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Spanish Articles. In Spanish we have two kinds of articles: Indefinite articles (a, an, some) Definite articles (the)

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Presentation on theme: "Spanish Articles. In Spanish we have two kinds of articles: Indefinite articles (a, an, some) Definite articles (the)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Spanish Articles

2 In Spanish we have two kinds of articles: Indefinite articles (a, an, some) Definite articles (the)

3 All nouns in Spanish are either masculine or feminine. They have gender. You should always MEMORIZE the article that goes with the noun. This will always tell you whether the noun is masculine or feminine.

4 Spanish Definite Articles SingularPlural Masculine Feminine

5 How can you tell if a noun is masculine or feminine?

6 MASCULINE Nouns that end in “o” are generally masculine. el chico el libro el nacho

7 FEMININE Nouns that end in “a”, “cion”, “sion”, or “dad” are generally feminine. la pizarra la educacion la mision la posiblidad

8 There are always exceptions to the rules. Here are just a few exceptions: El dia El programa La noche The special exceptions you definitely have to MEMORIZE!!!!

9 PLURAL NOUNS To make nouns plural, we usually just add an “s” to the end of the word. El chico – los chicos La chica – las chicas Don’t forget to make the definite article plural as well as your noun!

10 To make nouns plural that end in a consonant, we add “es” to the end of the word. El papel – los papeles El reloj – los relojes La pared – las paredes

11 To make nouns plural that end in a “z”, we drop the z and add “ces” El lapiz – los lapices

12 It may be necessary to add or remove an accent mark when making a plural noun. el examen becomes los examenes La leccion becomes las lecciones

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