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Revolution and the Enlightenment

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1 Revolution and the Enlightenment
UNIT III Revolution and the Enlightenment

2 Section 14-3 Response to Crisis: Absolutism

3 How did absolutism affect government?
absolutism- a system of government in which a ruler holds total power czar- the Russian word for Caesar, which became the word for Russian ruler

4 How did absolutism affect government?
FRANCE under LOUIS XIV Louis XIV is known as the “Sun King” His reign is the best example of absolutism This is a system in which a ruler holds all the power Examples: Make laws, levy taxes, administer justice, control the state’s power, and determine foreign policy

5 How did absolutism affect government?
POLICIES of the SUN KING Set up court at Versailles He lived there, worked there, and also people came there to ask favors of him He bribed local officials to to carry out his demands He limited the power of nobles Closed down Protestant Churches (Huguenots) Waged wars which let to other nations disliking him Set up his own family on the Spanish throne

6 How did absolutism affect government?
RUSSIA UNDER PETER THE GREAT Ivan IV took the title czar; he also crushed the Russian nobility’s power AKA Ivan the Terrible after he died there were battles for power Romanov dynasty est. In 1613 and lasts until 1917. Peter the Great is the most prominent member Opened a window to the west Est. a port on Baltic sea for trade to Europe Constructed St. Petersburg, the Russian capital for many years

7 Section 14-4 The World of European Culture

8 How did the work of Locke and Hobbes impact political theory?
Mannerism- movement in art that emphasized emotions, suffering, and religion baroque- movement in art that tried to bring together classical ideals of the Renaissance and spiritual feelings

9 How did the work of Locke and Hobbes impact political theory?
natural rights- rights with which humans are born, including the rights to life, liberty and the property

10 How did the work of Locke and Hobbes impact political theory?
Thomas Hobbes John Locke English; wrote Leviathan (1651); Hobbes believed that humans were guided not by reason and morals but by a ruthless struggle for self- preservation; believed we needed to make a social contract to save ourselves from destroying each other English; wrote Two Treatises of Gov’t (1609); believed that before society was organized, humans lived in a state of equality and freedom, not a state of war; he believed that gov’t needed to be established to ensure people the protection of their rights; coined term, natural rights

11 How did the work of Locke and Hobbes impact political theory?
Mannerism Baroque Mannerism reflects the uncertainty of of spiritual experiences Replaces Mannerism; spread throughout Europe and into Latin America; used dramatic effects to get emotion

12 Section 17-1 The Scientific Revolution

13 What role did reason have in the Scientific Revolution?
geocentric- placing the Earth at the center of the universe heliocentric- placing the sun at the center of the universe

14 What role did reason have in the Scientific Revolution?
rationalism- system of thought based on the belief that reason is the chief source of knowledge scientific method- a systematic procedure for collecting and analyzing evidence

15 What role did reason have in the Scientific Revolution?
inductive reasoning- reasoning from particular facts to general principals

16 What role did reason have in the Scientific Revolution?
BACKGROUND to REVOLUTION Medieval scientist were known as ‘natural philosophers’ Rediscovered Greek and Latin texts showed that ancient thinkers had varying ideas of how the world worked

17 What role did reason have in the Scientific Revolution?
REVOLUTION in ASTRONOMY REVOLUTION in MEDICINE and CHEMISTRY In the Middle Ages people believed in geocentrism (Earth is the center) By 1543, Copernicus introduced the sun- centered model of the Universe; Galileo used the telescope to make observations of the planets and moons; Newton defined the universal law of gravitation Beliefs from during this time still are upheld today. Examples include the structure of the human body, the heart, and naming of chemical elements

18 What role did reason have in the Scientific Revolution?
DECARTES and REASON His most famous book is Discourse on Method “I think therefore, I am” He is the father of modern rationalism

19 What role did reason have in the Scientific Revolution?
The SCIENTIFIC METHOD Created by Francis Bacon It is a procedure for collecting and analyzing that started during this time Based on the belief that scientists should use inductive reasoning to study nature

20 Section 17-2 The Enlightenment

21 How did great thinkers of the time influence intellectual of the time?
philosophe- an intellectual of the Enlightenment laissez-faire- the belief that government should not interfere in economic matters

22 How did great thinkers of the time influence intellectual of the time?
separation of powers- the division of government into executive, legislative, and judicial branches that limit and control each other in a system of checks and balances

23 How did great thinkers of the time influence intellectual of the time?
social contract- an agreement among individuals that they will be governed by the general will

24 How did great thinkers of the time influence intellectual of the time?
PATH to ENLIGHTENMENT -The Enlightenment was an 18th century philosophical movement of intellectuals who were impressed with the scientific revolution. They believed in reason, natural law, hope, and progress; Newton and Locke are most associated with this movement

25 How did great thinkers of the time influence intellectual of the time?
PHILOSOPHES and their IDEAS Montesquieu- The Spirit of Laws written in 1748; tries to use the scientific method to find natural laws to form government Credited with identifying three branches of government His work was translated into English and influenced the US Constitution

26 How did great thinkers of the time influence intellectual of the time?
PHILOSOPHES and their IDEAS (contd) Voltaire- criticized Christianity; he believed in deism (religious philosophy based on based on natural reason and law) Based his beliefs on Newton God was a mechanic and se the universe in motion and allowed it to run without interference Ran according to natural laws

27 How did great thinkers of the time influence intellectual of the time?
PHILOSOPHES and their IDEAS (contd) Diderot- wrote a 28-volume collection ok knowledge known as the Encyclopedia Created to change the way of thinking it spread the ideas of the Enlightenment

28 How did great thinkers of the time influence intellectual of the time?
Check Point! Who is credited with the theory of deism? Whose most famous contribution was the Encyclopedia? What is a philosophe? Give an example.

29 How did great thinkers of the time influence intellectual of the time?
TOWARD NEW SOCIAL SCIENCE Adam Smith wrote The Wealth of Nations; wrote about laissez- faire, believed government should not interfere with economic matters; it should only have three basic roles- 1. protect society from invasion; 2. defend citizens from injustice; 3. keep up with public works Cesare Beccaria-opposed cruel and unusual punishments

30 How did great thinkers of the time influence intellectual of the time?
THE LATER ENLIGHTENMENT Rousseau- wrote Social Contract ; he is a new generation of philosophe; social contract an entire society agrees to be governed by its general will. He believes more in emotions-; he sought a balance between reason and emotion

31 How did great thinkers of the time influence intellectual of the time?
RIGHTS of WOMEN Mary Wollstonecraft- wrote A Vindication of the Rights of Women; she is considered the founder of the women’s rights movement; argued that if the power of monarchs is 1. wrong than the power of men over women is wrong; 2. the Enlightenment is based on the idea of reason in all humans, then woemn also have reason

32 Section 17-4 Colonial Empires and the American Revolution

33 What rights are guaranteed to American in the Constitution?
federal system- a system of government in which power is shared between the national and the state government

34 What rights are guaranteed to American in the Constitution?
BRITAIN and BRITISH NORTH AMERICA UK came into existence in 1707 when the governments of England and Scotland united In 1757, WM. Pitt the Elder expands British Empire by acquiring Canada and India during the Seven Year’s War The 13 colonies (est.1608 (Jamestown), 1620 (Pilgrims) were supposed to be headed by British Board of Trade, Royal Council, and Parliament; however, the colonies set up their own legislatures

35 What rights are guaranteed to American in the Constitution?
STAMP ACT Continental Congresses After the Seven Years War, GB had a huge amount of debt Stamp Act- 1765; documents had to have a stamp that the tax was paid; major opposition form the colonists; repealed in 1766 1st Met in Philadelphia in 1774 Lexington and Concord April 1775 2nd met after that and formed an army July 4, 1776 it approved the Declaration of Independence (written by Jefferson)

36 What rights are guaranteed to American in the Constitution?
Allies of the Colonists Allies of the British French, Spanish, and the Dutch Loyalists

37 What rights are guaranteed to American in the Constitution?
SURRENDER Battle of Yorktown in 1781, General Cornwallis surrender GB troops to colonists and French (under Washington) Treaty of Paris signed in 1783 officially ends the war Gives Colonists independence, control of the western territory from Appalachians to the Mississippi

38 What rights are guaranteed to American in the Constitution?
TIMELINE ACTIVITY! (Crafternoon!) Create a timeline of the major events we discussed leading up to the Revolutionary War until the signing of the peace treaty. Put years, and a short description and draw a picture for each.

39 What rights are guaranteed to American in the Constitution?
The BIRTH of a NEW NATION The Articles of Confederation were approved in but the states were still concerned with their own interests 1787, fifty-five delegates met in Philadelphia to to revise the Articles

40 What rights are guaranteed to American in the Constitution?
BIRTH of a NEW NATION The Constitution, 1787, created a federal system Power is shared between the federal (National) and state governments

41 What rights are guaranteed to American in the Constitution?
FEDERAL (national) GOV’T Bill of RIGHTS Power to levy taxes, raise an army, regulate trade, create national currency. Divided into three branches legislative, executive, and judicial First ten amendments to the Constitution Freedom of speech, press, petition, assembly; rights to bear arms, protected against unreasonable searches and seizures, trial by jury, due process, and property rights. *Derived from natural rights by the 18th century philosophes*

42 Section 18-1 The French Revolution

43 How did the Enlightenment influence the French Revolution?
estate- each of the three divisions of French society bourgeoisie- the middle class in France that included merchants, bankers, industrialists, and professional people

44 How did the Enlightenment influence the French Revolution?
sans-culottes- the name the members of the Paris Commune gave themselves

45 How did the Enlightenment influence the French Revolution?
BACKGROUND on the FRENCH REVOLUTION Started in 1789 More radical than the American Revolution The immediate cause of the Revolution were economic reasons Society was based on inequality

46 How did the Enlightenment influence the French Revolution?
ESTATES BOURGEOISIE 3 social orders 1.) First Estate- clergy; smallest estate, exempt from taille, or tax 2.) Second Estate-Nobility; a little larger; held position in the government; exempt from taille, tax 3.) Third Estate- Commoners; a majority of the French people were in this one Doctors, lawyers, writers, merchants; Part of the Third Estate but had the opportunity to move up to the Second estate if they were elected to an office.

47 How did the Enlightenment influence the French Revolution?

48 Financial Problems in France, 1789
Urban Commoner’s Budget: Food % Rent % Tithe % Taxes % Clothing 20% TOTAL 170% King’s Budget: Interest % Army % Versailles 25% Coronation 10% Loans % Admin % TOTAL %

49 How did the Enlightenment influence the French Revolution?
French Monarchy Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette French Monarch during this time They liked to live extravagantly Both were beheaded Louis (January 1793) Marie (October 1793)

50 How did the Enlightenment influence the French Revolution?
Marie Antoinette From Austria Married Louis XVI when she was 15 years old She never said “Let them eat cake!” But she is most often associated with it Let them eat cake!

51 How did the Enlightenment influence the French Revolution?
FROM ESTATES GENERAL to NATIONAL ASSEMBLY RESULTS Estates-General held a meeting on May 5, There was a lot of poverty and a lack of food while the king was still living very comfortably hence the meeting King overrides the votes to maintain the monarchy. As a result, the Third Estate called itself the Nat’l Assembly and wanted to draft a new constitution. When they arrived back the following day,. They were locked out of the meeting. They went next door to a tennis court and swore they would meet until they produced a new constitution. This became known as the Tennis Court Oath

52 How did the Enlightenment influence the French Revolution?
Tennis Court Oath June 20, 1789

53 How did the Enlightenment influence the French Revolution?
STORMING of the BASTILLE Louis XVI wanted to use force against the Third Estate Before he could do this, a mob stormed the Bastille, an armory and a prison in Paris Occurred on July 14, 1789 (wanted to acquire ammunition ) Revolutionaries are now in control of France

54 How did the Enlightenment influence the French Revolution?
18 died. 73 wounded. 7 guards killed. It held 7 prisoners [5 ordinary criminals & 2 madmen].

55 How did the Enlightenment influence the French Revolution?
DESTRUCTION of the OLD REGIME On August 26, 1789 the Nat’l Assembly wrote the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen Louis XVI refused to accept theses BY 1791 the National Assembly seized power in the Catholic Church and completed a new constitution

56 How did the Enlightenment influence the French Revolution?
August 26, 1789 Liberty! Property! Resistance to oppression! Thomas Jefferson was in Paris at this time.

57 How did the Enlightenment influence the French Revolution?
DESTRUCTION of the OLD REGIME (contd) At this point leader in Austria and Prussia were afraid the Revolution would spread They tried to restore the monarch By 1792, the Paris Commune emerged and called themselves sans-culottes, they were ordinary patriots

58 Section 18-2 Radical Revolution and Reaction

59 How did the French Revolution become radical?
factions- dissenting groups elector- an individual qualified to vote in an election

60 How did the French Revolution become radical?
coup d'état- a sudden overthrow of a government

61 How did the French Revolution become radical?
MOVE to RADICALISM The sans-culottes took revenge on people who were loyal to the King Thousands were arrested and killed In 1792, a National Convention was called

62 How did the French Revolution become radical?
MOVE to RADICALISM (contd.) The convention solidified the distrust of the King Major Step: Abolish the King Established : The First Republic

63 How did the French Revolution become radical?
MOVE to RADICALISM (contd.) The Jacobins, large network of political groups in France at the time and also took part in the Convention They split into two factions 1 Girondins- feared radicalism, represented areas outside the major cities, and wanted to keep the king alive 2 The Mountain- represented the radical in Paris; supported the execution of the King

64 How did the French Revolution become radical?
MOVE to RADICALISM (contd.) Louis XVI beheaded by the guillotine on January 21, 1793 The National Convention created the Committee on Public Safety Austria, Prussia, Spain, Portugal, and Britain took up arms against France after Louis XVI was executed Dominated by Georges Danton and then by then by Maximillion Robespierre

65 Marie Antoinette on the way to the guillotine, 1793

66 Louis XVI The trial of the king was hastened by the discovery in a secret cupboard in the Tuilieres of a cache of documents. They proved conclusively Louis’ knowledge and encouragement of foreign intervention. The National Convention voted 387 to 334 to execute the monarchs.

67 Maximillian Robespierre (1758 – 1794)

68 Georges Jacques Danton (1759 – 1794)

69 How did the French Revolution become radical?
THE REIGN of TERROR 40,000 people were killed It was instigated by the Committee of Public Safety People from all classes were killed for rebelling De-christianization occurred at this time (ie calendar started with September 22,1792 This failed because many still believed in Catholicism

70 The last guillotine execution in France was in 1939!
Monster Guillotine! The last guillotine execution in France was in 1939!

71 Different Social Classes Executed

72 How did the French Revolution become radical?
A NATION in ARMS The Committee of Public Safety mobilized on Aug. 23, 1793 1 million people are in the army by 1774 (largest in history) They are not professional soldiers, they are normal people

73 Army is based on merit, not birth

74 How did the French Revolution become radical?
THE DIRECTORY Established in 1795, under a new constitution National Convention ordered the constitution 2 chambers Lower house- Council of 500 Upper house-The Council of Elder

75 How did the French Revolution become radical?
THE DIRECTORY (contd) Napoleon Bonaparte leads a coup d'état to overthrow the Directory

76 Section 18-3 The Age of Napoleon

77 How did Napoleon rise to power?
consulate- the French government under Napoleon before he was crowned emperor nationalism- the unique cultural identity of a people based on common language, religion, and national symbols

78 How did Napoleon rise to power?
RISE of NAPOLEON Born in 1769 in Corsica Received a scholarship to military school in France Napoleon was very successful and rose through the ranks He staged a successful coup d'état to overthrow the Directory Created a new government called the consulate (1799) By 1802 he crowned himself Emperor Napoleon I

79 Napoleon’s Throne

80 Coronation of Napoleon

81 Napoleon’s Bed Chamber

82 How did Napoleon rise to power?
NAPOLEON’S DOMESTICE POLICIES Restored Catholicism Codification of laws (most famous) Civil Code (Napoleonic Code) preserved the gains of the Revolution (i.e., religious toleration, choice of profession, property rights He did shut down 60 of the 73 newspapers and required all manuscripts to be approved

83 Napoleonic Code

84 How did Napoleon rise to power?
NAPOLEON’S EMPIRE Enlarged France Spain Holland Kingdom of Ital Swiss Republic Prussia Austria Russia Sweden

85 Napoleon’s Empire

86 How did Napoleon rise to power?
THE EUROPEAN RESPONSE This grand empire collapses quickly 1. survival of Great Britain 2. nationalism

87 How did Napoleon rise to power?
THE FALL of NAPOLEON Russia wanted to break away, Napoleon invades Napoleon could only win if they fought quickly The Russians retreat, Napoleon’s army follows them to Moscow; the Russians burn everything along the way; Napoleon’s troops starve and do not have supplies; Napoleon’s army seen as weak

88 Moscow Is On Fire!

89 Napoleon retreats from Moscow

90 How did Napoleon rise to power?
THE FALL of NAPOLEON (contd) Paris is captured in March of 1814 Napoleon was sent to Elba in exile Monarchy restored, Louis XVI brother is king King doesn’t have support Napoleon gets back into France

91 Napoleon exiled to Elba

92 How did Napoleon rise to power?
THE FALL of NAPOLEON (contd) Napoleon raises another army Defeated in Belgium at the battle of Waterloo Exiled to St. Helena

93 Napoleon’s retreat in St. Helena

94 Napoleon’s tomb

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