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Ainhoa Colet, Marina Griera, Maria Menéndez and Anni Schlueter MODAL VERBS.

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Presentation on theme: "Ainhoa Colet, Marina Griera, Maria Menéndez and Anni Schlueter MODAL VERBS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ainhoa Colet, Marina Griera, Maria Menéndez and Anni Schlueter MODAL VERBS


3 WHAT ARE MODAL VERBS? Modal verbs are special verbs which behave very differently from normal verbs. can  could may  might must  ought to shall  should will  would

4 Differences: 1.Modal verbs do not take "-s" in the third person. He can speak Chinese. She should be here by 9:00.

5 2.You use "not" to make modal verbs negative, even in Simple Present and Simple Past. He should not be late. They might not come to the party.

6 3.Many modal verbs cannot be used in the past tenses or the future tenses. He will can go with us. Not Correct She musted study very hard. Not Correct


8 TYPES Obligation and permission Necessity Ability and possibility Assumptions and interpretations Suggesting and advising 1 Suggesting and advising 2 Probability and certainty

9 Obligation and Permission

10 Necessity Need + infinitive with to I need to lose some weight, i will go to the gim. Not need/needn’t Don’t need + infinitive with to OR needn’t + infinitive without to You needn’t apologize, you have done nothing wrong. Will/won’t need + infinitive with to I won’t need to book a ticket in advance. Didn’t need + infinitive with to I didn’t need to ask because I already knew the answer. Needn’t have + past participle I needn’t have worried because in fact everything was fine.

11 Need + -ing/need to be + past participle Your hair needs cutting/ to be cut. There + be+ no need (+ for someone) + infinitive with to There’s no need (for you) to get upset – I’m only joking.

12 Ability -General Ability: something that once you have learned, you can do it any time you want. -Specific Ability: something you can do or not in a particular situation In the present: Can/Can’t General/Specific In the past: Could/Couldn’t:General Couldn’t/Was able to Specific Could + have + Past Participle Ability someone had in the past but didn’t use In the future: Will/Won’t be able toGeneral Can/Can’tSpecific

13 Possibility “The way I see/feel things in the present circumstances, it is possible that (if I have anything to do with it)...could/might/may/can…” The way I feel things in the present circumstances, it is possible that I could win the lottery this weekend The way I see things in the present circumstances, it is possible that, if I have anything to do with it, Barça will be the best football team in the world in 5 years

14 Could and Might: express remoteness of past time, unlikely occurrence and shyness or respect. I could have won the lottery if I had bought the ticket I might win the lottery if I buy a ticket May and Might: express a more personal involvement in the creation of the possibility. I may become rich if i play the lottery I might be able to buy a new house if I play the lottery

15 Assumptions Must: Sure/certain that something is true Used in affirmative sentences You have been practising all day, you must be exhausted Can’t / Couldn’t: Certain that something is not true or real. Used in negative sentences That can’t be my husband, he is in London.

16 Interpretations May, might or could Possible interpretation of a situation, action or event. May (not)/might (not)/could + infinitive withou to [PRESENT SIMPLE] They may be out. May (not)/might (not)/could + continuous infinitive without to [PRESENT CONTINUOUS] He might be joking. May (not)/might (not)/could + perfect infinitive without to [PAST SIMPLE/PRESENT PERFECT] He could have lost my adress. May (not)/might (not)/could + perfect continuous infinitive without to [PAST CONTINUOUS/PRESENT PERFECT CONTIN.] She might not have been earning too much.

17 Suggesting and advising 1 Should/ought to + infinitive (without to) [PRESENT/FUTURE] Should I take the job or not? You ought to tell the truth at all times. Should/ought to + continuous infinitive [PRESENT CONTINUOUS] You should be thinking about your future. I have taken the tablets and I ought to be feeling better, but I still feel bad.

18 Should/ought to + perfect infinitive [PAST SIMPLE/PRESENT PERFECT] You ought to have been more careful. They shouldn’t have lost the match, they were better. Should/ought to + perfect continuous infinitive [PAST CONITNUOUS/PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS] I should have been studying but I was enjoying myself. I ought to have been making more progress than I was. Note: the negative forms of ought to are oughtn’t and ought not, but those are not often used (shouldn’t).

19 Suggesting and advising 2 Suggest, recommend and propose Present verb (that) + second subject + subjunctive/ (should) infinitive without to I suggest (that) you accept the offer. Past verb (that) + second subject + subjunctive/ (should) infinitive without to She proposed (that) they (should) start their own company. Verb + -ing They recommended living there because of the pleasant way of live.

20 Aditional structures with recommend Recommend someone + infinitive with to They recommend you to book early. Recommend someone something (questons only) Could you recommend me a good hotel? Recommend something to someone I wouldn’t recommend this restaurant to anyone, the food was tasteless.

21 Advise and warn Verb + someone (+ not) + infinitive with to I warned you not to trust him. Verb + someone (+ that) + second subject + should + infinitive without to My teacher advised me (that) I should read this book. Verb + someone (+ that) + second subject + reported speech I advised her that it was a bad idea. Verb + someone against + -ing I warned you against trusting him.

22 Probability and certainty To say how sure we are about something that had happened/ is happening or will happen. 1- To talk about the present: must + infinitive might/ might not + infinitive could/ could not + infinitive may/ may not + infinitive can’t + infinitive will/ won’t = he will be at the supermarket buying food should/ shouldn’t = we should be there in 10 minutes it shouldn’t take a long time drive to the station can = whether can be worse in London

23 2- To talk about the past: might/ might not + have + past participle = she might have worked late could/ couldn’t + have + part participle = he must have written the letter may/ may not + have+ past participle = they may have loosen the bus can’t + have + past participle = she can’t have gone to the party will/ won’t + have + past participle = the train will arrive before now should + have + past participle = the plane should have left by now could + have + past participle = he could have been working late



26 We (must) thank you for listening

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