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Telling or suggesting to friends what to do.  Otherwise known as “tú” commands  Tell a friend what to do  Examples (in English)  Call me.  Let me.

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Presentation on theme: "Telling or suggesting to friends what to do.  Otherwise known as “tú” commands  Tell a friend what to do  Examples (in English)  Call me.  Let me."— Presentation transcript:

1 Telling or suggesting to friends what to do

2  Otherwise known as “tú” commands  Tell a friend what to do  Examples (in English)  Call me.  Let me see your notes.  Go to the movies with me tonight.

3  Regular command forms use the él/ella form of the verb.  Examples (in Spanish)  Llama (Call. From llamar)  Trabaja (Work. From trabajar)  Come (Eat. From comer)  Abre(Open. From abrir)

4  Irregular (tú) commands  Decir: Di  Ir:Ve  Salir:Sal  Tener:Ten  Hacer:Haz  Poner:Pon  Ser:Se  Venir:Ven

5  Object and Reflexive pronouns attach to the end of commands  Examples  Call me.Llámame.  Give it to me.Dámelo.  Tell me.Dime.  Sit down.Siéntate.  Remember to add an accent mark to a command when attaching a pronoun would otherwise change its pronunciation.

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