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Kitchen Equipment and Utensils

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Presentation on theme: "Kitchen Equipment and Utensils"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kitchen Equipment and Utensils

2 Kitchen Equipment

3 Dry Measuring Cups Use: Measures dry ingredients
Ex) flour, sugar, etc.

4 Liquid Measuring Cup Use: Measures liquids Ex) Oils, water, etc.

5 Colander Use: Strains foods. Ex) pasta

6 Wooden Spoon Use: Used when stirring hot things

7 Pastry Brush Use: Greases pan/brushes dough
Ex) egg wash for a golden brown color on pastries

8 Measuring Spoons Use: Measures liquids and dry ingredients Ex) sugar, salt, flour, vanilla etc.

9 Whisk Use: Beats eggs, mixes batter/food

10 Tongs Use: Picks up salad, turns chicken, hot dogs, etc.

11 Rubber Scraper Use: Mixes ingredients, folds in egg whites, scraps sides of bowls

12 Pastry Blender Use: Mixes and cuts fat into flour

13 Spatula Use: Flips burgers, turns pancakes, eggs, etc.

14 Can Opener Use: Opens lids on cans safely.

15 Garlic Press Designed to crush garlic cloves.

16 Peeler Use: Peels vegetables and fruits.
Ex) carrots, potatoes, apples, etc.

17 Metal Spatula Use: Levels dry ingredients Ex) Flour.
Also used for icing/frosting baked goods.

18 Slotted Spoon Use: Spoon used for straining. Ex) pasta

19 Pot Use: Many functions including making pasta, soups, sauces, and stews.

20 Frying Pan Use: For foods that needs to be stirred, scrambled, or flipped over as it cooks in a small amount of butter, oil, or liquid.

21 Paring Knife Use: Small knife that is ideal for peeling.
Ex) fruit, removing seeds, cutting small garnishes

22 Blender Use: Basic pureeing, mixing and blending of foods
Ex) smoothies, soups, processing hard foods

23 French Knife Use: All-purpose knife used to cut meats and vegetables

24 Grater Use: Shreds cheese and vegetables

25 Mixing Bowls Use: Mixing container

26 Flour Sifter Use: Combines dry ingredients and removes lumps to ensure a standard measure and uniform texture in baked goods. Ex) Flour, Cinnamon, Sugar

27 Apple Core Use: Removes core from apples and cuts them into uniform pieces

28 Cutting Board Use: Base of all cutting. Ex) Meats, Fruits, Vegetables.
Also protects counter when cutting

29 Rolling Pin Use: Flattens and rolls out dough/pastry

30 Strainer Use: Strains smaller foods

31 Kitchen Shears Use: Snips string, dough and cuts vegetables and meats

32 Potato Masher Use: Crushes soft foods.
Ex) Mashed potatoes or applesauce.

33 Griddle Use: Used for large quantities of foods like fried eggs, hamburgers, pancakes, and omelets that must be turned to cook on both sides.

34 Wok Use: High heat cooking Ex) For stir-frying.

35 Thermometer Use: Measures temperature of oven or refrigerator.

36 Meat Thermometer Use: Measures internal temperature of meat

37 Rotary Beater Use: Hand-held beater that mixes, beats, whips foods.
Ex) beats eggs

38 Ladle Use: Moves liquids Ex) soups

39 Electric Mixer Use: Electrically mixes batters, dough and whips ingredients.

40 Oven Mitts Use: Protection against burn injury.

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