NC RPO Meeting July 25, 2018.


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Presentation transcript:

NC RPO Meeting July 25, 2018

Overview Public Engagement Non-Metropolitan Local Office Consultation NCDOT Self Certification Section 508

Minimum Requirements 23 CFR 450.210 Early and continuous public involvement opportunities – timely information Reasonable access to policy documents – CTP, STIP, Public Involvement Plan Adequate public notice – public review and comments at key decisions points Public meetings are held at convenient times and locations Use visualization techniques where practicable Public information available in electronically accessible formats Demonstrate consideration of public comments in the CTP and STIP Seek out and consider the needs of those traditionally underserved populations

Non-Metropolitan Local Officials 23 CFR 450.210 - (b) The State shall provide for non-metropolitan local official participation in the development of the long-range statewide transportation plan and the STIP. The State shall have a documented process(es) for consulting with non-metropolitan local officials representing units of general purpose local government and/or local officials with responsibility for transportation that is separate and discrete from the public involvement process and provides an opportunity for their participation in the development of the long-range statewide transportation plan and the STIP. Although the FHWA and the FTA shall not review or approve this consultation process(es), copies of the process document(s) shall be provided to the FHWA and the FTA for informational purposes.

Self-Certification Process (a) At least every four years, the State shall submit an updated STIP…and the State shall certify that the transportation planning process is being carried out in accordance with all applicable requirements of: 23 USC 134/135 – Planning and Federal Aid Program Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended 49 USC 5332 - Discrimination Prohibitions ADA of 1990 – including Section 508 Clean Air Act Older Americans Act – Prohibits discrimination based on age 23 USC 324 – Prohibits discrimination based on gender ……

Section 508 Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act – eliminate barriers in information technology A users vision Visual acuity greater than 20/70 Users hearing Assistive hearing devices Users Speech Fine motor skills or simultaneous action that is operable with limited speech and strength


Better Utilizing Investments to Leverage Development (formerly Tiger) BUILD could fund Multi-modal Multi-jurisdictional Roadways, Rail, Transit, Port and Intermodal

Eligible Entities States Municipalities Counties MPOs Port Authorities Tribal Governments And others

Focus of BUILD Greater share in Rural Areas State of Good Repair Including broadband Safety Economic competitiveness Quality of life State of Good Repair Innovation Partnership Additional non-Federal Revenue Environmental Protection

Funding $1.5 Billion available 25 Million maximum grant award At least 30% in rural areas Up to 100% funding i.e. no match required 25 Million maximum grant award $150 Million maximum per State

Applications submitted via Deadline - July 19, 2018
