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Success with Bulbs! By Linda Landrum Regional Specialized Agent North Florida Research and Education Center - Suwannee Valley.

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Presentation on theme: "Success with Bulbs! By Linda Landrum Regional Specialized Agent North Florida Research and Education Center - Suwannee Valley."— Presentation transcript:

1 Success with Bulbs! By Linda Landrum Regional Specialized Agent North Florida Research and Education Center - Suwannee Valley

2 Exactly what is a bulb?  Plants with thickened underground storage organs enabling them to survive hostile growing conditions

3 The different types of bulbs are:  True bulb –Tunic Amaryllis –Non-tunicate Lilies

4 The different types of bulbs are:  Corm Gladiolus Crocosmia

5 The different types of bulbs are:  Tuber Caladium

6 The different types of bulbs are:  Tuberous roots Dahlias

7 The different types of bulbs are:  Rhizomes Iris Ginger

8 When Choosing Bulbs, Look for:  Few or no pest problems  Suited to most soil types, wet or dry  Persistent; either evergreen or comes back with “enthusiasm”after winter  Adapted to USDA hardiness zone 9 and AHS heat zone 9  Relatively easy to locate

9 When Choosing Bulbs, Look for:  Long season of color; either blooms, colorful foliage or other features such as berries or seed pods  Little or no maintenance required  Moderately spreading and easily propagated  Despite what you do, they still survive !

10 When selecting:  Consider –Lighting –Soil type –Cost –Does it need to be evergreen?

11 When selecting:  How will the plant be used? –Massed bedding for color –Adding a tropical look –Vine for accent –To attract butterflies and birds –For cut flowers and foliage

12 Getting Started  Select the appropriate plant  Determine the number of plants needed depending on spacing  Check plants for healthy roots and firm bulbs

13 Getting Started  Enrich the soil -Add as much organic debris as possible -Add 1 ½ lbs of fertilizer per 100 sq. feet 1-2-2 ratio for flowering 2-1-2 ratio for foliage  Adjust the pH  Place bulbs in drifts, not rows  Plant at proper depth, water and mulch

14 Once Planted  Fertilize once or twice during growing season  Water to maintain even moisture –Water shortage during growth periods could be deadly to the plant  Remove spent blooms before seeds are produced

15 Once Planted  Be watchful for insect and disease problems –Correct quickly when spotted  Digging and resetting bulbs may be necessary depending on the type  ENJOY!

16 Some of My Favorites Favorites

17 Achimenes

18 African African Hosta Hosta

19 Agapanthus

20 Alocasia, Colocasia & Xanthosoma

21 Alpinia

22 Blackberry Lily

23 Caladium

24 Canna

25 Crinum

26 DianellaDianella

27 Gloriosa

28 Hymenocallis

29 IrisIris

30 Moraea (Dietes)

31 Tulbaghia

32 Zephranthes

33 Thank You  For more information visit the Small Farms web at  Take a virtual field day tour by visiting the Virtual Field Day web at This presentation brought to you by the Small Farms/Alternative Enterprises Focus Team.

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