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Local Control Accountability Plan Elvin Momon, Superintendent Board of Trustees Barbara Dew, Board President Timothy Hauk, Board Vice President Rita Jackson,

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Presentation on theme: "Local Control Accountability Plan Elvin Momon, Superintendent Board of Trustees Barbara Dew, Board President Timothy Hauk, Board Vice President Rita Jackson,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Local Control Accountability Plan Elvin Momon, Superintendent Board of Trustees Barbara Dew, Board President Timothy Hauk, Board Vice President Rita Jackson, Board Clerk Dr. Duneen DeBruhl, Board Member Evelyn Glasper, Board Member Community Engagement Team (CET) LCAP Meeting January 27, 2014

2 Local Control Accountability Plan AGENDA January 27, 2014 5:00 PM 1.Welcome and Introductions 2.District Priorities 3.Timeline 4.Eight State Priorities 5.Needs Assessment Data 6.Meeting Dates 7.Questions and Answers 8.Next Meeting Date

3 Local Control Accountability Plan Mission Mission Victor Valley High School District will prepare all students to become responsible, productive citizens by providing a quality education in a safe, student-focused learning environment. Vision Vision Our vision is to improve academic achievement through positive classroom experience, which encourage student to make sound decisions and solve problem as productive citizens of our community and global society.

4 Local Control Accountability Plan District Priorities

5 Maximizing Resources Students First Community Local Control Accountability Plan

6 Introduction LCAP Meeting for DAC and DELAC Identify Data for Needs Assessment Review LCAP Needs Assessment Develop Draft LCAP Plan for CET Review School Board Presentation of LCAP ……………………………………………………..December 2013 February 2014: Identify Priorities and Identify Writing Team for LCAP January 2014: Introduction meeting for LCAP ……..………………………January 2014 ……………..February 2014 …....……March 2014 March 2014: Finalize LCAP Plan ………..April 2014 January 2014: Conduct Needs Assessment for LCAP ……………………Next Steps: May 2014

7 Compliance with Williams Requirements CCSS and Performance Standards Parent Involvement Pupil Achievement Pupil Engagement School Climate Pupil Access Pupil Outcomes

8 1.Compliance with Williams criteria – instructional materials, teacher assignments and credentials, facilities 2.Implementation of SBE adopted academic content standards, including programs and services for ELs to access the common core and ELD standards 3.Parental involvement –Efforts the school district makes to seek parent input in making decisions for the school district and each individual schoolsite –How the school district promotes parental participation in programs for unduplicated pupils and individuals with exceptional needs Local Control Accountability Plan State Priorities

9 4.Pupil Achievement – statewide assessments, API, completion of A-G requirements, CTE sequences and AP courses, EL progress toward proficiency, college preparation (Early Assessment Program) 5.Pupil engagement – attendance, dropout and graduation rates 6.School climate – suspension and expulsion rates, etc. 7.Access, including for subgroups and special needs, to a broad course of study in specified subject areas 8.Pupil outcomes in specified subject areas Local Control Accountability Plan State Priorities

10 By July 1, 2014 each LEA must adopt (over 2 public hearings) a local control and accountability plan (LCAP) that describes: Annual goals, for all students and for each LCFF subgroup, for each of the specified state priorities and for any additional identified local priorities The specific actions the LEA will take to achieve those goals For 2014-15, and each subsequent year, the LCAP must be adopted before the LEA adopts its budget The county superintendent, or SPI, shall disapprove a budget that does not include the expenditures necessary to implement the LCAP Local Control Accountability Plan

11 Informational Meeting District English Learners Advisory Council December 17, 2013 District Advisory Council December 19, 2013 Board of Trustee January 23, 2014 Local Control Accountability Plan

12 API Growth (Overall)

13 Local Control Accountability Plan District Needs Assessment Data



16 Suspension & Expulsion Rates 2010-2012 Local Control Accountability Plan

17 Graduation Rate 2010-2012

18 Local Control Accountability Plan Drop-Out Rates

19 Local Control Accountability Plan Community Engagement Team (CET) LCAP Meetings 2013-14 Session 1: January 27, 2014 Informational Meeting Session 2: February 04, 2014 Needs Assessment Session 3: February 19, 2014 Identify Priorities Session 4 : March 03, 2014 Identify Teams Develop Action Strategies Session 5: March 18, 2014 Continue developing action strategies/Write Plan Session 6: April 01, 2014 Draft of LCAP Session 7: April 15, 2014 Final of LCAP

20 Local Control Accountability Plan

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