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THE END OF MEDIEVAL EUROPE 1. THE MAIN EVENT(S)  The Black Death (1347-1351)  The Hundred Years War (1337-1453)  The Great Schism (1378-1417)  The.

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Presentation on theme: "THE END OF MEDIEVAL EUROPE 1. THE MAIN EVENT(S)  The Black Death (1347-1351)  The Hundred Years War (1337-1453)  The Great Schism (1378-1417)  The."— Presentation transcript:


2 THE MAIN EVENT(S)  The Black Death (1347-1351)  The Hundred Years War (1337-1453)  The Great Schism (1378-1417)  The Crusades (1095-1291) 2

3 THE BLACK DEATH  Lasted from 1347-1351  Cause: Rats with fleas carrying the bubonic plague entered Europe from Asia on trading ships  Killed 25 Million people in Europe (1/3 of the population)  Bodies buried in mass graves 3

4 BUBONIC PLAGUE  DON’T WRITE THIS DOWN  Symptoms: Swollen lymph nodes Chills High Fever Seizures  Kills in about 4 days 4

5 THE BLAME GAME  People came up with many “explanations” for why the plague occurred  2 Main “Explanations” Jews poisoned the wells God was punishing sinful ways 5

6 RESULTS  The peoples’ faith in God was shaken  The church lost some of its power  Peasants lives improved Created labor shortage Workers could demand higher wages Some peasants granted freedom in exchange for labor 6

7 THE HUNDRED YEARS WAR  Actually lasted 116 years (1337-1453)  Between England & France  Cause: The French king died with no heir to his throne. The King of England attempts to claim the French throne. 7

8 WHAT HAPPENED?  Didn’t actually fight continuously for 100 years  Actually a series of conflicts between the 2 groups  Each king developed a standing army of foot soldiers  New weapons were created English Longbow Gunpowder & cannons (from Asia) 8

9 JOAN OF ARC  Young French woman  Rallied French troops around the heir to the throne  Drove English out of Orleans  Eventually captured & burned at the steak 9

10 THE RESULTS ARE IN...  Royal power in both countries strengthened  Both developed greater national pride  No real winner France held its ground, but didn’t gain anything England didn’t gain anything 10

11 THE GREAT SCHISM  Disputes between the Pope & Europe’s secular kings Kings wanted to: Appoint bishops, who controlled vast areas of land Try priests in royal courts Tax church lands The Pope resisted 11

12 THE CAUSE  1305 – French Pope elected & moves Papacy to Avignon, France  1378 – Italian Pope elected & returns Papacy to Rome  French Cardinals claim the election was unfair, and elect a 2 nd Pope who was French 12

13 THE RESULTS  Schism (split) greatly weakened the church  1409 – Church Council elects 3 rd Pope Makes things worse  1417 – New Church Council Deposes all 3 Popes Elects new Pope (only 1)  Church’s prestige already greatly weakened 13

14 ESSENTIAL QUESTION  What were the causes & effects of the end of Medieval Europe? 14

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