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1 CLUB PRESIDENT TRAINING Toastmasters Leadership Institute II January 2004 Toastmasters International Club Officer training material/information and personal.

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Presentation on theme: "1 CLUB PRESIDENT TRAINING Toastmasters Leadership Institute II January 2004 Toastmasters International Club Officer training material/information and personal."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 CLUB PRESIDENT TRAINING Toastmasters Leadership Institute II January 2004 Toastmasters International Club Officer training material/information and personal experience were used in developing this handout and providing the training session. Tel: 508-233-4259Fax: 508-233-4775 Email: Raymond Valvano, DTM Paul D. Stackpole Service Club 7034

2 2 WHY JOIN TOASTMASTERS? Personal Growth Educational Social Job

3 3 PRESIDENT Set club goals Plans of action Delegate Monitor progress Coach team members Recognize achievement Look for successor Inspire Motivate Has vote at District & Regional Conferences & International Convention

4 4 Immediate Past President Guidance Heads Club Officer nominating committee Helps with Distinguished Club Program Resource of knowledge

5 5 CLUB SUCCESS Membership Needs Member Interest Survey Member Retention New Members Semi-Annual/Officer List High Value Items CTM ATM DTM CL AL HPL Officer Training Speechcraft Youth Leadership Club Sponsor Semi-Annual/Officer List

6 6 CLUB BUDGET Existing Funds Source of Funds = Dues, Other Planned Spending Contests & Awards Educational materials Administrative Items Unplanned Spending Postage Rate Hike Equipment Breakage 0r Lost Room fee ???

7 7 JANUARY 2004 Goals: 1. Club Officer Training 2. Club Officer Installation 3. Actions: 1. 2. 3. SUNDAYMONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAY 123 45678910 TLI at MIT 1112131415 TLI at Marlboro 1617 18192021222324 25262728293031

8 8 FEBRUARY 2004 Goals: 1. Club Membership Drive 2. 3. Actions: 1. 2. 3. SUNDAYMONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAY 1234567 891011121314 15161718192021 22232425262728 29

9 9 MARCH 2004 Goals: 1. Begin Inter- national Speech Contest for Club, Area 2. Begin Dues Collection 3. Club Proxies 4. Mention Spring Conference Actions: 1. 2. 3. 4. SUNDAYMONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAY 123456 78910111213 14151617181920 Club Contest deadline 21222324252627 Area Contest completed 28293031

10 10 APRIL 2004 Goals: 1. Semi-annual Report Due 2. Division Contest 3. Nomination Committee – ½yr 4. Spring Conference Actions: 1. 2. 3. 4. SUNDAYMONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAY 1 Club Dues at TI 23 45678910 Division Contest completed 11121314151617 18192021222324 Spring Conf at Waltham 252627282930

11 11 MAY 2004 Goals: 1. Club Officer Elections – ½ yr 2. Mention Regional Conference 3. Actions: 1. 2. 3. 4. SUNDAYMONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAY 1 2345678 9101112131415 16171819202122 23242526272829 3031

12 12 JUNE 2004 Goals: 1. Region VII Conf. 2. DCP Ends 3. Mention International Convention 4. Club Officer List to TI – 1/2yr & 1yr 5. Review Club Progress 6. TLI Actions: 1. 2. 3. SUNDAYMONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAY 1234 Region VII Conf at Westford 5 Region VII Conf at Westford 6789101112 13141516171819 2021222324 Hail & Farewell 2526 27282930 Club Officer List at TI

13 13 JULY 2004 Goals: 1. New District & Area & Club Officers/Install 2. New DCP 3. Mention International Convention 4. Actions: 1. 2. 3. SUNDAYMONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAY 123 45678910 11121314151617 18192021222324 25262728293031

14 14 AUGUST 2004 Goals: 1. District Officer Training 2. International Convention 3. Actions: 1. 2. 3. SUNDAYMONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAY 1234567 891011121314 15161718 International Convention at Reno 19 International Convention at Reno 20 Inter- national Conven- tion at Reno 21 International Convention at Reno 22232425262728 293031

15 15 SEPTEMBER 2004 Goals: 1. Begin Humorous Speech Contest 2. Begin Dues Collection 3. TI Anniversary Membership Dr 4. Actions: 1. 2. 3. SUNDAYMONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAY 1234 567891011 12131415161718 19202122232425 2627282930

16 16 OCTOBER 2004 Goals: 1. Semi-annual Report Due 2. Club, Area, Division Contest 3. Nomination Committee – All 4. Mention Fall Conference 5. Actions: 1. 2. 3. SUNDAYMONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAY 1 Club Dues at TI 2 3456789 10111213141516 17181920212223 24252627282930 31

17 17 NOVEMBER 2004 Goals: 1. District Fall Conference 2. Club Officer ½ yr Replacements 3. Actions: 1. 2. 3. SUNDAYMONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAY 123456 78910111213 14151617181920 21222324252627 282930

18 18 DECEMBER 2004 Goals: 1. Club Officer List to TI 2. Transition Period – ½ yr 3. Club Officer Installation 4. Actions: 1. 2. 3. 4. SUNDAYMONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAY 1234 567891011 12131415161718 19202122232425 262728293031 Club Officer List at TI

19 19 Create a Vision of Club Success  Feature quality programming  Require manual speeches  Expect effective evaluations  Encourage active participation  Keep membership at charter strength  Be enthusiastic

20 20 Plan to Make Your Club Vision a Reality  Communicate your vision  Use Executive Committee Meetings to set and achieve goals  Set membership / educational goals  Make every meeting outstanding  Provide harassment-free environment  Make your Club a Quality Club  Motivate performance / track progress using DCP

21 21 Qualities of a Super Team  Committed to quality performance  Creative methods of removing obstacles  Visible / accessible to others  Driven to achieve, exude energy, excitement, and commitment  Work together

22 22 Ensure Successful Club Administration  Encourage officers to attend training sessions  Verify that officers attend training  Confirm all paperwork is turned in to WHQ  Search for Club leaders

23 23 Represent the Club  Act as liaison between Club / Area / District  Participate in and vote at Area / District functions  Vote at the International Convention

24 24 Executive Committee Meetings  Review progress  Verify all officers are fulfilling responsibilities

25 25 Conduct Effective, Enjoyable Meetings  Contact VPE before each meeting  At meeting, verify all assignments are filled and that participants are ready  Make sure meeting begins / ends on time  Enthusiastically welcome members / guests  Follow parliamentary procedure


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