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Geography 2 nd Largest country –1 st is Russia U.S./Canadian border is longest undefended border in the world –5,522 mi long.

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2 Geography 2 nd Largest country –1 st is Russia U.S./Canadian border is longest undefended border in the world –5,522 mi long

3 Carved land thousands of yrs ago –Created a large, low basin –More lakes and waterways than any other country in the world Glaciers

4 Tundra Arctic Islands = Northern Canada Tundra: Vast rolling, treeless plains. Only the top few inches of soil thaw in the summer.

5 The Canadian Shield Horse-shoe shaped region Wrapped around the Hudson Bay Wilderness Thousands of lakes

6 Cordillera Group of mountain ranges, running side by side

7 Shared Landforms Niagara Falls Great Lakes Rocky Mountains Great Plains –Prairie: Rolling grassland w/ fertile soil Appalachian Mountains

8 Natural Resources Fertile farmland Large reserves of oil and natural gas –Carried by huge pipelines –5 th largest energy producer in the world Forests = leading producer of newsprint NAFTA –North America Free Trade Agreement –Set up by Bill Clinton –Removed trade barriers among U.S., Canada, and Mexico

9 History Inuits – Arrived 1000s of yrs before European settlers arrived Vikings – 1 st European explorers –Arrived 1000 AD 1500-1600s – Britain and France claimed areas 1763 – Britain gained control from France –Most Native American cultures destroyed by warfare/disease

10 History, cont. Allies of U.S. in both World Wars Gained full independence from Britain 1982 –Peacefully


12 Government Parliamentary DemocracyParliamentary Democracy: voters elect representatives to parliament. –Representatives elect Prime Minister British Monarch - ceremonial position with no real power. –Appear on Canadian currency. Provide health care for citizens Regulate power companies, broadcasting, and transportation –Made these available in remote areas Limits fishing Prime Minister: Stephen Harper Stephen Harper

13 Provinces 10 provinces –Regional/political divisions New Foundland Labrador Nova Scotia New Brunswick Prince Edward Island Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskatchewan Alberta

14 Territories 3 territories –Yukon Territory –North West Territory –Nunavut Territory: Homeland of the Inuit

15 Nunavut 1999 Created for the Inuit Nunavut: “Our Land” –3X size of Texas Inuit control gov’t and mineral rights Autonomy Government: Right to govern themselves –Issues involving other nations lies with national gov’t. Not many jobs – many depend on wellfare

16 Cities Ottawa: National Capital

17 Toronto – Largest City

18 Culture 32 mill. Population Diverse cultures Bilingual – 2 official languages –English –French –**All official public documents, street signs, etc. show both languages –**School children required to learn both languages

19 Religious Diversity Roman Catholicism Judaism Buddhism Hinduism Islam

20 Food, Sports, and Recreation Food –Variety due to ethnic diversity Ukraine, Greece, Italy, Caribbean, Asia Sports –Ice Hockey –Baseball –Skiing –Skating –Curling –Snowboarding –Sailing –Pro Football

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