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The present Simple and present progressive... The present Simple…. * The present simple expresses daily habits or usual activities. * The present simple.

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Presentation on theme: "The present Simple and present progressive... The present Simple…. * The present simple expresses daily habits or usual activities. * The present simple."— Presentation transcript:

1 The present Simple and present progressive..

2 The present Simple…. * The present simple expresses daily habits or usual activities. * The present simple expresses general statements in fact.

3 PresentSimple …. Statements : { I - you – we - they } + verb { He – She – It } + ( verb + s ) Ex: I like fruit salad. He likes fruit salad.

4 Present Simple….. Negative : { I - you – we - they } +(do +not )+ verb { He – She – It } +(does +not ) +verb Ex: I do not prefer milk. He does not prefer milk.

5 Present Simple….. Yes/No Question : Do + { I - you – we - they } + verb ? Does + { He – She – It } +verb ? Ex : Do you play ? Does he (Ahmad) play ?

6 Present Simple ….. Short answer : Yes, I do No, he does not Long answer : Yes, I play No, he does not play

7 Present Simple….. Time expressions….. Always Usually Often Sometimes Seldom Rarely Never Ex: I usually play with my friend. Every day/week/month... On Sundays/Mondays... Ex: I play with my friend everyday.

8 The present progressive …. The present progressive expresses an activity that is in progress right now. From …{ am – is – are } + (verb + ing )

9 The present progressive …. Statement : { I } + am + ( verb + ing ) { you – we – they } + are+ ( verb +ing ) { He – she – it } + is + ( verb + ing ) Ex: They are working He is working

10 The present progressive …. Negative : { I } + am + not + ( verb + ing ) { you – we - they } +are + not + (verb +ing) { he – she –it } + is + not +( verb + ing ) Ex: she is not playing

11 The present progressive …. Yes/No Question : Am + { I } + ( verb + ing ) ? Are + { you-they-we} + ( verb + in ) ? Is + { he –she-it } + (verb +ing ) ? Ex: are they studying ?

12 The progressive progressive …. Short answer …. No, they are not Long answer …. No, they are not studying

13 The present progressive …. Time Expressions: now Right now At the moment.. Listen ! Look ! Shhhh ! Tonight This week/ this month…

14 Stative verbs …. Some verbs are not used in progressive tenses. Stative verbs …. hear –see – believe – own – need – like – forget – prefer – want Love – remember – understand – cost – feel – hate – know – belong – guess (look at page 189 of your course book – Connections)

15 The End

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