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Local Control Accountability Plan. LCAP  The Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) is a document that provides details regarding the District’s services,

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1 Local Control Accountability Plan

2 LCAP  The Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) is a document that provides details regarding the District’s services, actions and expenditures to support pupil outcomes and overall student performance.  LCAP includes 3 Sections: Stakeholder engagement Process Annual Goals & specific actions to accomplish the annual goals Based on 8 State Priorities and subgroups Description of Expenditures to implement the specific actions that support the annual goals 2. 3. 1. 2

3 CVUSD Strategic Goals 2014-2017 1. Each student will gain at least one proficiency level each year as the result of highly skilled instruction and the use of instructional technology. 2. All students receive skilled instruction based on the common core standards, which will lead to graduation and success in college and career. 3. High school students will have the opportunity to participate in one of two well-developed pathways. 4. All students and staff will possess the 21 st century skills required to access and use appropriate technology to increase student academic achievement. 5. Students, parents, staff and the community receive ongoing and timely communication through a variety of formats. 3

4 State Priorities 4 8 State Priorities 2. Implementation of State Standards 3. Course Access 4. Student Achievement 5. Other Student Outcomes 6. Parent Involvement 7. Student Engagement 8. School Climate 1. Basic Services Conditions of Learning Student Outcomes Engagement

5 LCAP Annual Goals 2014/15 ~ 2016/17 5 State PrioritiesDescription of District Goals 1.All students are provided basic services, including, teachers appropriately assigned and credentialed, access to standards aligned materials and facilities in good repair. Conditions of Learning 2.Staff will utilize instructional practices and materials aligned to CCSS. 3.Students will have access to a broad course of subject areas which leads to graduation and success in college and career. 4.Students will be prepared to succeed in college and career. 5.Students will possess 21 st century skills which lead to graduation and success in college and career. Student Achievement 6.English learners receive increased opportunities to enroll in more advanced courses, leading to college and career readiness. 7.Students will be ready for college without remediation. 8.Students, parents, staff and community receive ongoing and timely communication. Engagement 9.Students will receive skilled instruction based on CCSS which leads to graduation and success in college and career. 10.Provide safe and secure school environments.

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