang’s great grandson, Wudi, takes the throne in 141 BCE.* First set of enemies are the Xiongnu (Mongolians).* In the past, these people would raid the farmlands and take crops and valuables.* Previous rulers tried to pay them off…all this did was give the Mongols more resources to destroy the Han.* Sends 100,000 troops to push out the Mongols. This works temporarily and the Great Wall is expanded (began under Qin).* The following map shows the extent of the Great Wall in the early Han and Late Han Dynasties.

Society Highly structured hierarchy.* Emperor has divine authority and is link between heaven and earth.* If the emperor does his job well then there was peace and prosperity. If he did not do it well, there were earthquakes, floods, and famines. Maintained imperial army which took a lot of $$$. High taxes. Peasants owe part of crops to government. Also, they give one month of service a year.* How effective do you think this process was? Very effective but very difficult on peasants in the dynasty. If the emperor does his job well then there was peace and prosperity. If he did not do it well, there were eathquakes, floods, and famines.

Society Continued Wudi’s government alone employed 130,000 people. Used the civil service program for hiring.* Also tested people on the knowledge of Confucius. Why would the government want people that believe in Confucius teachings? Because Confucius taught peace and submission to others orders which made them easier to rule.*

Technology Advances In 105CE paper was invented. How do you think the invention of paper in Han China impacted society? Farming improvements such as new harnesses, new plows, and new iron tools. Agriculture jobs became some of the most revered in the dynasty. 60,000,000 people employed. Monopolies* on salt, iron, coins, and alcohol. The Silk Road brought huge profits.*

Unification under the Han Trade networks led to contact with foreign lands.* Government encourages assimilation, or making people part of the Chinese culture.* Most women lived at home. Confucian teachings dictate that they devote themselves to the family. Women, however, made huge contributions to agricultural and economical areas by tending to the land and processing paperwork.

Fall of Han Economic problems plagued the empire; the rich got richer and the poor got poorer as taxes were less on the rich and more on the poor.* The father’s land is divided equally among the sons…then the land is divided equally among their sons. Over years, the plots became smaller and smaller. (led to debt)* Large landowners did not pay taxes. What is the problem with this? The most amount of money that was available was not accessable. From 32 BCE – 9 CE there were many inexperienced emperors that overtaxed the people and were weak leaders.*

Fall Continued Wang Mang overthrew the Han in 9 CE.* Tried to bring country under control. New money, redistributed land. Great flood in 11 CE killed thousands and made millions homeless.* Government does not have enough grain in stock to help people.* Huge revolts/ Wang is assassinated in 23CE.* Member of the old imperial family takes over- Later Han begins and by 220CE the Han Dynasty was three rival kingdoms.*

Quiz Next Time Next class there will be a brief 10 question quiz on the Han Dynasty. 5 matching vocabulary 5 multiple choice Each is worth 3 points. Video pt1 on Qin Dynasty pt 2- pay attention to the beginnings of the Chinese Dynasties, what qualities are required to become emperor?