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Introduction/Origins Early Egyptians Ancient Greek Ancient Rome.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction/Origins Early Egyptians Ancient Greek Ancient Rome."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction/Origins Early Egyptians Ancient Greek Ancient Rome

2 Ice age hunters wore……. a. Bark and leaves b. Animal skins c. Heated mud

3 To protect from the elements To keep warm Social status Adornment

4 Something that beautifies a person--- clothing, skin or hair. So, why does man use adornment?

5 To attract the opposite sex (ex. Jewelry, tattoo) To overcome fears (ex. A birthstone)

6 Warmth and protection???



9 Warm weather – major factor Loincloth – worn by men of all social classes, strip of cloth covering a man’s private parts Loinskirt – upper classes, Pharoahs Kalasiris - Long linen gown worn by women, usually white Typically, men wore nothing on top Draped silhouette

10 Women & men wore eye makeup made of KOHL, a dark, charcoal-like substance which contained lead (poisonous!) It was drawn on to make the eyes look cat-like, or almond-shaped The kohl acted as a shield against the sun & a deterrent to flies Hair was shaved, wigs worn, colored black and cropped Both male and female pharaohs wore beards, because they believed the gods were bearded.

11 Draped silhouette is dominant Warm, Mediterranean climate

12 Peplos -arranged in folds fastened in a drape over the shoulder; held by brooches (“fibula”) worn at each shoulder. Worn by women. Made of unbleached wool.

13 Chiton – Tunic worn by men & women Orginally sleeveless Later, pinned at the shoulder and then down the arm to make a sort of sleeve Belted at the waist Folded at the top

14 Himation— a outer coat, or mantle, worn by women and men Worn over a chiton Goes over the shoulder Goes to the ground

15 Chlamys-shorter cloak

16 Pallas – large Rectangular wrap

17 Stolas – full tunics for married women

18 Tebenna – a long cloak draped over the shoulder, wrapped around the torso under the right arm Stripes indicated social rank & wealth This is the model for the toga

19 Toga – the most well known fashion for Roman men. Made of a rectangular piece of fabric draped over the right shoulder


21 IF YOU WORE RED SHOES YOU WERE OF THE HIGHEST SOCIAL STATUS…. The modern designer, Christian Louboutin, designs shoes with a red sole today! These were often featured on “Sex and the City”.

22 Designers have to know about the fashion of the era that they are designing for in a production. So, they have to know about fashion history. Your activity is to create a PowerPoint for the class that introduces the time period. In a group of 3 create a PowerPoint that is approximately 15 to 20 minutes in length. Each group will be given a time period and a list of vocabulary words to find. Find a picture of the fashion and place it in the PowerPoint with a brief explanation.

23 Wikipedia – it is a good place to start for general knowledge.

24 Remember – include accurate information from reliable, verified sources. Don’t use Halloween warehouses, etc. Include a picture of the costume piece on each slide so we can SEE it. Try not to overload your slides with too much text (writing); instead make a new slide for each piece of information. Use bullet points & key words, rather than complete sentences. Email me your presentation by the due date.

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