Kingdom Animal: ... is also divided into 9 large groups called Phyla. There are 8 invertebrate phyla and only 1 vertebrate phylum.


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Presentation transcript:

Kingdom Animal: ... is also divided into 9 large groups called Phyla. There are 8 invertebrate phyla and only 1 vertebrate phylum.

9 Animal Phyla Sponges, Stinging Cell Animals, Flatworms, Roundworms, Segmented Worms, Soft-Bodied Animals, Spiny Skinned Animals, Jointed-legged Animals, Chordates

#7. Jointed-Legged Animals (invert.) Largest phylum of animals Jointed legs and segmented body. Exoskeleton- outer skeleton that needs to molt when animal grows. 4 groups ....

breathe with gills in water Jointed Leg Groups A. Crustaceans 10 legs, 2 body segments breathe with gills in water hard exoskeleton ex. lobster, crab, shrimp




Blue Crab

Water Flea

ex. spiders, ticks, mites, chiggers Jointed Leg Groups B. Arachnids (eek!!) 8 legs and very scary ex. spiders, ticks, mites, chiggers

Black Widow Spider

Blood filled Tick Normal Tick

Red mites eating pollen



Jointed Leg Groups C. Insects HUGE group 6 legs, 3 body segments ex. flies, ants, beetles, and any bug you want to name.

Insect -six legs

Ah!!! Insects Everywhere

Rhinoceros Beetles mating

Larva stage of a Monarch Butterfly

Jointed Leg Groups D. Many Legged ex. centipedes, millipedes P.S. Centipedes do not have 100 legs, nor do millipedes have 1000!



#8. Spiny-Skinned Animals Spiny skin, live in ocean Move by suction cups called tube feet. 5 part body plan ex. starfish, sand dollar, sea urchin, brittle star


Starfish come in many sizes

And species

Regeneration of arm

Brittle Stars

Sand Dollars

Sea Urchin

Kingdom Animal: ... is also divided into 9 large groups called Phyla. There are 8 invertebrate phyla and only 1 vertebrate phylum.

9 Animal Phyla Sponges, Stinging Cell Animals, Flatworms, Roundworms, Segmented Worms, Soft-Bodied Animals, Spiny Skinned Animals, Jointed-legged Animals, Chordates

Kingdom Animal: ... is also divided into 9 large groups called Phyla. There are 8 invertebrate phyla and only 1 vertebrate phylum.

There is only one phyla of vertebrates, chordates.

Phylum #9. Chordates (vertebrates) Chordates are the last and most complicated phylum to appear on earth. They are divided into 7 classes.... Missing jawless fish

From least to most complex: Fish(3 classes) Jawless Fish Cartilage Fish Bony Fish Amphibians Reptiles Birds Mammals

Class #1-3 Fish 1st animals with bones Cold blooded Breathe with gills Divided into 3 classes ....

Fish (cont.) The simplest, earliest fish were Jawless Fish(Class#1). They have cartilage bones, no gill covers, and are parasites. Few species remain today, but among them are the:


Lamprey mouth Major Hickey!!

Fish (cont.) The next fishes to evolve were the Cartilage fish (Class#2). They still had cartilage bones and no gill covers, but were predators and able to seek out food.



Fish (cont.) The most complicated group of fish is the Bony Fish(Class#3). They have real bones, gill covers, swim bladder and dominate the fish class today.




Porcupine fish

From least to most complex: Fish(3 classes) Jawless Fish Cartilage Fish Bony Fish Amphibians Reptiles Birds Mammals

Class#4 Amphibians The next bony animals to appear on earth moved on to the land for part of their life. They start in the water, move to land as adults, and back to water to reproduce.

Amphibians spend their early days in water.

Amphibians absorb their tail and develop lungs instead of gills.

Leopard Frog

Tree Frogs



From least to most complex: Fish(3 classes) Jawless Fish Cartilage Fish Bony Fish Amphibians Reptiles Birds Mammals

Class#5 Reptiles The 1st class of chordates to live mostly on land, they have dry, scaly skin, lay their eggs on land and ruled the earth for a while but are still cold blooded. Reptiles are divided into 4 groups...

Class#3 Reptiles (cont.) Snakes- 3000 species left Lizards- 2500 species left Turtles- only 200 species Crocodilians- 25 species remain

Reptiles were the first animals to lay shelled eggs.


Timber Rattlesnake

Boa Constrictor

Painted Turtle

Desert Tortoise

Sea Turtles mate only once every 30 years and live for 150 years!!


Crocodiles really need braces!!


From least to most complex: Fish(3 classes) Jawless Fish Cartilage Fish Bony Fish Amphibians Reptiles Birds Mammals

Class#6 Birds Descended from lizards, Birds were the 1st warm blooded creatures on the earth. That, plus feathers and the ability to fly allows them to flourish today!!

Although warm blooded, birds eggs are vulnerable!


Birds of prey have keen eyes and ears.

Not all birds fly!

Many male birds are colorful to attract females.

From least to most complex: Fish(3 classes) Jawless Fish Cartilage Fish Bony Fish Amphibians Reptiles Birds Mammals

Class#7 Mammals Not only were they warm blooded, but they keep their young inside the female until born. They still dominate the animal kingdom, the Mammals.

Female mammals have milk (mammary) glands.

Mammals are warm blooded and live in a variety of climates.

Some in very hot climates African Elephant

Some mammals even live in the water! Dolphin

Mammals are also adapted to eat in a variety of ways.

An average bat eats 3000 mosquitoes in 1 night.

Some mammals have hoofs.

Some mammals have claws.

Yes, humans are mammals, too!!