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Die älteste Flöte der Welt. Das war die älteste Flöte der Welt –ältest = ?? –Welt = ?? Sie ist etwa 40 000 Jahre alt Sie wurde in einer Höhle (cave) im.

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Presentation on theme: "Die älteste Flöte der Welt. Das war die älteste Flöte der Welt –ältest = ?? –Welt = ?? Sie ist etwa 40 000 Jahre alt Sie wurde in einer Höhle (cave) im."— Presentation transcript:

1 Die älteste Flöte der Welt

2 Das war die älteste Flöte der Welt –ältest = ?? –Welt = ?? Sie ist etwa 40 000 Jahre alt Sie wurde in einer Höhle (cave) im Südwesten von Deutschland gefunden –wurde gefunden = was found

3 The German Ending System Maskul.Femin.Neutr.Plural Nominativ RESE Genitiv SRSR Dativ MRMN Akkusativ NESE

4 The German Ending System Maskul.Femin.Neutr.Plural Nominativ RESE Genitiv SRSR Dativ MRMN Akkusativ NESE

5 „Colorful“ German An artificial, simplified form of German that is making German grammar easier to comprehend What is a verb, a subject, a direct object, and an indirect object?

6 „Colorful“ German Action: Verb Actor: Subject Helplessly passive: direct object Passively receiving: indirect object

7 „Colorful“ German An artificial form of German making German grammar hopefully much easier Übung # 1. Partnerarbeit. Only A)

8 „Colorful“ German An artificial form of German making German grammar hopefully much easier Übung # 1. Partnerarbeit. Only A) VerbSubject Direct Object Indirect Object 1) is givingJoethe ring the future wife 2) am buyingInew tiresmy car

9 „Colorful“ German An artificial form of German making German grammar hopefully much easier Übung # 1. Partnerarbeit B) Before the verb is the subject After the verb is the direct object A preposition (to or for) introduces the indirect object English uses word order and prepositions for indicating who does what to whom

10 „Colorful“ German Colorful German uses colors to indicate who does what to whom Red indicates the subject, i.e., the actor Blue indicates the direct object, i.e., the helplessly passive Green indicates the indirect object, i.e., the passively receiving Übung # 2: Partnerarbeit.

11 „Colorful“ German Subject Direct Object Indirect Object 1) Mann Frau Blumen kauft 2) Mann Frau Blumen kauft 3) Blumen Mann Frau kauft 4) Blumen Frau Mann kauft 5) Frau Blumen Mann kauft 6) kauft Frau Mann Blumen 7) Mann Frau kauft Blumen

12 „Colorful“ German 1.The man is buying flowers for the woman. 2.The woman is buying flowers for the man. 3.The woman is buying flowers for the man 4.The man is buying flowers for the woman. 5.The woman is buying flowers for the man 6.The man is buying flowers for the woman. 7.The woman is buying flowers for the man

13 „Colorful“ German Colorful German gives you amazing freedom in respect to word order

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