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Our Solar System.

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Presentation on theme: "Our Solar System."— Presentation transcript:

1 Our Solar System

2 Mercury, the Fastest Planet
closest planet from Sun Small, rocky planet Fastest planet – 50km/sec (88 days = 1 year) Temperatures 467* C to -183* C Very little atmosphere

3 Venus, Earth’s Twin Earth’s twin (~same size, mass,
composition, and distance from sun) Thick atmosphere that traps heat Hottest planet (450*C) (hot enough to melt lead) Intense pressure Winds faster that hurricane force winds Day longer than year Rotates backwards (sun rises in west, sets in east)

4 Earth, the Planet with Life
Has life 3rd planet from Sun 5th largest planet Tilted axis gives us seasons

5 Mars, the Red Planet Red planet Small and rocky
Has volcanoes, impacts, tectonics, dust storms, polar ice caps Great dust storms engulf entire planet creating giant dunes, wind streaks, wind carved features Highest mountains and deepest canyons

6 Jupiter, the Largest Planet
Biggest planet Like a mini solar system with 63 moons and rings Composition resembles a small star Jupiter’s moon Io is the most volcanically active body in the solar system Large red spot (a hurricane)

7 Saturn, the Ringed Planet
A gas giant with rings Mostly made of hydrogen and helium Volume 755 times that of Earth’s Winds reach 500m/s (Earth’s strongest hurricane winds are 110m/s) Fast winds and heat from interior cause yellow and gold bands in atmosphere

8 Uranus, the Sideways Planet
Has some of the brightest clouds 11 rings Blue-green color from methane gas 7th planet, it takes 84 years to orbit Sun No solid surface – a gas giant Liquid core

9 Neptune, the Windy Planet
8th planet – orbits Sun in 165 years Farthest planet from Sun for 20 year period out of every 248 Earth years. Large dark spot (a storm) Has rings like all the gas giants

10 Pluto, the Icy Dwarf Planet
Small, cold dwarf planet (It is not a planet anymore. Scientist changed the classification of planets. Pluto did not change.) Takes 248 years to orbit Sun 2/3’s the diameter of Earth’s Moon Rocky core surrounded by water ice Pluto and its moon Charon share the same orbit

11 Asteroids Rocky fragments Asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter
Millions from ¼ size of the moon to less than a kilometer across Mars’s moons may be captured asteroids

12 Meteroids Bits of material hurling through space
Meteors or “shooting stars” are these materials as they fall through Earth’s atmosphere. Air friction causes them to heat up and shine like stars. Meteorites are when these bits of materials reach the earth’s surface.

13 Comets Dirty ice leftovers The tails always point away from the Sun.
The solar wind blows the particles that make up the tail away.

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