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Unit Overview – pages 366-367 How did you group these items? Why did you group them this way?

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2 Unit Overview – pages 366-367 How did you group these items? Why did you group them this way?

3 Unit Overview – pages 366-367 Change Through Time Classification Organizing Life’s Diversity

4 Section 17.1 Summary – pages 443-449 Biologists want to better understand organisms so they organize them. One tool that they use to do this is classification Classification is the grouping of objects or information based on similarities. How Classification Began

5 Section 17.1 Summary – pages 443-449 Biologists who study taxonomy are called taxonomists. How Classification Began Taxonomy is the branch of biology that groups and names organisms based on studies of their different characteristics.

6 Section 17.1 Summary – pages 443-449 He classified all the organisms he knew into two groups: Aristotle’s system The Greek philosopher Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) developed the first widely accepted system of biological classification.

7 Section 17.1 Summary – pages 443-449 animals according to various characteristics, habitat (land,water,air) and physical differences (feet, wings, tails) Aristotle’s system plants herbs, shrubs, and trees

8 Section 17.1 Summary – pages 443-449 As time passed, more organisms were discovered and some did not fit easily into Aristotle’s groups, but many centuries passed before Aristotle’s system was replaced. Aristotle’s system According to his system, birds, bats, and flying insects are classified together…. –??? Does that really work ??? –How common are they really?

9 Section 17.1 Summary – pages 443-449 Linnaeus’s system was based on physical and structural similarities of organisms. Linnaeus’s system of binomial nomenclature Swedish botanist, Carolus Linnaeus (1707-1778), developed a method of grouping organisms that is still used by scientists today. As a result, the groupings revealed the relationships of the organisms.

10 Section 17.1 Summary – pages 443-449 This way of organizing organisms is the basis of modern classification systems. Linnaeus’s system of binomial nomenclature Eventually, some biologists proposed that structural similarities reflect the evolutionary relationships of species.

11 Section 17.1 Summary – pages 443-449 In this system, organisms are name according to their genus and species first word = genus Second word = species Linnaeus’s system of binomial nomenclature Binomial nomenclature is a modern classification system using a two-word naming system that Linnaeus developed to identify species.

12 Section 17.1 Summary – pages 443-449 Linnaeus’s system of binomial nomenclature Homo sapiens italicized in print underlined when handwritten first letter of the genus name is uppercase first letter of the species is lowercase.

13 Section 17.1 Summary – pages 443-449 Scientific and common names Taxonomists are required to use Latin because: 1.the language does not change 2.a common name can be misleading. is confusing when a species has more than one common name.

14 Sycamore treebuttonwood common dog Canus familiaris

15 Section 17.1 Summary – pages 443-449 Grouping organisms on the basis of their evolutionary relationships makes it easier to understand biological diversity. provides a framework in which to study the relationships among living and extinct species. Modern Classification

16 Section 17.2 Summary – pages 450-459 Classification systems today are based on evolutionary relationships. extinct animals can be included in classification schemes. How are evolutionary relationships determined?

17 Section 17.2 Summary – pages 450-459 Evolutionary relationships are determined on the basis of: similarities in structure breeding behavior geographical distribution chromosomes biochemistry How are evolutionary relationships determined?

18 Section 17.1 Summary – pages 443-449 Taxonomy: useful tools Cladogram – branching diagram showing evolutionary relationships

19 Taxonomy: useful tools Dichotomous Keys Aid in identifying unknown organisms Pairs of statements with two choices of characteristics Only one choice will apply to the unknown organism This will lead to another pair of characteristics.. And so on…

20 Largest of Smallest –Kingdom –Phylum –Class –Order –Gamily –Genus –Species Taxonomic rankings Domain Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species

21 Section 2 Objectives – page 450 1. Put these animals into 3 groups. 2. What characteristics did you use for your system of classification?

22 Unit Overview – pages 366-367 Change Through Time The Six Kingdoms Organizing Life’s Diversity

23 Section 17.2 Summary – pages 450-459 The six kingdoms of organisms are : 1. archaebacteria 2. eubacteria 3. protists 4. fungi 5. plants 6. animals The Six Kingdoms of Organisms

24 Section 17.2 Summary – pages 450-459 Prokaryotes - organisms with cells that lack distinct nuclei bounded by a membrane, are microscopic andunicellular. There are two kingdoms of prokaryotic organisms: Archaebacteria and Eubacteria. Bacteria: Archaebacteria and Eubacteria

25 Section 17.2 Summary – pages 450-459 Archaebacteria live in extreme environments such as swamps, deep-ocean hydrothermal vents, and seawater evaporating ponds. Most of these environments are oxygen-free. Bacteria: Archaebacteria and Eubacteria

26 Section 17.2 Summary – pages 450-459 Prokaryotes All of the other prokaryotes, about 5000 species of bacteria, are classified in Kingdom Eubacteria. Eubacteria have very strong cell walls and a less complex genetic makeup than found in archaebacteria or eukaryotes. some cause diseases, most are harmless and many are actually helpful.

27 Section 17.2 Summary – pages 450-459 Kingdom Protists: A diverse group A protist is a eukaryote that lacks complex organ systems and lives in moist environments. Unicellular and multicellular Cilia Oral groove Gullet Micronucleus and macronucleus Contractile vacuole A Paramecium

28 Section 17.2 Summary – pages 450-459 Kingdom Fungi: Earth’s decomposers heterotrophs that do not move from place to place. A fungus - is either a unicellular or multicellular eukaryote that absorbs nutrients from organic materials in the environment.

29 Section 17.2 Summary – pages 450-459 Kingdom Plantae: Multicellular oxygen producers Kingdom Plantae: Multicellular oxygen producers eukaryotic, multicellular, photosynthetic autotrophs. None moves from place to place.

30 Section 17.2 Summary – pages 450-459 Plants: Multicellular oxygen producers A plant’s cells usually contain chloroplasts and have cell walls composed of cellulose. Plant cells are organized into tissue that, in turn, are organized into organs and organ systems.

31 Section 17.2 Summary – pages 450-459 Kingdom Animalia: Multicellular consumers Kingdom Animalia: Multicellular consumers Animals are multicellular heterotrophs. Nearly all are able to move from place to place. Animal cells do not have cell walls.

32 Section 17.2 Summary – pages 450-459 Animals: Multicellular consumers Their cells are organized into tissues that, in turn, are organized into organs and complex organ systems. Cells Tissue Organs Organ Systems Organisms

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