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Classroom Management and Organization Erin Bundrige & Paula Smith.

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Presentation on theme: "Classroom Management and Organization Erin Bundrige & Paula Smith."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classroom Management and Organization Erin Bundrige & Paula Smith

2 What is Classroom Management? According to Harry Wong: Classroom management consists of practices and procedures that a teacher uses to maintain an environment in which instruction and learning can occur. Well-Ordered Environment + Positive Academic Expectations= Effective Classroom

3 What is Classroom Management? Classroom management is the integration of teacher actions in four areas: 1.Establishing and enforcing rules and procedures 2.Carrying out disciplinary actions 3.Maintaining effective teacher and student relationships 4.Maintaining an appropriate mental set for management.

4 Establishing Rules & Procedures Rules and procedures are usually created for the following areas: General expectations of behavior Beginning and ending class Transitions and interruptions Materials and equipment Group work Student-focused and teacher-focused activities

5 What should your rules be? Cant expect your students to behave if you dont know how you want them to behave. Refrain from copying and using other peoples rules. State your specific behavior expectations. Limit rules to a number that you and the students can remember.

6 Introducing Rules It is important to introduce rules on the first day of school. Rules should be posted along with consequences and rewards.

7 Ruling out the Unruly Group Work- Think about rules for: Classroom Cafeteria Playground Hallway Restroom

8 Example Classroom Rules Classroom Rules Follow directions the first time they are given. Keep hands, feet, and other objects to yourself. Raise your hand to talk. Use your inside voice. No put downs allowed.

9 What is the problem? The number one problem in the classroom is not discipline. It is the lack of procedures and routines. –Harry and Rosemary Wong

10 Procedures Procedures are what the teacher wants done and how things are done. Procedures do not have penalties or rewards. Teachers should clearly state classroom procedures. Procedures help the teacher: set the class up for achievement. increase on-task time. reduce classroom disruptions.

11 Examples of procedures: Movement of students seeking help how to start/end the day. How to Teach Procedures: – Explain Define the procedure in concrete terms Demonstrate the procedure –Rehearse Students practice procedure step by step Have students repeat procedure until it becomes routine –Reinforce Reteach the correct procedure if rehearsal is unacceptable. Praise students when the rehearsal is acceptable. Group work- come up with classroom procedures.

12 Example Procedures Morning Procedures Unpack and hang book bags in closet. Put lunchboxes in the lunch crate. Flip attendance card. Sharpen 2 pencils. Start on morning work. Complete a writing prompt.

13 Example Procedures End of Day Procedures Copy homework off the board. Stack books needed for homework on desk. Get book bag out of closet. Quietly pack up. Sit and wait quietly for afternoon announcements. Line up by dismissal area. Walk quietly in line to your dismissal area.

14 Example Procedures What can I Do? Read a book. Complete any incomplete work. If it is your computer day, play on Math 24 or any other bookmarked sites. Write a Response to Literature in your Readers Response journal. Take an AR test.

15 Example Procedures GIVE ME FIVE! Eyes on speaker Quiet Be still Hands free (put things down) Listen

16 Example Procedures Teacher, I need Help!! One finger- I need to sharpen my pencil. Two fingers- I need to use the restroom. Three fingers- I need your help.

17 Routines Routines are what students automatically do. Routines are done without prompting or supervision. Examples of routines: –bell work –morning expectations –sponge activities

18 Discipline vs. Classroom Management Discipline is simply addressing negative classroom behavior. Discipline occurs when problems arise. Classroom Management is organizing students, space, materials, and time so that student learning can take place. Classroom Management is on-going.



21 What Effective Classroom Management Looks Like: Students are engaged and on task Students are aware of teachers expectations Inviting classroom climate Students are cooperative and respectful towards their peers and teacher


23 Planning Time Management Effective Lessons Organization is Key!!! Documentation

24 Instruction Teach students at their level Observe other teachers Focus on students strengths Encourage cooperative learning Real life lessons Model skills Encourage student participation Make learning fun!!!

25 Writers Workshop


27 Tips for Successful Classroom Management : Find a knowledgeable & caring colleague Establish clear routines & procedures on the first day of school Revisit routines & procedures Create a consistent and flexible discipline plan Greet students daily Learn what to overlook

28 Tips for Successful Classroom Management: Handle discipline problems discreetly Handle your own discipline problems Implement positive reinforcement Use proximity Avoid conflicts Student engagement: Avoid down time Have appropriate consequences

29 Summary Have routines, procedures, and expectations in place on the FIRST DAY of school. Post procedures and rules. Keep students engaged. Maintain an organized classroom. Have appropriate documentation. Be knowledgeable of curriculum content & standards Most important: Remain Consistent!!!

30 References Breaux, A. (2003). 101 Answers for New Teachers and their mentors: Effective teaching tips for daily classroom use. Larchmont, NY: Eye on Education Burke, K. (2008). What to do with the kid who: Developing cooperation, self-discipline, and responsibility in the classroom. Fogarty, R. (2007). Ten things new teachers need to succeed. California: Sage Publishing. Wong, H. & Wong, R. (2004). The First Days of School: How to Be an Effective Teacher. Mountain View, CA: Harry K. Wong Publications.

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