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Minnia Livaie Alejandra Perez Patricia Martinez David Mosharaf.

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1 Minnia Livaie Alejandra Perez Patricia Martinez David Mosharaf

2 Before 1880, most of Africa were consist of independent states. Between 1880 and 1900, rivalries between each African state, made the Europeans to take control over the African states. Britain became involved with Africa for many reason. MOST IMPORTANTLY TO SERVE THEIR OWN INTEREST.

3 Imperialism In Africa 1914 Ethiopia and Liberia were the only two countries in Africa during this time that were not ruled by any European nation. Ethiopia Liberia Pg. 654

4 Trading was big for the European countries. Traded some of the African resources such as peanuts, timber, hides, and palm oil. They also traded in slavery. West Africa was affected the most during the slave trade. THINGS CHANGE! ! !1808 Great Britain and the United States declared that slavery was to be abolished. Pg. 655

5 Muhammad AliIn 1805, Muhammad Ali (officer of the Ottoman army) seized power to the European countries and separated Egypt to be its own state. canalSince the economy grew in Africa and so was the development of steamships, Europeans had the desire to built a canal in east of Cairo to connect the Mediterranean and Red Seas. Ferdinand de Lesseps Suez Canal.1854, Ferdinand de Lesseps signed a contract to begin guild the Suez Canal. “lifeline to India”.British took active control of the Suez Canal because they believed that it was their “lifeline to India”. British wanted to take control of Sudan, to protect their interest in the Suez Canal and Egypt. Pg. 656

6 The Boers (natives) occupied Cape Town and the surrounding areas of South Africa. In 1830’s, the Boers were mad/disgusted by the British rule so they moved to the north region of the Vaal River. The Boers believed that the Whites were ordained by God. Union of South Africa1910, British created a Union of South Africa-which combined the old Cape colony and the Boer republics. self-governingNews State was a self-governing state within a British nation. Pg. 658

7 British asked the African authority to use the British authority and to fly the British flag over the official buildings. The British used the indirect rule to control the African states. The indirect rule was a fraud because the British administrators made all the decisions. The indirect rule also kept the old African elite in power. The indirect rule provided less opportunities for the young and talented Africans that are outside the old elite. Pg. 659

8 A new class of leaders entered Africa in the beginning of the twentieth century. Some members of the new class adored the Western culture and disliked their own African culture. Many others resent the foreigners and their arrogance for African people. Westerners used democracy, equality, and intellectual freedom but did not applied it to some of the colonies. Pg. 660

9 Conflicts between the rulings of the African colonies. Some were: Native people could only have low-paying jobs. Many Africans loss their farmland, employment in plantation. Middle class had low paying jobs that are similar to the European jobs. Middle class are only qualified for menial jobs in the government of business. Pg. 660

10 Rise of African Nationalism cont… Europeans segregated schools, clubs, and churches. Europeans addressed Africans by their first names or call them “boy”. During first quarter of the twentieth century, resentment turned into actions. The natives organized political parties and movement that would end foreign rule. Pg. 660

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