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Plutarch’s Themistocles 29 th November 2010. What is this?

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1 Plutarch’s Themistocles 29 th November 2010

2 What is this?

3 Thucydides’ opinion on Plutarch: Whether we consider the extent of his natural powers, or the slightness of his application, this extraordinary man must be allowed to have surpassed all others in the faculty of intuitively meeting an emergency." Can you think of any emergency's that Themistocles responded to……..write down a list!

4 Themistocles Key facts: 1. Born in 529 BC 2. Fought at the Battle of Marathon 3. Popularist Politician 4. Great rival of Aristides 5. Ostracised in 471BC 6. Ruthlessly ambitious 7. Fond of taking bribes (compare with Pericles….)

5 Who was Themistocles? Elected archon in 493 BC, he took steps to increase the naval power of Athens, which would be a recurring theme in his political career. In the years after Marathon, and in the run up to the second Persian invasion he became the most prominent politician in Athens. He continued to advocate a strong Athenian navy, and in 483 BC he persuaded the Athenians to build a fleet of 200 triremes; these would prove crucial in the forthcoming conflict with Persia. In command of the Greek allied navy at the battles of Artemisium and Salamis. Thanks to subterfuge on the part of Themistocles – suggesting to Xerxes via a servant that the Allies were infighting in order to lure the Persian navy into the Straits of Salamis, the plan also allowed the Athenians some leeway in the event of a defeat - indeed the Allies possessed all the advantages at Salamis, and the decisive Greek victory there was the turning point in the invasion, which was ended the following year by the defeat of the Persians at the Battle of Plataea. At the end of the Persian Wars, Themistocles continued to be pre-eminent amongst Athenian politicians. However, he aroused the hostility of Sparta by ordering Athens to be re-fortified, and his perceived arrogance began to alienate him from the Athenians. In 471 BC, he was brought down by political enemies and ostracised, and went into exile in Argos. The Spartans now saw an opportunity to destroy Themistocles, and implicated him in the treasonous plot of their own general Pausanias. Themistocles thus fled from Greece, and travelled to Asia Minor, where he entered the service of the Persian king Artaxerxes I. He was made governor of Magnesia, and lived there for the rest of his life. Themistocles died in 459 BC with his reputation posthumously rehabilitated, and he was re-established as a hero of both Athens and the Greek world. His naval policies would have a lasting impact on Athens as well, since maritime power became the cornerstone of the Athenian Empire and golden age.

6 Themistocles’ role in Athenian Politics

7 Plutarch: Thucydides: Herodotus:

8 Reading Themistocles 1-3 in Plutarch Highlight the following – His humble origins His education Early signs of greatness Ambition At the end of passage 3 what are you initial impressions of Themistocles?

9 Reading Themistocles 4-5 in Plutarch Highlight the following key areas of interest – Themistocles’ forsight in creating a more immediate concern for Athenians than the persians Desire for personal gain both financial and political The fate of Aristides What are Themistocles’ key characteristics as shown in these passages?

10 Reading Themistocles 6-7 in Plutarch Can you find relevant passages to answer the following: What do the Persians demand and what does it mean? What does the Persian king also try and do and what is Themistocles’ reaction? What is so important about the story of Phanias the Lesbian in passage 7? Tip: Think about source material and themes around Themistocles’ character.

11 Reading Themistocles 8-9 in Plutarch Highlight how Plutarch comes across his source material – PoetryArchaeology Human virtue

12 Scholarly Opinion on Themistocles Plutarch: Themistocles can still reasonably be thought of as "the man most instrumental in achieving the salvation of Greece" from the Persian threat. Thucydides’: Themistocles was "a man who exhibited the most indubitable signs of genius; indeed, in this particular he has a claim on our admiration quite extraordinary and unparalleled". Read your given area of text for homework to find an appropriate quote to demonstrate Herodotus’ opinion of Themistocles.

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