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Revised 2014 Auto Tow Conversion Course Lecture 2.

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1 Revised 2014 Auto Tow Conversion Course Lecture 2

2 Launch Site Safety Procedures Never put your fingers inside a tow ring Never walk in front of the bat Never walk over a moving rope or one that may move Never touch a moving rope, or one that may move Be careful of vehicles maneuvering at the site

3 Emergency Procedures The glider launch may be aborted by anyone at the launch site prior to the glider becoming airborne. Once the glider is airborne, only the Tow Pilot, Glider Pilot, or LCO may stop a launch in progress if they see or are experiencing an immediate and critical hazard to flight. The "Stop, Stop, Stop" verbal and visual signal shall be given

4 Stop Signal STOP, STOP,STOP Raise both arms with palms facing forward and yell “Stop, Stop, Stop” Signaler will raise signal bat directly overhead in a vertical position so it is visible to the auto tow observer Emergency Procedures

5 Premature Launch In the event of a premature launch, the glider pilot shall pull the release immediately Emergency Procedures Premature launches occur rarely … but they do happen

6 An Aborted Auto Tow Launch If there is any possibility that the glider may overrun the rope on an aborted auto launch, the pilot shall immediately: Pull the release and Maneuver the glider to the side so as to provide separation from the rope Emergency Procedures

7 Launch Failure At or Below 200 Feet AGL The glider pilot should attempt to land straight ahead making minor deviations to avoid obstacles If a straight ahead landing is not possible, turns up to 90 degrees may be executed at altitudes above 100 feet AGL G P A S

8 Between 200 - 500 Feet AGL In the event of a rope break or premature release between 200 & 500 feet AGL, the glider pilot should attempt to land straight ahead, using spoilers and forward slipping to eliminate excess altitude If the glider pilot is unable to land straight ahead because of insufficient runway, a 180 degree turn to a downwind landing or a landing on an alternate runway shall be executed A minimum airspeed of 50 mph should be flown on a downwind landing attempt Launch Failure G P A S

9 Launch Failure In the event of a rope break or premature release above 500 feet AGL, a modified circuit with an abbreviated downwind leg followed by an into-wind landing is the preferred procedure G P A S

10 If the auto tow launch vehicle experiences a power failure, a gradual loss of airspeed will be felt in the glider This situation will require a premature release by the glider pilot If the auto launch vehicle is able, it will clear the runway – but - be prepared for the vehicle to be disabled and stranded on the runway Launch Vehicle Failure G P A S

11 Glider Release Failure The pilot shall over fly the auto launch vehicle and attempt to generate a back release The auto launch observer shall activate the release at the launch vehicle once the glider has back released

12 Off-field Landing Procedure The decision to land should always be made while sufficient altitude remains to fly a standard pattern The choice of a field should be made while ample altitude is available. The glider pilot should never wait until the last moment to select a field and be forced to make a straight-in approach Once the off-field landing has been successfully completed, the pilot should remain with the glider, and attempt to contact the launch site by radio

13 The End Lecture 2 Auto Tow Conversion Course

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