Marcel Lauzière - President & CEO Karen Shelstad - Program Director.


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Presentation transcript:

Marcel Lauzière - President & CEO Karen Shelstad - Program Director

AGENDA Introduction to the Lawson Foundation About the Diabetes Funding Strategy Project Selection Criteria Exclusions Funding Available and Time Line Tips for Applying Questions

We welcome questions from our Webinar participants throughout the presentation. Please use the chat feature to ask your questions. QUESTIONS?

National family foundation Mission – to invest in and engage with ideas, people and organizations that contribute to healthy outcomes of Canadians throughout their life course Overall focus – the well-being of children and youth 3 inter-related strategic areas – early child development; healthy active living, including a focus on diabetes; and a new area of interest, children and the environment

Launched in 2002, Canada-wide call 64 initiatives, almost $10,000,000 in grants for diverse, innovative community- based projects in type 1, type 2 and gestational diabetes Plus $2,500,000, endowed for basic research DIABETES FUNDING STRATEGY

LAWSON DIABETES WORKSHOP Is an important element of our Diabetes Funding Strategy Brings our grantees together annually to share results and learning and connect with others in the field Successful applicants should be prepared to participate in the annual Workshop

T he Lawson Foundation envisions a Canadian population with reduced rates of diabetes and diabetes-related complications.

2016 CALL FOR LETTERS OF INTENT Focus on children and youth Invite letters of intent from registered charities (and other qualified donees) across Canada To strengthen the delivery of diabetes prevention, treatment and management programs and services through innovation, translational research, knowledge mobilization and quality improvement

FOCUS Projects that are centred on the healthy development of children and youth Projects across the spectrum from the periconception and prenatal periods through childhood and adolescence and the transition from pediatric to adult care

GOALS 1.To improve health outcomes for children and youth with type 1 or type 2 diabetes or who are at risk of developing diabetes and diabetes-related complications through prevention, treatment and improved/sustained self-management 2.To optimize the health of women with gestational diabetes or pre- existing gestational diabetes in order to help ensure the health of their offspring and families 3.To ensure equitable access to high-quality diabetes prevention, treatment and support programs and services for all children, youth and their families

KEY PROJECT SELECTION CRITERIA LETTERS OF INTENT Demonstrate innovation – are informed by research and guided by promising practices for the target population; have the potential to inform systemic change (and/or be potentially replicable/scalable to other programs or jurisdictions) Address needs of at-risk populations and/or a significant care gap Reflect the voice of the patient/community; aim to build human capacity Include meaningful multi-sectoral engagement and collaboration where appropriate

KEY PROJECT SELECTION CRITERIA FULL PROPOSALS – ADDITIONAL CRITERIA Show strong organizational capacity and project leadership to support the work Include a robust evaluation approach relative to the project budget Include a vision for sustainability Include plans for sharing project results and learning

FUNDING EXCLUSIONS The Diabetes Funding Strategy does not support:  Basic science research  Population-wide health promotion initiatives  Randomized controlled trials. However, the Foundation will consider pilot projects which have the potential to inform a future RCT.  Therapeutic interventions involving drugs/natural products and unproven therapies  Scholarships; continuing education of team members  Capital costs. However, reasonable expenses for equipment and materials may be included in the budget.  Projects already completed  Direct support for individuals, including for the purchase of assistive devices, drugs and medical supplies

FUNDING AVAILABLE The Foundation has not predetermined the funding envelope. We plan to award approx. $2,000,000 for projects. Maximum grant amount is $250,000 for a project 1 to 3 years in duration. Applicants should submit requests based on the individual project’s needs and timeframes. Total funding and the number of grants awarded will be confirmed following the final selection process.

TIME LINE Letters of Intent (LOI) are due at 12:00 pm (noon) EDT on Monday, April 18, LOI status will be confirmed by the end of June. Full proposals (by invitation) will be due at 12 noon EDT on Wednesday, September 7, Grants will be announced by November 2016.

All applicants must be registered charities or other qualified donees in accordance with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). Read everything about the call for letters of intent at TIPS FOR APPLYING

Diabetes Funding Strategy Sample Letter of Intent Due Date: Monday, April 18, 2016 at 12:00 pm EDT ORGANIZATIONAL INFORMATION Organization Name Address Qualified Donee Type (e.g., registered charity, Canadian amateur athletic association) Charitable Registration Number What is the mandate/role of your organization? If your organization is a university, hospital or other large institution, please describe the mandate of the relevant department or unit. (100 words) CONTACT INFORMATION Contact Name Title Address Phone

PROJECT INFORMATION Project Title Start Date and End Date Total Anticipated Time Frame in years and months Amount Requested from the Lawson Foundation - $ Total Estimated Project Budget (including request to the Lawson Foundation and any anticipated additional funding) - $ What is the primary goal of your project? (50 words) Please list the members of your project team and your collaborators, if appropriate. (250 words) How would you describe the project’s target population and geographical reach? (150 words)

PROJECT INFORMATION (continued) What issue(s) are you trying to address? Please describe. (250 words) What is your proposed approach and methodology, including major project milestones and high level time line? (500 words) How would Lawson Foundation funds primarily be used? (100 words) Where would you seek additional funding for the project, if required? (100 words) How does the project address the funding criteria? (100 words)

PROJECT BUDGET SUMMARY High level summary only with major revenues and expenses. If you are invited to submit a full proposal, you will have the opportunity to provide a more detailed budget. Template provided online. NO ATTACHMENTS REQUIRED No attachments will be read by the Review Committee.

Follow the three Cs - clear, concise and complete TIPS FOR APPLYING

Thanks for your interest! For more information and to access the application: Visit Check the website and FAQs for updates Apply by Monday, April 18, 12:00 pm EDT