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The 1790s Remaining Neutral. The Debate over Revolution A.The French Revolution - Messy and confusing change in power. - The Dem-Reps supported Revolution.

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Presentation on theme: "The 1790s Remaining Neutral. The Debate over Revolution A.The French Revolution - Messy and confusing change in power. - The Dem-Reps supported Revolution."— Presentation transcript:

1 The 1790s Remaining Neutral

2 The Debate over Revolution A.The French Revolution - Messy and confusing change in power. - The Dem-Reps supported Revolution. -The Federalists did not. B.Declaration of Neutrality - Britain and France wanted the US in their war. - In April 1793, GW issued the Proclamation of Neutrality.

3 C.British causing trouble. - Impressment -In early 1792 the British began to seize American merchant ships and impress the American sailors. -They were also arming Indians in the Northwest Territory. D.Jays Treaty - Chief Justice John Jay was sent to England to negotiate a treaty about impressment. - Did not solve the problem and was hated in the US. E. Pinckneys Treaty - Signed with Spain in 1795 and settled many border disputes between the US and Spain. - Gave the US access to the Mississippi. Key to Westward Expansion.


5 Conflicts in the Northwest A.White Settlement -Land Ordinance of 1785 encouraged white settlement of Native lands. -The govt put pressure on several tribes to give up land and violence occured. B. Battle of Fallen Timbers (1794) - America v. Confederation of Shawnees and Miamis. - The Indians were defeated. - Treaty of Greenville: Indians gave up lands in the NW.

6 Washingtons Farewell Address (1796) -Warned against sectionalism and political factions. -Warned against the dangers of foreign alliances. -Precedent: Stepped down after 2 terms.

7 The Adams Administration A.Election of 1796 - John Adams (Federalists) v. Thomas Jefferson (Democratic Republican) - Adams was victorious. - Jefferson was Vice President.

8 XYZ Affair B. Foreign Relations - France began to seize US merchant vessels at sea. - Diplomat sent by President Adams were turned away by the French. INSULT! - 2 nd Set of Diplomats sent were met by 3 French diplomats who demanded bribes and a loan. UGH! - Adams and the Federalists begins an undeclared war with France.

9 C. Censoring free speech - The Alien and Sedition Acts were passed in 1798. - 3 Alien Laws were aimed at foreigners. - The Sedition Act outlawed any opposition to govt policies and prohibited criticism of public officials. D. Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions -drafted by Jefferson and Madison to get rid of the A & S Acts by getting the states to nullify them. -Nullification: the states rights to declare a law unconstitutional. - The crisis went away but nullification did not.

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