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Bio Foundations JEOPARDY! Chemistry 101 I say organelles, Mr. De says organelles Cellular Components Cellular Membrane Carbs, Proteins, Nucleic Acids,

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Presentation on theme: "Bio Foundations JEOPARDY! Chemistry 101 I say organelles, Mr. De says organelles Cellular Components Cellular Membrane Carbs, Proteins, Nucleic Acids,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bio Foundations JEOPARDY! Chemistry 101 I say organelles, Mr. De says organelles Cellular Components Cellular Membrane Carbs, Proteins, Nucleic Acids, Lipids, OH MY! 200 400 600 800 1000 2000

2 These are the building blocks of living systems

3 ATOMS back

4 These are the particles found in the nucleus of all atoms… except Hydrogen!

5 Protons and Neutrons back

6 This is the amount of time it takes for ½ of an atom’s nucleus to decay

7 Half-life back

8 This is the total number of electrons that can be held in each orbital

9 2 back

10 This type of bond can be found between atoms of table salt

11 Ionic (Na + Cl - ) back

12 The strongest chemical bond in biological systems is called __________________ and is found here ____________________

13 Phosphodiester Backbone of genetic material back

14 This organelle is the “control center” of the cell

15 Nucleus back

16 This organelle is the “powerhouse” of the cell

17 Mitochondria back

18 This organelle has a cis-face and a trans-face

19 Golgi Apparatus back

20 These types of cells contain an endomembrane system

21 Eukaryotic back

22 These allow for decoded DNA to leave the nucleus and for other particles to enter the nucleus

23 Nuclear pores back

24 This organelle specializes in lipid synthesis

25 Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum back

26 The cell contains structures that aid in cell movement and structure, they make up this functional unit of the cell

27 Cytoskeleton back

28 These are found in Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells and are vital for protein synthesis

29 Ribosomes back

30 This is the molecule that Mitochondria make and it is the molecule that gives life energy

31 ATP back

32 Plant cells contain a substance that gives them their green coloring, it is called

33 Chlorophyll back

34 Some Prokaryotic cells contain this structure found outside of the cell membrane which is used for extra protection

35 Cell capsule back

36 The process of making a chain of action longer is called

37 Polymerization back

38 Proteins are made up of smaller sub-units called

39 Amino Acids back

40 These are used for the storage and expression of genetic material

41 Nucleic Acids back

42 Amino acids and nucleotides are joined together through

43 Dehydration Synthesis back

44 These are the worst types of lipids to consume

45 Trans-fats back

46 These carbohydrates are used for long-term energy storage

47 Polysaccharides back

48 This is an example of a protein with a quaternary structure

49 Hemoglobin back

50 These types of membrane proteins have both polar and non-polar regions

51 Integral Proteins back

52 Each time a transmembrane protein passes through the membrane it goes through this domain

53 Transmembrane Domain back

54 These types of cellular connections allow cells to be anchored down to something in order to withstand mechanical disturbances

55 Desmosomes back

56 Plant cells communicate using these junctions

57 Plasmodesmata back

58 These types of proteins are found on the surface of cell membranes

59 Peripheral Proteins back

60 These are cell surface markers that are attached to membrane proteins

61 Glycoprotein back

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