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Female Reproduction. Do Now: What is the Vulva? Female External Genitals What are some positive and negative stereotypes of the vulva? Uglysexual Dirty.

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Presentation on theme: "Female Reproduction. Do Now: What is the Vulva? Female External Genitals What are some positive and negative stereotypes of the vulva? Uglysexual Dirty."— Presentation transcript:

1 Female Reproduction

2 Do Now: What is the Vulva?

3 Female External Genitals What are some positive and negative stereotypes of the vulva? Uglysexual Dirty sexy Smelly (fish)nicknames…

4 Female Vocab The Menstrual Cycle : is the sequence of events in the reproductive system that occurs from one menstruation to another. Ovulation: the release of one mature egg cell each month. Uterus lining thickens. Menstruation: the flow of the uterine lining out of the body. Fertilization: joining of male and female reproductive cells

5 External Review 1. Vulva 2. Labia majora (outer lips) 3. Clitoris 4. Opening to the urethra 5. Labia minora (inner lips) 6. Opening to the vagina 7. Anus (not part of the genitals)

6 Internal View 1. Fallopian Tubes 2. Ovaries 3. Uterus (womb) 4. Cervix 5. Vagina


8 How do ovaries produce ova? When a female is born, she has half a million egg cells in her ovaries. By age 12, she only has about a quarter or so of those ova remaining alive. Each ovum starts out as an immature cell and is “ripened” by the ovary in a series of stages.stages Followed by the release of the ovum and is swept up by the fringe and starts its quest in the fallopian tubes.

9 Folliculogenesis 1 - Menstruation 2 - Developing follicle 3 - Mature follicle 4 - Ovulation 5 - Corpus luteum 6 - Deterioration of corpus luteum

10 The Journey of the Ovum The release of the ovum is usually around day 14 of a female’s 28 day cycle. Once in the fallopian tubes the ovum can be fertilized by a sperm or may not. “Fertile Time” can be anywhere from Day 11- Day 17 depending of the woman. The egg then moves to the uterus where it can continue through the cervix and out the vagina.

11 Menstruation Each month, the uterus prepares itself to support a pregnancy. If no ovum implants, the uterus sheds its lining, the endometrium, on Day 1. The endometrium thickens during Day 7 through Day 28. A period of bleeding lasts about four to seven days.

12 Premenstrual Syndrome PMS, a collection of physical and emotional changes before and during menstruation Symptoms *nervousness* cramping *moodiness*fatigue *cravings*bloating Remedies: rest, exercise, relaxation, nourishing food, and over the counter medication. Avoid caffeinated drinks and salt.

13 The Journey of a Fertilized Ovum The Ovum and the sperm meet in the fallopian tube where the sperm enters the ovum triggering an instant change in the ovum surface. The fertilized ovum implants itself in the uterine wall. About 60% of all fertilized ova either fail to implant or dislodge later.

14 Ovum vs Sperm *An ovum lives for just 12-24 hours * Sperm can live up to three days within the female reproductive tract.

15 Last Bit For the Test Hormones make the vaginal walls able to stretch during child birth. Hysterectomy: the surgical removal of the uterus, and possibly the ovaries, which of course ends menstruation. -As women age, they may develop tumors, severe menstrual problems or other problems that require a hysterectomy.

16 Problems Toxic Shock Syndrome: a rare but serious bacterial infection associated with incorrect tampon use. (fever, sunburn like rash) -use lowest absorbency tampons, change tampons every 4-8 hours, alter with use of pads Ovarian Cysts: sac of fluid on the ovary.Cysts Cancer: breast, ovaries, uterus, or cervix

17 Symptoms of Cysts Abnormal uterine bleeding (change from normal menstrual pattern) – Absent menstruation – Irregular menstruation – Longer than usual menstrual cycle – Shorter than usual menstrual cycle Bloating or swelling in the abdomen Pain during bowel movements Pain in the pelvis shortly after beginning or ending a menstrual period Pain with intercourse or pelvic pain during movement Pelvic pain -- constant, dull aching

18 Take Care of Yourself Self Exams: check for lumps or thickening once a month Bathe regularly: changing pads, tampons Record your menstrual periods. Practice Abstinence.

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