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Ms. Are 1 st Grade Welcome, Families!. Welcome to First Grade!  I will introduce you to first grade and to our classroom routines, curriculum, etc. 

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Are 1 st Grade Welcome, Families!. Welcome to First Grade!  I will introduce you to first grade and to our classroom routines, curriculum, etc. "— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Are 1 st Grade Welcome, Families!

2 Welcome to First Grade!  I will introduce you to first grade and to our classroom routines, curriculum, etc.  If you have any questions during my presentation, please feel free to ask at the end

3 All About Me  Nigeria, Texas, California, Virginia  5th year in Arlington Public Schools (9 th Teaching)  California State University, Long Beach  3 year old Shih Tzu, Gemini  Middle of 5 and Aunt to 6

4 Our Schedule  9:00 - Morning Meeting/Calendar Math  9:20 - Math  10:15 - Snack/Working snack  10:20 - Science/ Social Studies  11:05 - Specials  12:00 - Lunch and Recess  1:00 - Language Arts  2:45 - Writer’s Workshop  3:30 - Circle Time (Summative Meeting)  3:40 - Dismissal

5 Specials Schedule  Monday: P.E.  Tuesday: Music  Wednesday: Art  Thursday: P.E.  Friday: Guidance/Mosaic, Library Please return all library books on Fridays. Wear comfortable shoes to PE on M and Th!.

6 Language Arts  Shared Reading  Guided Reading  Word Study  The Daily 5  1. Read to Self  2. Read to Someone  3. Listening  4. Word Work  5. Writing

7 Writer’s Workshop  We have Writer’s Workshop MTThF.  Workshop Model:  Mini-lesson  Independent work time  Author Share Time

8 Math  Math Expressions Subjects to Be Taught:  Counting Strategies  Shapes (2D and 3D)  Word Problems  Addition and Subtraction  Measurement  Time  Money  Twos, Fives and Tens  Patterns

9 Social Studies  Units to Be Taught:  Civics  Citizenship and Rules, Famous People, Holidays  Past, Present, Future  Geography  Maps, Climate, Cardinal Directions, Location  Economics  Money and Savings, Making Choices, Buyers and Sellers

10 Science  Units to Be Taught:  Motion  Matter  Plants  Animals  Sun and Earth  Seasons and Weather  Conservation

11 Technology Available Technology:  Lap top and iPad Carts for student use in our classroom  Computer Lab visits  Document camera  SMART Board

12 Homework Homework is given Monday-Thursday.  Reflects what we learned in class  Must be returned in homework folder  20 minutes of reading every night!  Please help guide your child, but it is not necessary to correct homework. -A posted note on homework- alerts me to an area of weakness -Homework is “graded” based on completion.

13 Classroom Community  Our classroom is a community. In our community, we have rules to ‘keep us safe’, ‘protect our rights’ and ‘make sure we are treated fairly’. The 3Ts We take care of ourselves. We take care of each other. We take care of this place.

14 Classroom Management  Golden Ticket (Individual)  Compliment Chain (Classroom)  Weekly or Daily Behavior Notes (Individual)

15 Lunch  12:00-12:25 Please feel free to join your child for lunch.  Please use the APS website to put money in your child’s lunch account.

16 Communication  Quarterly Newsletter  Email and homework folder  Grade Level website (can be found on Oakridge site)

17 Parent-Teacher Conferences  October 17 th*, 18 th and 19 th  Please sign up on your way out.

18 Wish List  Magazines, magazines, magazines!  Books, books, books!  Plants  Air fresheners (Glade Decore Scents refills)  Scrabble (Game)  Monetary donations for any of the above  More to come…

19 Questions? If you think of something later, please contact me via email and I will be happy to help you.

20 Let’s Have a Great Year!

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