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Welcome Curriculum Night Second Grade Teachers Joann Robisheaux Leticia Lopez Charla Stansbury Kathleen Martello Jessica Wicke Leslie Aertker Megan Engels.

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2 Welcome Curriculum Night Second Grade

3 Teachers Joann Robisheaux Leticia Lopez Charla Stansbury Kathleen Martello Jessica Wicke Leslie Aertker Megan Engels Tabitha Herrera Beth Amaro

4 Procedures in Mrs. Herrera’s and Mrs. Amaro’s Room What comes home everyday? The Conduct Card, Planner, and Take Home Folder go home daily. The Take Home Folder has ungraded class work. On Thursdays, math homework will go home in this folder. Take Home Reader/Word Work will go home on Mondays. Please sign your child’s Conduct Card daily. If your child’s planner is stamped, Mrs. Herrera or Mrs. Amaro have checked it. If not, please remind your child to write their homework daily. * If your child has brought home a spiral notebook or journal, please send it back- this stays in the classroom.

5 Procedures in Mrs. Herrera and Mrs. Amaro’s Room What else comes home? On Monday, Mrs. Amaro will send home a Take Home Reader, a Reading Journal, and a reading log. Please complete these and return on Friday. On Tuesday, the Tuesday Folder comes home. This has graded work, work that Mrs. Herrera or Mrs. Amaro have looked over, and flyers from the school. Homework is given on Mondays for Reading and math. Thursday you will see a skill sheet for math. Homework that is not completed at home will be completed at school during recess or Extended Learning Time.

6 9 Week Grading Periods. Please sign and return progress reports. The first one will go home Sept. Please sign and return report cards. This lets the teachers know you have seen your child’s grades. If you have questions or concerns, email or call Mrs. Amaro and/or Mrs. Herrera

7 Important Information Lunch Money If sending money to school, put it in an envelope or baggie with…  The student’s name  The teacher’s name  What the money is for Change of transportation – send a note or call the school before 3:00 pm. It can not be changed without documentation. IDs- Students should be wearing these daily. If they are lost, they cost $2.00 to replace the ID, and $1.00 to replace the lanyard. Students who are not wearing IDs daily will receive one warning, after that they will receive a conduct mark for organization.

8 Important Information Change of Phone Number –If you change your phone number during the school year, please update both the front office and the teachers. Rainy Day Plans- If you want your child to go home a different way when it rains, please make sure you have let the teacher know. Keep this information updated as well. Birthdays-If you send birthday treats, please let us know in advance and send napkins!

9 Language Arts Reading Focus Poetry Word Work Reader’s Workshop Language Writing Workshop Handwriting Manuscript Cursive

10 Reading/Writing Workshop What is Reading Workshop? Teaches skills and strategies that are necessary for all readers/writers Gives students the time to read “just right” books to practice strategies/write about topics that interest the student Provides time for one-on-one and small group teaching

11 Reading/Writing Workshop What are the components of Reading/Writing Workshop? Minilesson- teacher teaches a short lesson on a reading/writing skill Independent Reading/writing- students practice the reading skill Share- students share how they used the reading skill in their reading that day and they share their writing

12 Reading/Writing Workshop Instruction is differentiated during the Independent reading/writing portion of Reading/Writing workshop through… Reading/Writing Conferences- teachers teach one student a reading skill that meets the student’s needs Guided Reading/Writing/Strategy Lessons teachers teach a small group of students reading/writing skills that meet the needs of the group

13 Word Work Parent Resources Check out for many resources including - overview Word Study PowerPoint presentation - word banks (with the focus of the week and assessment dates) - letter tiles that can be printed to practice building words at home - research articles Just click on the parent page and then the Word Study tab.

14 Math-First 9 Weeks Numeracy up to 500 Place Value up to 500 Odd and Even numbers Graphing, using pictographs and bar graphs. Reading a thermometer Number lines Patterns Using strategies “Act it Out” and “Look for a Pattern” to solve problems Building problem solving skills and stamina Writing about our math thinking.

15 Math-Looking Ahead Addition and Subtraction to 18 Money, counting money Reading clocks to the 5 minute interval Addition and Subtraction with regrouping Geometry, Measurements, Fractions Numeracy up to 1200

16 Math-Fact Fluency Fact Fluency (the new “fast facts”) Why? To help students develop fluency and automaticity of basic facts What will it look like? Meaningful practice  Students will have a variety of practice opportunities (games, activities, and connections to literature) that will cover the facts learned in class Fact Checks  Cover a specific strategy learned in the classroom  Used to guide instruction (not a grade) End of 9-weeks Assessment  Will cover all of the facts learned in that 9-weeks  Grade in Gradebook

17 Science-First 9 Weeks Healthy habits Preventing the spread of germs Body systems Collecting and observing data to learn about the weather Practice academic writing using sentence stems.

18 Science-Looking Ahead Biology Plants and animals Physics Sound, force, and movement Earth science The sun, moon, and stars Climate Data collection using… Rulers, measuring cups, timers, hand lens, thermometers, balances, computers

19 Social Studies-First 9 Weeks Identifying ways to be a good citizen Understanding, identifying, and creating maps. Create timelines and understand use vocabulary to learn about the past, present and future. Learn about national holidays such as Veterans Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Thanksgiving.

20 Social Studies-Looking Ahead History Geography Economics Government Citizenship Culture

21 Conclusion We plan to start meeting with all parents in October for yearly conferences. However, please feel free to contact us anytime: send a note, email, or call. Mrs. Herrera: 281-237-457 9 Mrs. Amaro: 281-237-4543

22 Thanks for Coming! By working together, we can assure each child’s success. It will be a fabulous year!

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