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Present Simple What? When? How? Revision.

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Presentation on theme: "Present Simple What? When? How? Revision."— Presentation transcript:

1 Present Simple What? When? How? Revision

2 Read the passage and find the answers to the questions that follow.
I love it, when Passover starts. Every year, when the Passover vacation starts, my mother gives me assignments. She forces me to clean my room and then, I have to assist her in the kitchen. When the holiday starts, I start my real vacation, and I can have fun. I love Passover but I hate the week before it.

3 What is the correct answer?
The writer’s mother gives him assignments… every year before Passover/ every Friday. This sentence tells us about a habit. The writer loves/hates Passover but loves/hates the week before it. This sentence tells us about a general truth.

4 When do we use the Simple Present? (1)
We use the present simple in the following cases: When we speak about general truths or facts. -Roosters wake up in the morning.

5 The sun sets in the west. The sun never sets in the east or south or north, but always in the west. Exercise

6 When do we use the Simple Present? (2)
When we speak about habits or customs. -Michael likes to go for a walk in the evening. -He often walks with his friends.

7 Colin plays football regularly - every Tuesday.
In English, we often use time expressions as signal words e.g.: always, never, seldom, often, regularly, every Monday. Exercise Colin always plays soccer on Tuesdays.

8 When do we use the Simple Present? (3)
When we speak about feelings and senses. - We love to eat a good meal. - He hates to cook. - I feel happy. - The food smells tasty.

9 When do we use the Simple Present? (3b)
Expressing senses, emotions and mental activity I love her. When you love someone, that's a state, a fact or emotion, but not an action (like running for example). To express the above, we use the simple form (not the progressive).

10 When do we use the Simple Present? (4)
When we speak about states of mind or being. - I know him. He is a good boy. - She has lovely hair; She wants to show it.

11 When do we use the Simple Present? (4b)
When we speak about states and possession. Dina has new shoes. (possession) She is happy. (state) Exercise

12 When do we use the Simple Present? (3+4)
The following verbs all express states, possession, senses, emotions and mental activity belong to this group: Be, remain (state) Belong, have (possession) Like, love, hate, wish, want, seem (feeling and emotion) Believe, mean, prefer, realize, understand, think (mental activity) see, smell, hear. (senses) Exercise

13 When do we use the Simple Present? (5)
Future plans (with future time expression) often refers to timetables or programs. -The new program begins next week. Sporting events, story telling and jokes. -“Fontana kicks the ball! It’s a goal!”

14 When do we use the Simple Present? (7)
Actions in the present taking place one after another First she takes the bag and then she leaves. Exercise She takes her bag and leaves.

15 Time expression These time expressions appear at the beginning or the end of the sentence in the present simple: every day, each year, once a week, on Tuesday, regularly, daily, in the evening etc.

16 More Time expression These time expressions appear before the main verb, or after the verb to be: always, often, sometimes, seldom, usually, generally, occasionally, never.

17 A Positive sentence How do we form it? (1)
Positive sentences are formed by using the base verb for I, you, we, they and the base verb+s for he, she it.

18 A Positive sentence How do we form it? (2)
Rest of the sentence Verb Subject books every day. read I We You They books every day. reads He She It

19 Spelling rules We usually add s to the verb in 3rd person singular. (he, she, it) I eat  He eats We add es for verbs ending in s, ss, sh, ch, x and o. mixmixes, wishwishes, watchwatches, dodoes, dressdresses For verb ending in consonant +y, we also change the y to i. trytries (But play  plays)

20 Special verbs 1 The verb to be behaves in a special way: happy. am I
are We You They is He She It Rest of the sentence Verb Subject

21 Special verbs 2 The verb to have behaves in a special way: a computer.
We You They has He She It Rest of the sentence Verb Subject

22 Special verbs 3 Some other verbs we don’t change in the third person singular: Sing. can may should must have to has to I We You They He She It Rest of the sentence Verb Subject

23 It is time to practice your knowledge
Exercise-1 Exercise-present simple-3 Spelling_(s/es) Be +Have

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