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MUSIC MRS. BELLY – ROOM 124. mu·sic/ˈmyo͞ozik/Noun “The art or science of combining vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) to produce beauty of form,

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2 mu·sic/ˈmyo͞ozik/Noun “The art or science of combining vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion.” In music class we will explore how these sounds are made, the components that go into the production of the harmony, and who is responsible for the music we hear. Our studies in music will relate to math, language arts, history, science, health and foreign languages.

3 6 th Grade Course During their 22 day cycle the students may explore: Music Theory – learning to read and write music on a staff Rhythmic Patterns – ways in which to produce different beats Commercials – How music is used in advertising, especially “jingles” Keyboards – playing simple melodies Journals – students will be given musical topics

4 7 th & 8 th Grade Course 7 th and 8 th grade music students are combined in the same classes. It is possible a student will have music in both 7 th and 8 th grade, therefore the curriculum for these classes is based on a two year cycle. Students in 7 th and 8 th grade music have the class for a full marking period (45 days).

5 7 th & 8 th Grade Course Year One Music Theory – further reading and writing on staff History of Western Music – explore development and composers of Music from Ancient Times to Romantic Period Elements of Broadway & Movie Musicals Radio Broadcasting Year Two Music Theory – dynamics and tempo markings History of Rock & Roll- explore development and composers of rock, pop, hip hop, and rap National Anthems of the World - exploring class heritage through music The Art of Listening

6 Grading Policy 34% - Major Tests & Projects 30.5% - Class Work & Homework 5% - Class Participation 30.5% - Quizzes (& journals for 6 th grade) Please note: There is minimal homework given in this class. If student is focused he/she will be able to finish assigned work in class. Keep all returned work in case of posting error!!!

7 Class Room Rules Be Respectful of People and Property! Be prepared for class with folders and a good attitude!!! Gum chewing is not permitted! Electronic devices are not permitted unless permission given from Mrs. Belly!

8 Safety Precautions! Fire Drill – proceed as directed Evacuation – silent Fire Drill Lockdown/Lockout– stay in secure area of classroom as directed. Shelter in Place – door closed, and locked. Continue with lesson. During any of the above drills remain calm, quiet (no talking) and await further instructions from Mrs. Belly

9 To Sing or Not to Sing? There will be minimal singing as part of the curriculum. Students who like to sing are invited to join the CHORUS. The AMS CHORUS meets on Monday and Wednesday from 7:20 am – 8:15 am. Unfortunately, transportation is not provided.

10 CONTACT INFORMATION Information regarding class work and chorus can be found on the AMS E-Board. The best way to contact me:

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