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Presented by The Solutions Group. Per Wikipedia –  Emotional intelligence is the capacity of individuals to recognize their own, and other people's emotions,

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by The Solutions Group. Per Wikipedia –  Emotional intelligence is the capacity of individuals to recognize their own, and other people's emotions,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by The Solutions Group

2 Per Wikipedia –  Emotional intelligence is the capacity of individuals to recognize their own, and other people's emotions, to discriminate between different feelings and label them appropriately, and to use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior.  Popularized by Daniel Goleman in “Emotional Intelligence” and “Working with Emotional Intelligence.”

3  Set of skills you can use to draw the best from yourself and others.  Emotional intelligence supports your IQ abilities.

4  Anger  Sadness  Fear  Enjoyment  Love  Surprise  Disgust  Shame

5 If your eyes are wide open and your mouth is in an open, gaping position – what emotion are you experiencing?  Anger  Surprise  Enjoyment  Sadness

6 If you are smiling with just your upper teeth exposed and your lower lids of your eyes raised in a crescent shape – what emotion are you experiencing?  Anger  Surprise  Enjoyment  Sadness

7 1. Deeper personal relationships 2. Greater adaptability 3. Increased personal insight 4. Greater influence over others 5. Fewer impulsive decisions 6. Reduced stress 7. Improved social skills 8. Increased confidence

8 Personal Competence:  Self-Awareness  Self-Regulation  Motivation

9  Emotional Awareness  Accurate Self-Assessment  Self-Confidence

10  No Emotional Awareness. You have no idea what you're feeling or that an emotion is even present. For example, you may say, "I feel like a loser." However, this is an evaluation or judgment, not an emotional state.  Awareness of Bodily Sensations. You have some awareness of "feelings." However, they may only be bodily sensations, such as increased heart rate or muscle tension.  Awareness of Behaviors. You may only be aware of how you would like to act as a result of feeling an emotion. For example, you may say, "I think I feel like leaving this situation as fast as possible," likely signaling fear or anxiety, or "I feel as though I could yell at him," signaling anger.

11  Awareness That an Emotional State Is Present. You're aware that an emotion is present; however, you may have a hard time figuring out exactly what emotion it is. For instance, you may have enough awareness to know that you feel "bad" or "overwhelmed," but nothing more specific than that. This is sometimes termed an undifferentiated emotional state.  Differentiated Emotional Awareness. We are now getting to the top levels of emotional awareness. At this level, you're aware of specific emotions that are present. You're able to identify the emotion you're feeling, such as sadness, anger, fear, anxiety, happiness, joy, or excitement, at any given point in time.  Blended Emotional Awareness. This is the top level of emotional awareness. You're aware of a number of emotions that are present at the same time, including emotions that may seem in opposition to one another, such as sadness and happiness. (For example, a mother seeing her child go off to school for the first time may be very happy her child has reached this milestone but also sad to see her child growing up so fast.)

12  Self-control: Keeping disruptive emotions and impulses in check  Trustworthiness: Maintaining standards of honest and integrity  Conscientiousness: Taking responsibility for personal performance  Adaptability: Flexibility in handling change  Innovation: Being comfortable with novel ideas, approaches, and new information

13  Achievement Drive: Striving to improve or meet a standard of excellence  Commitment: Aligning with the goals of the group or organization  Initiative: Readiness to act on opportunities  Optimism: Persistence in pursuing goals despite obstacles and setbacks

14 Social Competence  Empathy  Social Skills

15  Empathy  Understanding others: Sensing others’ feelings and perspectives, and taking an active interest in their concerns  Developing others: Sensing others’ development needs and bolstering their abilities  Service orientation: Anticipating, recognizing, and meeting customers’ needs

16 Empathy  Leveraging Diversity: Cultivating opportunities through different kinds of people  Political awareness: Reading a group’s emotional currents and power relationships

17 Social Skills  Influence: Wielding effective tactics for persuasion  Communication: Listening openly and sending convincing messages  Conflict Management: Negotiating and resolving disagreements  Leadership: Inspiring and guiding individuals and groups

18 Social Skills  Change catalyst: Initiating or managing change  Building bonds: Nurturing instrumental relationships  Collaboration and cooperation: Working with others toward shared goals  Team capabilities: Creating group synergy in pursuing collective goals

19 1. Observe 2. Interpret 3. Pause 4. Direct 5. Reflect 6. Celebrate 7. Repeat

20  Gain understanding of our own thoughts, feelings, and actions  Notice our impact on others

21  Identify our patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving within team environments  This provides deeper level of self awareness  Sets process in motion for breaking patterns and establishing new goals

22  Stop and think!  Think before speaking

23  Form a thoughtful action rather than a reaction  Consider alternative behaviors

24  Think about interactions and gain valuable learning for future  Reflect on own behavior and that of team

25  Affirm positive interactions  Reinforce likelihood of future positive interactions  Celebrate the team and team members

26  Each action allows us to repeat lessons learned

27 1. Listening & oral communication 2. Adaptability and creative responses to setbacks and obstacles 3. Personal management, confidence, motivation to work toward goals 4. A sense of wanting to develop one’s career and take pride in accomplishments

28 1. Group and interpersonal effectiveness, cooperativeness and teamwork 2. Skills at negotiating disagreements 3. Effectiveness in the organization, wanting to make a contribution 4. Leadership potential


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