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The frontal bone consisting of: The vertical plate The two orbital plates.

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4 The frontal bone consisting of: The vertical plate The two orbital plates

5 vertical plate metopic suture the superior orbital margins root of the nose

6 it is articulate with: zygoma at zygomaticofrontal suture maxilla at frontomaxillary suture nasal bone anteriorly posteriorly articulate with both parietal bone at coronoid suture laterally with the greater wing of sphenoid bone.

7 The anterior border of the anterior cranial fossa is the inner surface of the frontal bone.

8 The forehead bone process: zygomatic of the frontal bone. maxillary process of the frontal bone.

9 The supraorbital notch can be recognized medially.

10 The frontal air sinuses

11 The orbital plate project posteriorly to form the greater part of each orbital roof

12 They are separated by the cribriform plates of the ethmoid bone

13 the floor of the anterior cranial fossa

14 lateral side of the roof of the nasal cavity


16 the greater and widest part of the dome of the skull which form the anterior part of the side of the skull

17 The roof and sides of the cranial fossa

18 It articulate: anteriorly with the frontal bone in the transverse coronal suture posteriorly with the occipital bone at lambdoid suture, the both bone joint together at sagittal suture.

19 The bregma is the intersection of the sagittal and coronal suture

20 the lambda is the intersection of the sagittal and lambdoid suture

21 Pterion

22 The frontal bone, parietal bone, and occipital bone formed the vault of the skull.

23 The internal surface of the parietal bone, in the midline is a shallow sagittal groove that lodges the superior sagittal sinus

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