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The Cold War Begins 1945-1952.

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1 The Cold War Begins

2 Post-War America

CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT Was it a time of “happy days or anxiety, alienation, and social unrest”?

4 1948 to 1968: The “Vital Center” A political consensus developed
Anti-Communist Economic growth can solve societies problems Political pluralism

5 Postwar Economic Anxiety
Fear of return to depression Businesses called for an end to government controls over the economy

6 1946-47 saw an economic slump & inflation increase 33%
Removal of price controls led to the increase in inflation

7 Labor Trouble & Inflation
Worries about job security & inflation led to new labor demands Organized labor called for crippling strikes in major industries

8 Increasing numbers of strikes led to Truman warning strikers of federal intervention

9 1946 Congressional Elections: Republicans gained control of both houses of Congress

10 Taft-Hartley Labor Bill (1947)
Passed over Truman’s veto Banned closed shop & weakened labors rights

11 Labor frustrated in its attempts to unionize the southern textile industries in its “Operation Dixie”

12 Truman’s Economic Policy
Employment Act of 1946 Created the Council of Economic Advisors Sought to promote maximum employment, production & purchasing power

13 Servicemen’s Readjustment Act (1944)
GI Bill of Rights Servicemen given educational & economic benefits

14 Total cost of the World War II education program was $14.5 billion.

15 Civil Rights African-American’s fared a little better economically & politically, despite congressional refusal to pass civil rights & fair labor laws

16 1947: Color line crossed in baseball when Brooklyn Dodgers hired Jackie Robinson
1948: Armed forces began desegregating

17 Long Economic Boom: GNP (Gross National Product) began to climb after 1948 – nearly doubling in the 1950s & again in 1960s

18 By 1950, the economy will begin to skyrocket & reach a plateau of growth that will last until 1970

19 Middle Class Prosperity
“Chicken in every pot” of depression became desire for 2 cars in every garage Plus a TV, air conditioner, swimming pool, vacation home, RVs & hoola-hoops for the kids

20 Women in the Workforce Many women decided to keep working after the war but did so under gender discrimination

21 Women account for 25% of the workforce by the end of the war & will have 50% of the jobs by the 1990s

22 Cult of domesticity re-emerges & supported by science & popular culture
Clash of these dual roles will lead to the feminist movement of the 1960s

23 Suburban Living The Typical TV Suburban Families
Leave It to Beaver The Donna Reed Show Father Knows Best The Ozzie & Harriet Show

24 Causes of growth Much of the continued economic growth caused by the “war economy” appropriations of the Cold War

25 Korean War, Arms Race, Space Race, & Vietnam will keep American defense spending rolling through two decades

26 National Defense Budget [1940-1964]

27 America enjoyed the benefits of cheap energy & lack of environmental controls

28 America productivity increased & educational levels rose
By 1970, 90% of the school age population was enrolled in school

29 Farmers dropped from 15% of the workforce in the 40s to 2% by the 90s but harvested a large percentage of the world’s food

30 The Sunbelt Invention of air-conditioning, existence of cheap fuel, & large number of defense jobs in the south & west caused many Americans to move to the “sunbelt” following the war

31 NE & Mid-W  S & SW (“Sunbelt” states)
The U. S. population was on the move in the late 1940s and into the 1950s. NE & Mid-W  S & SW (“Sunbelt” states)

32 The Suburbs Low interest FHA & VA loans made it economical to own a home

33 The Burbs

34 Levitt brothers pioneered the “assembly line” construction of suburban homes

35 $7,990 or $60/month with no down payment

36 Post-war families snatched up these “cookie cutter” tract homes
They filled the yards with barbeques & kids Lots of kids

Suburban Living SHIFTS IN POPULATION DISTRIBUTION, Central Cities % % 32.6% % Suburbs % % 30.7% % Rural Areas/ % % 36.7% % Small Towns U. S. Bureau of the Census

38 The Baby Boom Huge birthrate jump began in 1945, peaked in 1957, & tapered off to 1961 “Baby boom” generation has had a major impact on the economy & culture in America

39 Baby Boomers “It seems to me that every other young housewife I see is pregnant.” British visitor to America, 1958

40 The Truman Era

41 Harry S. Truman “The average man’s average man.”
First president in many years without a college education

42 Failed at business but worked his way up in local Missouri politics
Truman’s bluntness & hard-headedness worried & upset many people

43 Roots of The Cold War

44 US & USSR Similarities US & USSR resembled each other in many troublesome ways: Large, expansionist, born in revolution, & believed their way was the best way

45 Conflicting Interests
Soviet Goals Wanted to rebuild Europe in ways that would help the Soviet Union recover from the huge losses it suffered during the war Wanted to establish Soviet satellite nations, countries subject to Soviet domination and sympathetic to Soviet goals Wanted to promote the spread of communism throughout the world American Goals Wanted conquered European nations to experience the democracy and economic opportunity that the United States had fought for during the war Wanted to develop strong capitalist economies, which would provide good markets for American products vs

46 The Cold War Summary: vs Uneasy peace between the U.S. & Soviet Union.
Competition for world dominance & global power. Fought on political & economic fronts rather than on military battlefields - even though the threat of war was always present. Defined American foreign policy from It affected domestic politics & how Americans viewed the world & themselves. Constant state of military preparedness & arms race Propaganda war: Democracy vs. Communism US policy: Support nations threatened by Communism

47 The Cold War [1945-1991]: An Ideological Struggle
Soviet & Eastern Bloc Nations [“Iron Curtain”] US & the Western Democracies GOAL  “Containment” of Communism & the eventual collapse of the Communist world. [George Kennan] GOAL  spread world-wide Communism METHODOLOGIES: Espionage [KGB vs. CIA] Arms Race [nuclear escalation] Ideological Competition for the minds and hearts of Third World peoples [Communist govt. & command economy vs. democratic govt. & capitalist economy]  “proxy wars” Bi-Polarization of Europe [NATO vs. Warsaw Pact]

48 Yalta Conference Before A-bomb tested, US believed Soviet military would be needed to defeat the Japanese

49 Soviets agreed to allow democratic elections in Eastern Europe
They lied leaving the USSR in control of a large sphere of influence

50 Conservatives accused Roosevelt of selling out China & Eastern Europe to the Soviet Union

51 Potsdam Conference Stalin warned indirectly about the existence of the Atomic bomb Soviets felt slighted about being out the loop on the Manhattan Project

52 United Nations April 25, 1945: SF Conference creates UN Charter
Security Council responsible for settling disputes among nations


54 American-Soviet Relations
Decades of distrust & misunderstanding came to a head at the end of the war

55 1945: Washington abruptly ended lend-lease to the Soviets & refused to grant them loans while still aiding Britain

56 Bretton Woods Conference (1944)
Agreement created the World Bank & the International Monetary Fund Soviets refused to participate in either

57 The Baruch Plan Bernard Baruch called for a UN agency to oversee nuclear power to halt weapons development Stalin rejects the idea

58 Postwar Germany 1945-46: Nuremberg Trials
22 top Nazi war criminals put on trial for crimes against humanity 12 hanged

59 Nazi leaders being tried for war crimes and crimes against civilians: Established the principle: That individuals are responsible for the actions regardless if they are carrying out orders.

60 Crimes against peace, humanity = war crimes
trial Crimes against peace, humanity = war crimes Important principle established: Individuals responsible for their actions

61 trial Several Nazi leaders would be found guilty for crimes against humanity. Punishments ranged from prison sentences up to life and execution by hanging.

62 USSR sought to make Germany pay reparations for war
US realized need for a economically strong but militarily weak Germany

63 Germany divided into 4 territories at the end of the war: British, French, American, & Soviet
Western Allies began to call for a reunited Germany

64 The Division of Berlin

65 The “Iron Curtain” Falls
Soviets force the Eastern European countries behind what Winston Churchill called the “Iron Curtain”

66 “From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the Continent.” Fulton, Missouri 1946

67 The Containment Policy
1947: George Kennan writes from Moscow describing that the goals of the Soviet Union were expansionary Kennan suggests a policy of “containment”

68 Democracy vs. Communism Bi-Polarization of the World
CONTAINMENT POLICY 1950’s Containment: Stop the expansion of Communism in Asia and Europe Democracy vs. Communism Bi-Polarization of the World Soviet Union/China and Allies US, Allied Nations and Allied colonies

69 The Truman Doctrine Greece & Turkey were turning leftist - danger of Soviet involvement Truman issues his Doctrine describing the need to “contain” communism

70 The Buck Stops Here

71 The first use of “containment”
Truman Doctrine, 1947: The first use of “containment”

72 March 1947: Truman asked Congress for $400 million to support democracy in Turkey & Greece
1948: Truman recognizes Israel

73 Marshall Plan (1947) Sec of State Marshall develops European Recovery Program to stop communism (containment) $12.5 Billion spent in Europe over 4 years

74 1948: Soviet sponsored coup in Czechoslovakia pushes Congress into action
Creates an “economic miracle” in W. Europe

75 The Marshall Plan

76 Berlin Airlift ( ) Stalin closes ground access to Berlin to choke off the Allies US & British air power breaks the blockade through a massive airlift

77 U.S. flew supplies 24/7 to feed West Berlin for 11 months.
Berlin Airlift U.S. flew supplies 24/7 to feed West Berlin for 11 months.

78 Iran Crisis Stalin tested the West's resolve in Middle East & began fomenting revolution in Iran Truman’s protest caused Stalin to back down

79 US Military is Reorganized
National Security Act of 1947 Brought all of the armed forces under the Department of Defense Created the Joint Chiefs of Staff

80 1948: National Security Council coordinated decisions on military intervention
1949: Central Intelligence Agency created for intelligence gathering

81 The North Atlantic Pact (1949)
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) Defensive alliance of US & 12 W. European countries Greece & Turkey join 1952 West Germany in 1955

82 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (1949)
United States Belgium Britain Canada Denmark France Iceland Italy Luxemburg Netherlands Norway Portugal 1952: Greece & Turkey 1955: West Germany 1983: Spain

83 Warsaw Pact (1955) U. S. S. R. Albania Bulgaria Czechoslovakia
East Germany Hungary Poland Romania

84 The Bipolarization of Europe

85 US & East Asia (1945-53) Reconstruction of Japan
Under General MacArthur Japan received a democratic constitution & aid for reconstruction Japanese war criminals also tried & 7 executed

86 1949: Communists in China under Mao Zedong defeat the Nationalists
Nationalists under Chiang Kaishek establish the Republic of China on Taiwan

87 Republicans declare Truman had “lost” China to the communists
New Secretary of State Dean Acheson seeks to recognize communist China

88 Election of 1948 Democrats nominate Truman
Platform of civil rights causes segregation south to form State Rights Party Strom Thurmond runs as States Rights candidate

89 New Progressive Party nominates Henry Wallace - seen as a patsy for the communist party
Republicans nominate Thomas E. Dewey

90 Truman Defeats Dewey Though polls & pundits call for Truman defeat, he wins 300 to 189 in electoral vote Dixiecrat Thurmond: 39 electoral votes


92 1948 Election

93 Truman’s Fair Deal Truman’s State of the Union called for a Fair Deal including: Aid to Education National Health Insurance Civil Rights Legislation

94 More Social Security Public Housing Repeal of Taft-Hartley Streamlining of Federal Bureaucracy

95 Point Four Point Four of Truman’s inaugural address calls for aid, along with scientific & technical assistance to third world countries to stop communism

96 Quickwrite Compare and contrast American foreign policies after WWI ( ) and WWII ( ).

97 The Second Red Scare American fears: Spread of Communism Nuclear War
Spies at Home Economic Depression

98 Truman’s “Loyalty” Program
1947: Launched to investigate “leftists” in the federal government Employees, especially school teachers, were forced to take loyalty oaths

99 HUAAC House Un-American Activities Committee (1938-1975)
1948: Investigations begin of suspected commies

100 Government employees dismissed
Writers, movie producers & actors blacklisted Hollywood Ten

101 1949: 11 communists convicted of violating the 1940 anti-sedition Smith Act

102 Shocking Events of 1949 China goes Communist (Mao defeats Chang Kai Shek = China & Taiwan) Russians detonate their 1st atomic weapon

103 Alger Hiss Trial State Department official Alger Hiss accused of spying by Whittaker Chambers

104 Hiss sues for libel but is then charged with perjury when he is found to have lied under oath
Richard Nixon prosecutes Hiss

105 McCarthyism 1950: Senator Joseph McCarthy makes his “Wheeling Declaration” He has the names of 200 known communists in the federal government

106 He becomes famous for his investigation of Communists


108 The Rosenbergs 1951: Julius & Ethel Rosenberg found guilty of espionage for giving atomic secrets to Russians 1953: Executed

109 The Rosenbergs

110 The H-Bomb 1952: 1st Hydrogen Bomb (fusion) tested successfully in the South Pacific 1953: Russians explode their H-bomb & the arms race is on


112 The Korean War ( )

113 Korea Divided

114 Dean Acheson describes a defense perimeter in the pacific excluding Korea

115 June 25, 1950: North Korea invades South
US & Korean forces retreat to Pusan perimeter

116 Korean War [ ]

117 Truman resurrects NSC-68
UN Security Council votes to restore peace

118 Sept. 15: UN forces under MacArthur land at Inchon on
South clear by October

119 The Forgotten War

120 The Forgotten War UN allows invasion of North
November: Chinese troops cross the Yalu river & push UN troops south of the 38th parallel

121 The Shifting Map of Korea [1950-1953]

122 MacArthur criticizes Truman’s decision not to fight China
April 11, 1951: MacArthur relieved of duty

123 Civilian control of US military reaffirmed
Issue becomes a political “hot potato” over communism


125 Truce Negotiations July 1951: War breaks down into stalemate
Discussions over a truce breakdown about exchange of prisoners – war continues

126 Twenty-Second Amendment
1951: Amendment passes saying no person shall be allowed to be president more than twice Truman excluded

127 Election of 1952 Democrats: hampered by Korea, scandals, & Red Scare nominate Adlai Stevenson

128 I Like Ike Republican isolationists sought to nominate Robert Taft
Dwight Eisenhower wins nomination on first ballot


130 Anti-Communists got Richard Nixon to be vice-presidential nominee
Nixon attacks Stevenson while Ike takes the high road

131 Nixon Slush Fund Reports claim Nixon had a secret campaign fund for his personal use Nixon makes “Checkers Speech” in reaction to slush fund allegations


133 Eisenhower makes a last minute pledge to personally go to Korea to end the war

134 Ike wins 33,963,234 to 27,314,992 (442 to 89) Republicans also take Congress

135 War Ends Ike goes to Korea & 7 months later, after the threat of a nuclear strike, the war in Korea ends in a shaky armistice

136 54,000 American dead & over a million dead in East Asia
Communism contained

137 Communist Expansion A Chronology of Events
Soviet Union 1918 Berlin Blockade X Eastern Europe 1946 China 1949 X Korean War 1950 to 1953 CONTAINMENT Marshall Plan Berlin Airlift NATO Korean War Communist Expansion A Chronology of Events 1 1

138 Quickwrite Analyze the successes and failures of the Cold War policy of containment as it developed in TWO of the following areas from Europe East and Southeast Asia Middle East Latin America

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