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Chapter 17 Organizing Life’s Diversity Section 1 Classification.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 17 Organizing Life’s Diversity Section 1 Classification."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 17 Organizing Life’s Diversity Section 1 Classification

2  The grouping of objects or information based on similarities.

3 Taxonomy  Branch of biology that groups and names organisms based on studies of their different characteristics.

4 Taxonomy  Organisms are ranked in taxa. The broader the taxon, the more species it contains. The smallest taxon is the species, followed by the genus. The largest taxon is the domain.

5 Taxonomy  Kids  Playing  Chase  On  Freeways  Get  Smooshed

6 Taxonomy  Domain  Kingdom  Phylum  Class  Order  Family  Genus  Species

7 Kingdoms  Archaebacteria  Eubacteria  Protists  Fungi  Plants  Animals The kingdoms are divided mainly by differences in cellular structure and methods of obtaining energy

8 Binomial Nomenclature  Modern classification scheme.  Developed by Carolus Linnaeus (1707-1778), a Swedish botanist.  Based on physical and structural similarities of organisms.  Also shows the evolutionary history of the organism.

9 Binomial Nomenclature  Every organism is named using two words.  The first word identifies the genus. A genus consists of a group of similar species.  The second word is the specific epithet. Describes a characteristic of the organism.

10 Scientific Names  Latin.  The first letter of the genus name is uppercase.  The first letter of the specific epithet is lowercase.  Italicized in print.  Underlined when handwritten.

11 Evolutionary Relationships  Based on: Structural similarities. Breeding behavior. Geographical distribution. Chromosome comparisons. Biochemistry (such as DNA).

12 Phylogeny  Evolutionary history of a species.

13 Cladistics  Biological system of classification based on phylogeny.  Utilizes cladograms. Models of the phylogeny of a species based on derived traits.  Derived traits are unique inherited characteristics kept by the species as it diverged from common ancestral groups.

14 How to analyze a cladogram:  Branches show proposed ancestry.  Two groups on diverging branches probably share a more recent ancestor than those groups farther away.

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