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The Cold War 1945-1991.

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1 The Cold War

2 Cold War Competition and tension between the
US and USSR for power and influence in the world without any direct fighting Competitions: Politics – Democracy vs. Communism (Totalitarianism) Economics – Capitalism vs. Communism or Mixed Economy vs. Command Economy Technology Arms Race (weapons & military) Space Race Influence among 3rd World Nations Military Alliances – NATO vs. Warsaw Pact

3 “Weapons” of the Cold War
Threat of Nuclear Attack Propaganda Sending Economic and Military Aid to Weaker Nations

4 Different Values USA Democracy Freedom Capitalism Individualism USSR
Totalitarianism Equality Socialism Collectivism USA rules, USSR drools We are the Best, better than The West


6 Roots of the Cold War WWI Treaty of Brest-Litovsk Russian Revolution
Russia gets out early, US entry helps win the war Treaty of Brest-Litovsk Russians lose 1/3 of their territory Russian Revolution U.S. doesn’t recognize Russian govt. until 1933 West aids White Army Treaty of Versailles Russia not invited Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia granted independence WWII Stalin signs Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact Stalin pleas for help on eastern front denied Russian losses at 29M, US only 400,000 US refuses to give Russia nuclear technology US drops bomb to avoid giving Russia more territory WWII Agreements – Yalta and Potsdam

7 YALTA (in the USSR) Date: Feb 1945 Present: Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin

8 Yalta Creation of United Nations Division of Germany
Russian agree to help defeat Japan in exchange for land Stalin agrees to free elections in occupied territories

9 POTSDAM (Germany) Date: July 1945 Present: Churchill, Truman and Stalin

10 Potsdam Stalin has refused free elections, instead installed communist governments in occupied territories. US has the A-bomb and are anxious to restrict Russia Finalize agreement to divide Germany and Berlin

11 Cold War Foreign Policies
US Truman Doctrine Containment Marshall Plan NATO United Nations USSR Soviet Satellites – Iron Curtain Molotov Plan Warsaw Pact United Nations

12 Truman Doctrine CAUSE - Greece and Turkey threatened with communist takeovers 1947 Truman promised that the USA “would support free peoples who are resisting subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures”. US Foreign Policy - provide money and military aid to nations resisting communist takeovers Greece and Turkey, received $400M first and successfully defeated communism Italy received $$ to secure upcoming elections. France received aid to prevent the advance of Communist trade unions It signalled the end of “isolationst” policies.

13 Containment Containment – US Foreign Policy to keep communism within its existing borders Places were Containment Policy was used: Greece Turkey South Korea Berlin Vietnam

14 Marshall Plan Marshall Plan - money to help rebuild European economies after WWII Purpose – Prevent spread of communism by eliminating the conditions that encourage communism Catch -$ had to be spent on products made in the US USSR - rejected the Marshall Plan thinking it was a plan to boost the US economy and make countries dependent on US

15 United Nations Purpose - International Organization established
after WWII to maintain international peace Organization – 6 main groups Security Council resolves disputes, maintains peace and security 15 members, 5 permanent Russia, China, US, France, Great Britain General Assembly Representatives from all member nations Makes policies Secretariat – executive and administrative duties Economic and Social Council – provides economic assistance and programs to 3rd world nations International Council – oversees transition to colonial rule World Court – resolves international disputes, war crimes

16 United Nations Problems - Between US and USSR vetoed each other initiatives. Many were concerned that the UN might become another LON 1950 – USSR boycotted UN over failure to recognize Communist China enabled the US to take action in Korea UN resolution to sends troops to aid South Korea against a North Korean invasion ensured that the UN could send troops to resolve international disputes

17 Iron Curtain “From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic an iron curtain has descended across the continent” -Winton Churchill Soviet Satellites - Soviet controlled countries in Eastern Europe (aka countries behind the iron curtain) Purpose – protect USSR from invasion from the West

18 Molotov Plan USSRs plan to counter the Marshall Plan a.k.a COMCON
Eastern European countries under Soviet influence received some aid

19 Soviet Union Tests Bomb
1949 Soviets Test first Atomic Bomb US and West react with fear and despair Arms Race Begins

20 NATO and Warsaw Pact NATO Warsaw Pact
Military Alliance between the US and western Europe An attack against one nation would be considered an attack against all Warsaw Pact Military Alliance between the USSR and Eastern Europe Pledge to defend one another in the event of an attack


22 Cold War Events Tension and Conflict
Berlin Airlift Wall U2 Spy Plane Cuba Korea Vietnam

23 Divided Germany Germany had been divided into 4 sectors after WWII
Allies remain in these territories and implement their own economies/political systems Allies had different goals for Germany USSR - prevent Germany from becoming too strong again Western Allies - make Germany economically strong to avoid Communism

24 Divided Germany Iron Curtain – A term used by Winston Churchill
to describe the separating of Those communist lands of East Europe from the West. Divided Germany

25 Improve your knowledge
Divided Berlin Improve your knowledge The Russians took very high casualties to capture Berlin in May They spent the early occupation trying to take over all zones of the city but were stopped by German democrats such as Willy Brandt and Konrad Adenauer. Reluctantly the Russians had to admit the Americans, French and British to their respective zones.

26 Berlin Blockade CAUSES
Western Allies attempt to unite the Western Sectors of Germany and Berlin and form an independent West Germany with a common currency Stalin responds with attempt to take over all of Berlin Berlin Blockade – 1948 Stalin tries to starve the city to force the west out of West Berlin USSR cut off all ground access to Berlin, leaving 2M West Berliners without food, electricity and fuel

27 Berlin Blockade You are President Truman…What would you have done to save West Berlin? What are the pros and cons to each alternative?

28 Truman’s Choices Use military force to gain ground access to West Berlin Give up West Berlin to Soviets Is there another? Airlift Food and Supplies

29 Berlin Airlift Purpose – to prevent the takeover of West Berlin by the USSR US sent 2M tons of supplies to West Berlin on Cargo Plans Plans landed 24hrs/day to keep west Berliners from starving

30 Operation “Little Vittles”
US pilots drop candy to the children of West Berlin using parachutes made of handkerchiefs

31 Extended Thinking What did the Berlin Airlift do for the relationship between the U.S. and German people? What did the Berlin Airlift do for Stalin? In what ways did President Truman’s airlift support the policy of containment? As you view the film, make note of the end result of the airlift? What happened to the west and east sectors of Germany?

32 Berlin Airlift

33 Effects of Berlin Blockade
Success for Containment Germany became 2 countries – East and West Germany Berlin became permanently divided US – appeared as friend rather than foe to West German’s USSR/Stalin - appeared oppressive and brutal

34 U2 Spy Plane Incident May 1, 1960
US U-2 spy plane shot down over the Soviet Union. Khrushchev demanded an apology - Eisenhower refused. Pilot Gary Powers - Convicted of espionage and sentenced to 3 years imprisonment and 7 years of hard labor. Served 1 year 9 months and 9 days before being traded for the Soviet spy Colonel Rudolph Ivanovich Abel. Effect- Created further mistrust between US and USSR

35 Berlin Wall

36 Berlin Wall Constructed in 1961
Cause- intellectual & skilled workers from East Berlin from escaping to West Berlin Effects – Symbol of Cold War, East Berlin - economically weak Families separated; West Berlin - economically strong

37 Cuba Cuban Revolution – 1956 Castro overthrows President Batista
Establishes Communist Government in Cuba Nationalizes all industries Many owned by U.S. citizens

38 US Response to Cuban Revolution
Bay of Pigs Invasion CIA plan to Overthrow Castro Sent Cuban Exiles to invade Cuba Kennedy cancelled US air support Invasion Failed Operation Mongoose CIA plan to assassinate Castro and interrupt Cuban Trade

39 Cuban Missile Crisis Cuban reaction to US attempts to overthrow Castro
Turn to USSR for Help Soviets begin building nuclear weapon sites in Cuba October 1962 – US U2 Spy Plane Photographs Missile launch sites under construction in Cuba

40 Missile Range Missiles could reach Missiles could reach
every major city in US (except Seattle) within minutes of launch

41 Cuban Missile Crisis Oct 16-28, 1962
Causes Reaction to US attempts to invade Cuba and overthrow Fidel Castro Reaction to US missiles placed in Turkey Khrushchev Kennedy

42 Kennedy Speech Cuban Missile Crisis

43 Cuban Missile Crisis Potential Options Discussed by ExComm (Sec. of State, Sec. of Defense, Joint Chiefs of Staff, National Security Advisor, CIA Director, Vice President, UN Ambassador) Ignore the Missiles Airstrikes to take out Missiles Airstrikes followed by US invasion Diplomacy Naval Blockade of Cuba


45 Cuban Missile Crisis Naval Blockade – option chosen by Kennedy
Demonstrated US willingness to take action Gave Khrushchev time to consider the gravity of the situation US Response Americans left population centers US military on full alert Soviet Response Send ships toward Cuba Eventually honor the blockade

46 CMC Final Agreement Public: Private USSR agrees to withdraw Missiles
US wont invade Cuba Private Kennedy agreed to remove Missiles in Turkey

47 Soviet Leadership - Cold War
Stalin ( ) Khrushchev (1953 – 1964) Brezhnev (1964 – 1982)

48 Stalin Stalin (1922-1953) Great Purge (1936-1938) 5 year Plan (1928)
Political Rivals sent to gulags or purged 5 year Plan (1928) focus on heavy industrial products Few consumer goods made Focus on quantity vs. quality Collectivization(1928) Peasants forced to work on group farms Military spending high – 1st A-bomb (1949), 1st H-bomb (1952)

49 Khrushchev Khrushchev (1953 – 1964) De-Stalinization (1953)
Denounced Stalin’s brutal policies Improved standard of living More freedoms Continued Collectivization and 5 year plans U2 Spy Plane incident 1960 Peaceful Co-existence with West (1961) Continued Massive Military Buildup Sputnik – 1st Satellite in space = ICBMs capable of reaching US (1957) Cuban Missile Crisis (1962) + Weakened Economy = Removed from Office (1964)

50 Brezhnev 1964 – 1982 Reversed Khrushchev’s de-Stalinization policies (1964) Brezhnev Doctrine – no country could leave the Warsaw Pact (1968) Détente (1972) – policy to “relax” relations with the US SALT (1972)– limited the number of nuclear warheads and missiles that each country could maintain Invasion of Afghanistan (1979) ended détente Drained national treasury, unpopular

51 Soviet Satellites Yugoslavia
Only large eastern European Communist state to resist Soviet Control Josip Tito – leader of Yugoslavia insisted on own national policies Developed his own form of Communism Stalin expelled Yugoslavia from the international communist organization

52 Soviet Satellites Invasion of Hungary 1956
Hungarians demand freedoms from communist government Imre Nagy announced withdraw from Warsaw Pact - Threatens to return to democracy Khrushchev sends Soviet Army into Budapest Leaders and protesters rounded up and executed Hungary returns to Communism

53 Soviet Satellites Invasion of Czechoslovakia 1968
Czechs attempt to loosen Soviet Control Czech leader Alexander Dubcek restores some freedoms Soviets send in Warsaw Pact troops Czechoslovakia returns to Soviet Communism

54 Soviet Satellites Poland
Resented Soviet control Gomulka – freed political prisoners and ended collectivization, eased relations with the Catholic Church 1970s workers demand economic reforms 1976 Growing underground movement to resist Soviets aided by Catholic Church

55 Cold War in Asia China Korea Vietnam Japan

56 Communism in China 2000 years of Dynastic Rule
1911 Republic of China established Nationalist Leader - Sun Yat-sen Promised land reform and end to political corruption

57 Communism in China 1920 – Chinese Communist Party formed
1920/30’s Nationalist Party in Control – Chiang Kai-Shek leads Nationalist Party (1927) Millions of peasants starve Unequal land distribution Govt. policies favor wealthy landlords 1927 Civil War begins Nationalist vs. Communists 1934 – Long March 90K Communist March 2,000 miles in Protest against government Nationalist kill 6K Communists Mao Zedong survives


59 Communism in China WWII Communist – Mao Zedong
gain strength in countryside by giving peasants land arm peasants with weapons Communist movement grows Nationalist- Chiang Kai-shek save best troops to fight Communists, NOT Japanese Troops are crushed by Japanese Nationalist movement weakens Continues to ignore problems Land reform, Corruption

60 Chinese Civil War Civil War Resumes after WWII
US sends 3B in Aid to help Nationalists Why?_______________________ As you watch the video, answer the following question: What were the results of the Chinese Civil War?

61 Chinese Civil War

62 Chinese Civil War Results:
Chiang Kai-shek flees to Formosa establishes the Republic of China Allies with US Mao Zedong established the Peoples Republic of China Allies with USSR

63 Communism in China 1949 Communist Revolution
Mao Zedong becomes leader ( ) Soviet Socialism 5 year Plan and Collectivization 1956 Break from Soviet Influence Move toward true communism Great Leap Forward Modernize economy, while equally sharing wealth Large scale industrial programs Communes Cultural Revolution Plan to rid China of the 4 Olds: ideas, culture, customs and habits Red Guard helped to enforce Communist Ideas 1976 Mao dies, Jiang Qing (wife) takes over – struggle in Communist Party begins

64 Chinese Modernization
Deng Xiaoping Deng Xioping The Four Modernizations improve agricultural production update and expand industry modernize its army Import foreign science and technology Jiang Zemin Modernization of industry Environmental destruction Widening Gap between rich and poor Three Represents Changes to Communist Ideology Included “representing interests of majority” Movement to include business interests in party politics Zemin improved Chinese relations Between the US and USSR

65 Modern China Chinese Global Influence continues to Grow Focus:
Environmental Controls Gaps between rich and poor Continued economic improvement Foreign Investment in economy Personal, but not Political Freedoms Media and Political Control Human Rights Violations – Tibet Committed to Chinese Reunification - Taiwan President Hu Jintao moves China toward capitalism

66 Korean War

67 Korea 1945 Post WWII 1948 – Free Elections Scheduled
North Korea occupied by USSR South Korea occupied by US Divided at 38th Parallel Plan to create an independent, unified Korea 1948 – Free Elections Scheduled US holds free elections in S. Korea USSR refuses free elections Syngman Rhee – non-communist leader of S. Korea Kim Il Sung – USSR installed communist leader in N.Korea

68 Korean War June 1950 N. Korea Troops invade S.Korea
Truman orders Naval & Air Force to Korea without formal declaration of war UN Security Council approves military aid to South Korea North Korea South Korea

69 Korean War UN Troops Cornered at Pusan MacArthur lands UN forces
Behind nemy lines at Inchon Drives North Korean Troops past 38 Parallel North Korea South Korea/UN Troops Cornered at Pusan

70 Korean War N.K troops pinned against Chinese border
MacArthur wants victory - expand war into China & use of nuclear weapons Truman wants “limited war” limiting war to Korea & using conventional weapons Against Truman’s orders, MacArthur bombs bridges crossing into China North Korea pined at Chinese Border South Korea/UN Troops

71 Korean War North Korea/Chinese Troops cross 38 Parallel
China enters war - sends troops across border into N.Korea Chinese/N. Korean troops drive UN troops back across 38 Parallel April 1951 Truman fires MacArthur for publically criticizing his policy of “Limited War” = insubordination North Korea/Chinese Troops cross 38 Parallel South Korea/UN Troops

72 Korean War Results Stalemate Remained divided at 38th Parallel
30,000 American deaths 1.3M Korean Deaths Win or Loss for containment? North Korea South Korea/UN Troops

73 Korean War

74 Vietnam

75 History of Vietnam Japanese capture during WWII
Once a Colony of France –rubber, tin & rice Part of French Indochina Cambodia Laos Vietnam Japanese capture during WWII French return to claim colony after Japan’s defeat

76 Vietnam Ho Chi Min – Communist leader
declares Vietnamese independence in 1945 Goals: Independent Vietnam Unified Vietnam Land Reform

77 Truman Years US Policy – 1950-1956
Containment and Truman Doctine Provide military aid to French to defeat the Communist Vietminh French Lose

78 Geneva Peace Talks Vietnam divided at 17th Parallel North – Communist
Leader Ho Chi Min Gained Popularity through land reform South – Non-Communist Dictator Leader - Ngo Dinh Diem Refuses Land Reform Unification pending free elections

79 Eisenhower Years Policy of Containment Domino Theory
Fall of Vietnam would lead Other countries in SE Asia to fall U.S. sends $ to aid South Vietnam in resisting Communism

80 The Kennedy Years Sends military advisors and $ to South Vietnam
Diem’s corrupt govt. unpopular Military coup - Diem Assassinated Civil War Vietcong – Communist in S.V. aided by Vietminh in N.V./USSR vs. non communist in S.V/US

81 Johnson Years War unpopular in US
Gulf of Tonkin Incident – US boats torpedoed by N. Vietnam Gulf of Tonkin Resolution – Congress gives Johnson authority to send troops 1965 – 165,000 1968 – 500,000 War unpopular in US

82 Nixon Years Vietnamization – Train S.V. troops to replace US troops
Massive bombings - put pressure on N. Vietnamese to end the war Starts to bring troops home

83 Ending the War Vietminh agree to ceasefire 1973 - Last US troops leave
1975 – N. Vietnamese invade S. Vietnam S. Vietnam Surrenders Vietnam becomes a unified communist country

84 Costs of Vietnam War 57,000 US Soldiers Dead 2 Million Vietnamese Dead
150B Financial Cost US loses First War Reluctance to commit US troops over seas

85 Vietnam Today Remains a Communist Country
Unified – no longer North and South US ended trade embargo in 1994 US established diplomatic relations in 1995

86 Compare Korean War to Vietnam War

87 Japan Occupation of Japan led by MacArthur – 6 years Demilitarization
Japanese armed services disbanded Japan agrees to protection from US Democracy 2 House Parliament called Diet Emperor becomes symbolic

88 Japan Economic Miracle US Investment Government Intervention
Cooperation of manufacturers, suppliers, distributors and banks Focus on Technology Business Management Lifetime employment Seniority-Based wages Group Effort Quality Control

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