So what will this look like inside our classroom? I will create the Design Challenges. A Design Challenge is a question I will pose. You and your group.


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Presentation transcript:

So what will this look like inside our classroom? I will create the Design Challenges. A Design Challenge is a question I will pose. You and your group will use design thinking methodology to come up with solutions to the challenges! LET’S TRY THIS TOGETHER!

DESIGN CHALLENGE practice Design a fool-proof system to prevent cheating on exams in class!

1)Interview 2)Storytell 3)Synthesize Let’s start!

Who would you want to interview and why? Design a fool-proof system to prevent cheating on exams in class!

Let’s try an interview session together! Take notes, listen carefully, and capture quotes Keep the interview open ended Interview Techniques: 1)Get to know the person. 2)Zero in on the main question. 3)Ask about specific events. (“Can you tell me about a time when…?”) Remember the following interviewing tips:

Begin Interview #1 together as a class. Interview #1 = A classroom teacher. Students should be using the Guided Interview handout provided.

Storytelling time! Storytell what you just heard! Write the interviewee’s thoughts/quotes/issues on Post-Its and post them up on the board! What key thoughts, quotes, and issues did you discover during Interview #1?

Begin Interview #2 together as a class. Interview #2 = A child development psychologist. Students should be using the Guided Interview handout provided.

Storytelling time! Storytell what you just heard! Write the interviewee’s thoughts/quotes/issues on Post-Its and post them up on the board! What key thoughts, quotes, and issues did you discover during Interview #2?

Synthesize! Look at all the Post-Its that are on the board for both Interview # 1 and 2. Are any of the ideas similar and can be grouped? Do you see any bigger themes?  Write HMW statements on Post-Its, using the groupings you have created.

Brainstorm Using your newly created HMW statements as starting points, let’s move on to the next phase!

 Remember the rules! Select a partner during this phase and use the Brainstorming Tracker worksheet to track your partner’s participation.

During the Brainstorming phase, prioritize your HMW statements. What is feasible? What can we realistically tackle? Think about short/long term goals?  Choose the top 3 HMWs to focus on and brainstorm solutions!

Let the Brainstorming begin! 1)Take your top 3 HMWs and post them on a new board (or a cleared area). 2)Now brainstorm any solution that you can think of that will address these HMWs. 3)Post your ideas up under the appropriate HMW statements. – Cluster ideas that are similar

Look through all the ideas you just brainstormed and agree (as a class) on the best solution to prototype!

Let’s test out your prototype tomorrow! You will have a quiz on Design Thinking Methodology tomorrow (based on the notes you took on Day 1). You will be using the prototype we agreed on during this quiz!