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Social Media for Credit Unions? Facebook – Getting Started Adding content Promoting Advertising Summary W E L O O K A T T H I N G S D I F F E R E N T.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Media for Credit Unions? Facebook – Getting Started Adding content Promoting Advertising Summary W E L O O K A T T H I N G S D I F F E R E N T."— Presentation transcript:


2 Social Media for Credit Unions? Facebook – Getting Started Adding content Promoting Advertising Summary W E L O O K A T T H I N G S D I F F E R E N T L Y


4 Yes! CUs are uniquely positioned for social media. We all want to attract younger members – the vast majority are now are engaged with social media. CUs have the right message. We have the right ethos. People are looking for alternatives to mainstream banks We just need to get this message out to the masses; to get out and shake it up with them.

5 W E L O O K A T T H I N G S D I F F E R E N T L Y Yes! People expect their CU to interact with them on a more personal level. Social media provides us the opportunity to reach people with our message and to actually demonstrate our commitment to them (and have a great audience to witness it!) It’s free to set-up and a huge opportunity.












17 Facebook is a social network service A tool for connecting people with those around them Provides the opportunity for your members to experience the personality of your Credit Union online As a marketer, you can use Facebook to expand your online footprint and engage with members directly Here are the statistics about Facebook in Ireland: 1.58m is the number of monthly active Users in Ireland 124 is the average number of friends on Facebook in Ireland Over 467k users access Facebook on mobile in Ireland.

18 Visibility in the search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc..) Customised URL – Add customised content All tabs have specific URL’s so you can drive targeted traffic to them Engage with members directly New member acquisition Current member outreach W E L O O K A T T H I N G S D I F F E R E N T L Y

19 Profiles are meant for people Pages are meant for businesses Differences between Business Pages and Personal Profiles: 1) Pages allow for multiple administrators to help manage the account 2) Pages are, by default, public and will rank in Facebook and public search results 3) Pages are split into different categories (local businesses, brands, musicians,…) that help you get listed in more relevant search results 4) Personal profiles have friends, requiring mutual acceptance while anyone can become a fan of your Page 5) Pages allow pictures, videos, discussion board, applications, wall posts, groups and other interactive elements.













32 Easy to update o Credit Union logo o Credit Union information o Images o Videos o Events o Blog feeds (RSS) o Proof your Page o Publish your Page W E L O O K A T T H I N G S D I F F E R E N T L Y

33 520 x 480 pixels 200 x 600 pixels max



36 Ask questions Create content your audience will want to share Encourage your audience To participate Create a solid content plan and stick with it Be consistent Transparency - Let your members in to show your humanity Connect - Be the conduit between your audience and valuable content and resources Relevance – Before you link to content make sure it’s relevant and adds value to your audience



39 1.Add it to your email footer 2.Mention it on your voicemail 3.Include in your newsletter 4.Reference it in your TV, radio or print ads and appearances 5.Link to it from your website 6.Include it in other social network profiles 7.Print it on your mail 8.Print it on your business card 9.Add it to your offline print materials 10.Add it to instore promotions W E L O O K A T T H I N G S D I F F E R E N T L Y

40 “Like” other Credit Union pages o Add other Credit Union Facebook pages to your favourite pages and hopefully they’ll reciprocate this. Send an email o Send a short email to your business contacts asking them to check out your company's Facebook page and give them a link. Be compelling o You will have greater results in gaining fans if you give them a compelling reason to be a fan, e.g. tip of the week, special offers, etc. Paid promotion (Advertising) o You can always try a paid promotion. Click on the “Find New Fans” tab at W E L O O K A T T H I N G S D I F F E R E N T L Y



43 By location (Country, City, town) Demographics o Age o Sex o Relationships o Interests Education/Work Facebook Connection/Keywords More specific text in your ad Realtime results showing you approximately how many people will be targeted.

44 Keep it simple Use your Credit Union name/ Narrow in on subject Avoid long sentences Strong call to action Eye catching image (avoid logos) W E L O O K A T T H I N G S D I F F E R E N T L Y


46 1.Sign up or log in to Facebook 2.Go to 3.Click on Create a Page 4.Select Local Business or Company category 5.Select type of category and enter your credit union name 6.Create account and verify 7.Add content 8.Publish your page 9.Get 25 fans & pick a customised URL name 10.Promote, update, ENGAGE! W E L O O K A T T H I N G S D I F F E R E N T L Y





51 Social Media Marketing Tips - Facebook Marketing Tips - Social Media Video Tutorials - Credit Union on Facebook - Credit Union on Twitter - Credit Union Presidents Blog - Name: David Clarke Email: W E L O O K A T T H I N G S D I F F E R E N T L Y


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