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Welcome to Avon Grove Intermediate Physical Education Program 2009-2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Avon Grove Intermediate Physical Education Program 2009-2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Avon Grove Intermediate Physical Education Program 2009-2010

2 Meet Your Health and Physical Education Teachers  Mr. Benson  Mr. Conzentino  Mr. Jones  Ms. Mengel  Ms. Mitch  Mrs. Travis  Mrs. Weaver  Mr. Whitmer

3 Fire Emergency  Put equipment down.  Find your PE teacher.  Walk to safety in single file line.  Listen for directions.  Remain silent.

4 Tornado Emergency  Put equipment down.  Find and follow your PE teacher.  Duck and cover.  Listen for directions.  Remain silent.

5 Intruder Drill  Put equipment down.  Find and follow your PE teacher.  Remain silent.

6 What is PE ?  PE stands for Physical Education.  Physical Education means learning how your body moves.  Please call this class Physical Education, Phys. Ed, or PE, but not “Gym class”  The gym is WHERE we have PE !

7 When will I have PE ? You will have PE every day for the next 36 days of school ! This might be new to some of you, so please be prepared for PE every day.

8 What should I wear on my feet for PE class ?  Socks are a good start  Wear sneakers or other shoes that are closed all around and won’t come off your foot.  Wear shoes that are comfortable.

9 What should I NOT wear on my feet for PE class ?  Sandals / flip flops  Clogs  Dress shoes  Cowboy boots/Uggs  Heelys  Shoes with high or extra thick heels  Shoes that come off easily

10 What clothes are OK for PE ?  Comfortable clothes that allow you to move freely  Clothes that meet the school dress code  Pants, shorts, skorts

11 What clothes are NOT OK for PE ?  Clothes that keep you from moving freely  Clothes that do not meet the school dress code  Pants that drag on the ground  Skirts, mini skirts, or dresses

12 What should I do BEFORE I come to PE class ?  Use the bathroom.  Get a drink.  Make sure your sneakers are tied.  Bring a jacket or sweatshirt if you think you might need it.  Be sure that your name is on your sweatshirt or jacket.

13 What should I do when I get to the gym for PE class ?  Wait for a PE teacher to give you permission to quietly enter the gym.  Go to your assigned quadrant.  Double check to make sure your shoes are tied.  Begin your warm-up circuit when instructed.  Do not touch ANY equipment.

14 How should I behave during PE class ? There are 3 levels of behavior : 1. Unacceptable 2. Acceptable 3. Outstanding

15 Behavior Levels 1. Unacceptable  Not following directions  Not participating  Arguing  Being out of control  Poor attitude  Not using equipment properly

16 Behavior Levels 2. Acceptable  Following directions  Participating  Taking care of equipment or materials  Being in control

17 Behavior Levels 3. Outstanding  Being responsible for what you say and do  Cooperating with others at all times  Returning equipment or materials  Helping others  Acting as a role model at all times

18 What happens if my behavior is unacceptable ? 1. Warning 2. Time out 3. Red Card

19 What is a RED CARD ?  A red card is a red piece of paper that you have to take home.  A red card tells the adults in your house that your behavior was unacceptable.  If you get a red card, you must get it signed by an adult and bring it back the next school day.

20 Other PE rules  Enter and leave quietly.  Raise hand for permission to speak.  Follow directions the first time.  Ask for permission to use the restroom or get a drink.  Use equipment only as instructed.  Do not have gum or candy in the gym.  Be kind in what you do and say.

21 What should I do if I cannot participate in PE ?  Bring in a note from home or from a doctor.  Take the note to the NURSE FIRST !  Bring a copy of the note to your PE teacher.  What are some reasons you may not be able to participate?

22 What should I do if someone is bothering me ? 1. Ignore him/her. 2. Ask him/ her to please stop. 3. Tell a PE teacher.

23 What should I do if there is a disagreement ?  Discuss, negotiate, ask for other people’s help, take turns, use game solutions: –Paper, Rock, Scissors –Odd, even

24 Bathroom  Try to use the bathroom before or after PE class.  In case of emergency: –Ask YOUR teacher for permission before leaving. –Sign out. –Return as soon as possible. –Tell YOUR teacher when you come back in.

25 Water  During the class: Ask for permission first.  After the class: –Line up in a single line. –Use a quiet voice if you need to speak. –Keep your hands and feet to yourself. –Line up where your teacher asks you to line up.

26 Injuries  If you get hurt during PE, inform YOUR PE teacher immediately.  Do NOT wait until your next special or your next class to report an injury.  Report every case of bleeding or any other accidents.

27 How will I be graded in PE ? You will be graded in 4 areas: 1. Preparation…clothes and shoes 2. Warm up 3. 12 minute run for Grades 5 and 6 6 minute run for Grades 3 and 4 4. Behavior

28 Grading Preparation5 points Warm up5 points 6 or 12 minute run 5 points Behavior5 points Total20 points

29 Grading GradePoints E19 –20 M*15-18* SP11-14 P8-10 C0-7

30 Thank You ! Thank you for your kind attention and have a great school year !!!

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