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Causes of the American Revolution

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1 Causes of the American Revolution
Goal 1- Objective 1.03 Civics and Economics

2 Goals and Objectives Goal 1 - The learner will investigate the foundations of the American political system and explore basic values and principles of American democracy. Objective Examine the causes of the American Revolution.

3 I. Colonial Resistance Salutary Neglect
For years the American colonists had managed their own affairs and gained experience in self government due to salutary neglect. When George III took the throne, Britain's policy towards the colonies began to change.

4 I. Colonial Resistance Mercantilism
The theory that a country’s power depends on its wealth. Great Britain used the colonies as a source of cheap materials. Navigation Acts – American colonies could only trade with Great Britain.

5 I. Colonial Resistance Growing Tensions
Albany Plan of the Union – 1st attempt to unite the colonies and form a federal union. French and Indian War – war fought between Great Britain and France over North American territory. A. British won, left them with a huge debt. Proclamation of 1763 – prohibited colonists to settle passed the Appalachian Mountains.

6 I. Colonial Resistance Growing Tensions
To pay off their huge war debt, the British placed heavy taxes and strict restrictions on the American colonies. Stamp Act – tax on all legal documents Quartering Act – required colonists to house and feed British troops.

7 I. Colonial Resistance Worsening Relations
Many colonists decided to boycott British goods. A. Boycott – refuse to buy Organizations were formed to oppose new taxes and restrictions. Sons of Liberty – British opposition group Committees of Correspondence – distributed anti British literature. Common Sense – pamphlet that fanned the flames of the revolution written by Thomas Paine.

8 I. Colonial Resistance Stamp Act Congress
Held in New York City with the purpose of repealing the Stamp Act. A. Repealed – overturned or cancelled. Stamp act was repealed but Parliament passed the Declaratory Act. A. Declaratory Act – Parliament had the right to make decisions for the colonies in all cases. The Townshend Acts soon followed. Townshend Acts – legalized writs of assistance and assisted arrests of smugglers. 1. Writs of Assistance – Allowed British to search homes without warrant.

9 I. Colonial Resistance Stamp Act Congress
Angered by these laws, colonist cause trouble for British officials. Boston Massacre – British soldier fired into a crowd, killing five.

10 I. Colonial Resistance New Taxes and a Tea Party
Colonists resented the new taxes because they had no representation in Parliament. A. “No Taxation Without Representation” Tea Act – gave British the right to ship tea without paying tea tax. Boston Tea Party - British tea dumped into Boston harbor in protest of Tea Act

11 I. Colonial Resistance New Taxes and a Tea Party
4. Coercive/Intolerable Acts – passed as a punishment for the tea party, restricted colonists civil rights including trial by jury.

12 II. Moving Toward Independence
1st Continental Congress Colonial governments banned together to fight the Intolerable Acts. Delegates were sent to Philadelphia to discuss their concerns. 1st Continental Congress lasted 7 weeks. Delegates sent a document demanding he restore their rights. A. Olive Branch Petition – document sent to King George III, giving him an ultimatum.

13 II. Moving Towards Independence
1st Continental Congress King George responded with force. Two battles took place at Lexington and Concord “Shot heard Round the World” – poem written by Ralph Waldo Emerson to immortalize colonists who fought at these battles.

14 II. Moving Towards Independence
2nd Continental Congress Delegates again met in Philadelphia to discuss independence. Not all supported independence, but by 1776 most agreed and the Congress appointed a committee to write a document that would officially announce their independence. Declaration of Independence – written by Thomas Jefferson and approved on July 4, 1776.

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