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IT PBA 2008-2009 December 2008. Accountability  Major successes –wireless for campus more than double the users –UVU migrations (email, web, Banner,

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1 IT PBA 2008-2009 December 2008

2 Accountability  Major successes –wireless for campus more than double the users –UVU migrations (email, web, Banner, etc) –Automated operator – 863-4444 –EPAF –Campus Firewall –New Data Center –Emergency text messaging system –Identity management system –Other major projects (see handout) –Working on ODS/EDW, DegreeWorks, Banner 8, digital signage, Touchnet Marketplace, Cashiering, Building L fiber, on-line scheduling

3 Accountability  Funding from last year HelpDesk Technician Hired (30% increase in HelpDesk requests last year) Banner Security Officer on hold for possible cuts $100,000 in Infrastructure $50,000 spending on servers, $50,000 budget cut Digital Signage system installed, working on standards/rules DLC support Wireless in DLC, SAN for Data Center Student Computer lab in DLC from Student fees Info-commons computer lab support hourly money DegreeWork Maintenance $8,000 for license maintenance costs

4 Issues  Life cycle funding for current equipment/services  Projectors and classroom equipment in LA and other areas coming to critical point (6 years old next year)  Software True-up & increases  Demand & cost for IT services are outpacing staffing and funding  Supporting more systems, more students, more employees (software costs go up) Choices will need to be made! – Prioritization

5 2008 Un-funded Mandates  Software licensing for additional faculty  Software licensing for additional students  Software increases averaging 5%  Support for additional faculty and staff  Support for Library (DLC) rooms  Support for additional labs, classrooms, offices and their equipment  IT support for initiatives  IT support for additional business analyst and IR  IT support for additional systems  Additional security mandates and risks

6 Budget requests Positions #1 Banner Security Officer (retain) $87,000 #2 Automation & Integration (new) $60,000 Support of large number of new systems and demand for automation and integration

7 Budget requests  One-Time Funding –$200,000 for IT projects and hourly money (used for repair and replacement) (used for hourly help) (one-time for un-funded mandates) Hourly Fill in for staffing shortages in security, media, helpdesk, automation

8 Budget requests  On-going –$500,000 for IT Infrastructure –Need Life cycle replacement

9 Budget requests  TouchNet –$32,000 - shortfall this year –$130,000 - on-going  Oracle True-Up –$ per FTE (faculty & students) Last time $192,844 (paid over 2 years) Approx. 20% on-going maintenance  Other site licenses growth –$ per FTE (faculty & students)

10 Support for other’s initiatives  1. Support of finance programmer & PCI auditor  2. IT position for support of IRI  3. Digital Signage Initiative  4. Apple Training Center Initiative  5. Academic IT organization leadership position  6. Initiatives for using IT for efficiencies –Examples Video conferencing (available for only support costs) Virtual Lab Initiative (if supported by student government) (remote access by laptops of virtual lab machines with software)

11 IT Funding Realities  Prioritize?  Charge back?  Cut back?  Decentralize to pain points?

12 Questions?

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