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Your Journey In Toastmasters

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1 Your Journey In Toastmasters
February 2013

2 Outline Toastmasters International Mission
Mission of a Toastmasters Club Toastmasters Education Program Communication Track Leadership Track Supplemental Programs Tips

3 The Mission of TMI Helping people learn the arts of speaking, listening and thinking – vital skills that Promote self-actualization, Enhance leadership potential, Foster human understanding and Contribute to the betterment of mankind.

4 Mission of a TM Club To provide a mutually supportive and positive learning environment in which every individual member has the opportunity to develop oral communication and leadership skills, which in turn foster self-confidence and personal growth.

5 Mentoring Program Each new member is mentored by an experienced Toastmaster Mentor’s role: Familiarize new TM with TI program and resources Act as a sounding board in developing ideas Help develop and polish speeches Encourage the TM to progress and improve by providing feedback. Mentoring is an ongoing process

6 Toastmasters Program When you sign up for Toastmasters you receive two manuals Competent Communicator Competent Leader There are 10 projects in each book They are focused on fundamental skills

7 Toastmasters Education Program
Guest Toastmaster Competent Communicator (CC) Advanced Communicator-Bronze (ACB) Advanced Communicator-Silver (ACS) Advanced Communicator- Gold (ACG) Leader (CL) Advanced Leader-Bronze (ALB) Advanced Leader -Silver (ALS) Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM)

8 Communication Track

9 Communication Track Competent Communicator (CC)
Ten speeches or projects in the CC manual Each is about 5-7 minutes Each project has specific objectives to master specific skills Use the skills cumulatively Polish the skills using feedback.

10 CC Projects Ice Breaker Organize your thoughts Get to the point
How to say it Vocal variety Your body speaks Research your topic Using visual aids Persuade with power Inspire the audience.

11 Competent Communicator Designation
Complete all ten projects from the Competent Communication Manual

12 Advanced Communication Track
Three mile stones Advanced Communicator-Bronze Advanced Communicator-Silver Advanced Communicator-Gold Fifteen manuals Each one has five projects Two manuals for each milestone You choose what interests you

13 Advanced Manuals The Entertaining Speaker Speaking to inform
Public Relations Facilitating Discussion Specialty Speeches Speeches by Management The Professional Speaker Technical Presentations Persuasive Speaking Communicating on Television Storytelling Interpretive Reading Special Occasion Speeches Interpersonal Communication Humorously Speaking

14 More… Three series of pre-designed club educational programs:
The Successful Club Series Leadership Excellence Series Better Speaker Series

15 Successful Club Series
The Moments of Truth Finding New Members For Your Club Evaluation To Motivate Closing The Sale Creating The Best Club Climate Meeting Roles And Responsibilities Mentoring Keeping The Commitment Going Beyond Our Club How To Be A Distinguished Club The Toastmasters Educational Program

16 Leadership Excellence Series
The Visionary Leader Developing A Mission Values And Leadership Goal Setting And Planning Delegate To Empower Building A Team Giving Effective Feedback The Leader As A Coach Motivating People Service And Leadership Conflict

17 Better Speaker Series Beginning Your Speech Concluding Your Speech
Take The Terror Out Of A Talk Impromptu Speaking Selecting Your Topic Know Your Audience Organizing Your Speech Creating An Introduction Preparation And Practice Using Body Language

18 Advanced Communication Bronze Designation
Achieve CC award Complete 5 projects each from any two of the Advanced Communication manuals

19 Advanced Communicator Silver Designation
Achieve ACB award Complete 5 projects each from two additional Advanced Communication manuals Conduct any two programs from: The Better Speaker Series and/or The Successful Club Series

20 Advanced Communicator Gold Designation
Achieve ACS award Complete 5 projects each from two additional Advanced Communication manuals Conducte a Success/Leadership Program or Success/Communication Program or Youth Leadership Program Coach a new member with the first three speeches.

21 Leadership Track

22 Competent Leader Manual
Ten projects: Listening and Leadership Critical Thinking Giving Feedback Time Management Planning and Implementation Organising and Delegating Developing Your Facilitation Skills Motivating People Mentoring Team Building

23 CL Project Requirements
No. Project Skills Requirements 1. Listening and Leadership 3 of 4 meeting roles - Ah-counter, Speech Evaluator Grammarian, Table Topics Speaker 2. Critical Thinking 2 of 3 meeting roles - Speech Evaluator, Grammarian, General Evaluator 3 Giving Feedback 3 meeting roles - Speech Evaluator Grammarian General Evaluator 4. Time Management Timer and any 1 of 4 meeting roles - Toastmaster, Speaker, Grammarian, Table Topics Master. 5. Planning & Implementation 3 of 4 meeting roles - Speaker, General Evaluator, Toastmaster, TTM

24 CL Project Requirements
No. Project Skills Requirements 6. Organizing and Delegating Help organize one of 6 activities - club speech contest, club special event, membership campaign or contest, PR campaign, club newsletter, club web site. 7 Developing Your Facilitation Skills 2 of 4 roles- Toastmaster, General Evaluator Table Topic Masters, Befriending a Guest 8. Motivating People 3 of 5 roles - Club Membership Campaign or Contest Chairman, Club PR Campaign Chairman, Speaker, Speech Evaluator, General Evaluator 9. Mentoring 1 of 3 roles - Mentor for a new member, Mentor for an existing member, Toastmaster, Guidance Committee member for an HPL program 10. Team Building Toastmaster and General Evaluator or 1of 6 roles - Club Membership Campaign / Contest chairperson, Club PR campaign chairperson, Club Speech Contest Chairperson, Club Special Event Chairperson, Club Newsletter Editor, Club Webmaster

25 ALB Requirements Achieved CC & CL
Served as a club officer and helped prepare Club Success Plan Attended Club Officer Training Conducted two programs from: The Successful Club Series /or The Leadership Excellence Series

26 ALS Requirements Achieved ALB (or old CL) award
Served term as a District Officer Completed the High Performance Leadership program Served successfully as a Club Sponsor, Mentor or Coach.

27 DTM Requirements The simplest of all…. Achieved ACG award
Achieved ALS award

28 So, finally you have achieved DTM!!??
So what? Toastmasters never stop……

29 Other Leadership and Communication Opportunities
Club Leadership Leadership outside the Club High Performance Leadership Success/Leadership Series Success/Communication Series Youth Leadership program Speech Contests Accredited Speaker Program Speakers Bureau Conferences and Conventions

30 Plan Your journey Set goals Identify speech topics
Keep records, use Internet tools Be proactive, grab opportunities, take challenges Read the manuals Regularly bring manuals to meetings

31 More Tips Utilize mentors Prepare, Practice, Perform and imProve
Make use of feedback Be a sport, enjoy it Share your learning The more you will give…… the more you will get.

32 Participate, Communicate, Lead
To Make A Positive Difference in You And in the World Around You!

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