UNDERSTANDING LCFF & LCAP LCAP Priorities: Conditions of Learning Nancy Sedgwick Cristina Parodi-Araya Assessment, Accountability and Evaluation Learning and Leadership Services
LCAP: Local Control and Accountability Plan All school districts are required to produce an LCAP, demonstrating how the Local Control Funding Formula district allocations are linked to meeting the needs of all students. Each LCAP must address the eight state priorities: Basic Services Implementation of the academic content and performance standards, including enabling English Learners to access the core standards and the ELD standards. Parental Involvement Pupil Achievement. Pupil Engagement. School Climate. Broad course of study. Pupil outcomes in the broad course of study.
LCAP Priorities: Conditions of Learning Basic Services: degree to which teachers are appropriately assigned, and fully credentialed in the subject areas and for the pupils they are teaching pupils have access to standards-aligned instructional materials school facilities are maintained in good repair LCAP Priorities: Conditions of Learning Includes: Basic Services (Priority 1) Implementation of State Standards (Priority 2) Course Access (Priority 7)
LCAP Priorities: Conditions of Learning Basic Services Can Be Measured By: The percent of teachers who are highly qualified and appropriately assigned: Ex. 100% of the teachers in this district are Highly Qualified for the courses and students they are teaching The percent of pupils who have a board approved instructional materials for all core classes to use in school and take home. Ex. Per Board Resolution of Sufficiency,100% of the students in this district have the Board approved instructional materials for all core classes (English, Math, Science, Social Science) to use in school and take home. School facilities are maintained in good repair Ex. All schools will receive a rating of good or better on the Annual Facilities Inspection. LCAP Priorities: Conditions of Learning Includes: Basic Services (Priority 1) Implementation of State Standards (Priority 2) Course Access (Priority 7)
LCAP Priorities: Conditions of Learning Implementation of State Standards: Implementation of California State academic content and performance standards (ELA and Math, could also include science) Implementation of California State English Language Development standards For all pupils, including English learners LCAP Priorities: Conditions of Learning Includes: Basic Services (Priority 1) Implementation of State Standards (Priority 2) Course Access (Priority 7)
LCAP Priorities: Conditions of Learning Implementation of State Standards Can Be Measured by: Student performance on local or state mandated testing. Ex. 5% more students will score proficient on the SBAC in ELA and Math than the previous year, with the % proficient for unduplicated students increasing by more than 5% to close the achievement gap Classroom Observations or Learning Walks Ex. Classroom observations by a site leadership team will show increasing alignment of instruction that supports California State Standards as measured by a comparison of data over time. AMAO 3 results Ex. English Learners in this district will exceed Federal AMAO 3 criteria. LCAP Priorities: Conditions of Learning Includes: Basic Services (Priority 1) Implementation of State Standards (Priority 2) Course Access (Priority 7)
LCAP Priorities: Conditions of Learning Course access: Pupil enrollment in a broad course of study that includes all of the subject areas described in Education Code: Social science Science (may be included in Priority 2) Physical Education Health Visual and Performing Arts Foreign Language* Applied Arts* Career Technical Education* * Applies to grades 7-12 only LCAP Priorities: Conditions of Learning Includes: Basic Services (Priority 1) Implementation of State Standards (Priority 2) Course Access (Priority 7)
LCAP Priorities: Conditions of Learning Course Access Can Be Measured By: Pupil enrollment in any specific, identified type of course Ex. The number of students who are enrolled in _________ (course, ie – art or world language) will increase by 20 students annually. Completion of a-g requirements Ex. The percent of students who complete a-g requirements will increase by 5% annually, from the 2014-15 baseline. LCAP Priorities: Conditions of Learning Includes: Basic Services (Priority 1) Implementation of State Standards (Priority 2) Course Access (Priority 7)